Don't people from china do that anyways?

Don't people from china do that anyways?

Other urls found in this thread:

Fish don't have feelings.

Fish are literally floating vegetables

Never understood hunting unless of course you're keeping it to eat it

Have they seen the size of a fish brain? Presumably know because they don't fish but for fuck sakes it's barely larger than a nigger's brain.

Op is baiting but it's a little scary that this is how liberals actually think.

Show me one fish intellectual.

never understood faggotry personally yet here you are.

Shut up stupid, white pig.

I legit loled.

I can't believe anyone would take this meme seriously though.

Oh I get it, all species are exactly the same in every way and a prioi deserve the same moral consideration...for some reason

Who cares about wild animals
If it's a pet fish that's sad but a wild fish? Who cares

Hunting is often used as population control. Before, predators such as wolves ate deer. We killed those predators since they were threats to us. The deer population exploded. The deer starved themselves, as resources started to spread thinner, and put themselves and people in danger more often as they went into the road. Ergo, humans use deer hunting (and boar hunting) season to limit their numbers.


No you stupid faggot hunting is done because it's fun

>ohh fuuck i'm retarded huuuuu

You don't hunt to "control the population" did anyone ever say "boy we sure do have a lot of polar bears around here I think I'll shoot one" no they say "hey let's go shoot a bear we can make a rug"

>my dog
He's killing his pet
>I went fishing
He killed a random fish

It's like the difference between shooting your friend and a nigger

Fish literally don't feel pain(in the same way we do).

Actually people do that all the time. It's called a cull. The Alberta government had been paying people to kill wild boars for a number of years. They'd give you $50.00 for every boar ear you turned in.

Yeah but your average Jim bob won't care about that shit, I would just grab my rifle and shoot whatever I see if the government pays me for it cool but if they don't I'm not gonna not shoot animals

fish are stupid animals, dogs are smarter than some niggers.

>killing your pet dog is the same thing as killing a wild animal

fish do not feel pain

Have none of you actually gone fishing, you dont pull the hook through it's fucking guts. When it snaps on the bait it impales it's mouth on the hook.

>He doesn't use specially developed hooks that cause as much pointless pain, trauma, and destruction as possible


>liberal complains about hunting/fishing animu abuse.
>eats beef.

>1 post by this ID
Jesus fucking christ

t. wang chong

Real question: Why can't I bait other people's dogs with hooks and then eat them?

you aren't chinese

Loled way to hard

I destroy fish for a living lmfao

Down with Chinese dog-eating privilege.

Dogs are useful for hunting. Eating them is like hammering a screw.

Dogs have other practical (and emotional) uses, fish don't.

Have you ever had a goldfish when you were younger? They're not much smarter than insects.

Should we all be Jains and sweep the ground before us so we don't accidentally step on an ant?

Says who? you so you don't have to feel bad about fishing? haha

To all retards saying fish aren't conscious enough to feel pain, think about this:

You exist largely on a 2D world. There is an "up" but you generally never have worry about whats there. Same with "down", as long as there is "down", nothing else about it matters much.

Also everything is pre-partioned for you so have a sense on how to move around it, rooms, buildings, cities, even countries.

For fish "up" and "down" directions are as important as whatever other direction. Anything can be coming at you from literally anywhere.

Nothing is partitioned so you use a combination of light and temperature gradients and the movement of other fish to build a dynamic mental navigational map.

If you think that an animal that can live that like doesnt have the CPU power for feeling pain then you dont have the mental power to understand how conciousness works

thanks for reminding me that snook season starts September 1st. I'll grill one just for you OP.

would it kill you to not be such a faggot?

who gives a fuck? I kill millions of bacteria every time I brush my teeth, should I cry over them?

Living things die, that's nature.

im just saying that there is a reason all mammals that are highly adapted to live in water are all highly social and smart

its a challenging environment to live in if you are not algae or jelly fish


They are someone else's property. Feel free with stray dogs, I guess.

Not all animals are equal.

Out of sight out of mind