What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

Fuck this is really hot desu.

It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

Really made me think

any other thoughts?

Does anyone have the picture of the fat cuck wearing an antifa shirt with a metal cage thing on his dick?

>It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

It means the gross, hairy, crossdressers are leftist scum. Proper femboys and traps take estrogen and are right wing.

>champions of the revolution


>It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

shut the fuck up you disgusting trash

it means your pic is a woman idiot


I've spent too much time on this website, this is almost hot for me.


>narrow hips
thats a grill on the right

they mean they are antiquated xenophobes who dont understand that gender =/= sex and assume that any one with a benis would be required to wear their approved attire for a person who identifies as a male

fuckin buttplug brigade

Pic related is the proper attire of antifa

Found the antifa

Ha well played.

>>narrow hips
men have narrow hips




honestly if antifa is dangerous enough for people to spam shitty photoshops here that just makes them more interesting to me

they fucking fought the nazis in the 30's can you imagine the courage that took?


Are you guys SURE that's lacy underwear, and not just like a hawaiin shirt or something?

It looks like his undershirt to me.

>they fucking fought the nazis in the 30's can you imagine the courage that took?

how did that turn out for them?

The meme became reality in record time

How do you think it turned out?

they failed and Hitler rose to power
are you really trying to imply it was antifa that bombed Dresden?

Its aerodynamic

it is a woman

Preferring death by Communism and attempting to install it by force is courageous?
The fuck are you smoking nigger?
Where were these faggots when Stalin topped Hitler's hi score by about 100 million?

present the evidence

wtf i want to be antifa now


It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway

they are nice panties though

>not degenerate and demonic
it's who they are and why they will be executed.

>It means that antifa and other groups like it are nothing more than degeneracy traps and they probably are about 50% government spys anyway