Who's More Violent Antifa or the Alt Right ?
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Define alt-right?
when has the alt-right ever been violent? it's like never happened except for that one guy in charlottesville but he had antifa banging on his car with baseball bats and shit, so he prob just tweaked out and panicked.
alt-right has literally never been violent. like literally not once. it's pretty amazing in fact for a political movement.
One is a terrorist group, the other are civic nationalists. We are neither.
The antifa by far, simply because they've been active for much longer, while they alt-right is a new thing
Antifa is more violent. Far more property destruction, violence, arrests...
I dont feel like watching it right now. What did info wars conclude?
( Two men who knew Bissonnette told le Journal de Québec that he was a Trump supporter. One, Éric Debroise, said he informed police Bissonnette is an "ultra nationalist white supremacist")
this is just with 30 seconds of using google
trump supporters are killing people left and right in the USA but there is a media blackout
ignorance and violence would be alt left. actually able to crush skulls and change lives but choosing to obstain, alt right.
"From November 9 to December 12, 2016. Trump supporters who mentioned Trump by name during their attacks committed 418 reported hate crimes, in that same time period only 24 hate crimes were perpetrated against Trump supporters."
We have a good reason to be violent
Beating, torturing, burning nazi scum alive is ALWAYS justified
Thats because Trump supporters arent a group, just like Hillary supporters arent. Do you know where you are? Almost all murder is caused by niggers.
Thats Hillary supporters, and with your logic, Hillary should be given capital punishment, and you too.
>what is the weather underground
Antifa - thousands of bombings
aut kike - zero
ANTIFA by a mile. They are just a vehicle to carry out Soro's wish of destroying America. His influence in politics and media and the world is far greater than a fringe extremist group of the alt-right who are largely peaceful.
Anitfa is a legitimate terrorist organization, not even close.
but those are "hate crimes".
If you see videos of confrontation at Trumo Rallies you'll find far more than 24 ocurrences.And this only counts violence against Trump supporters
Only the Chicago Rally that was canceled + San Jose rally gives us far more than 24 incidents of violence.
As far as I know, both sides are violent, but the alt-right have never attacked or protested cops.
>links irrelevant drivel article from kike media as if it means anything
Yes, the media hates whites, we know.
Oh yeah communism has *never* caused the death of millions. Make sure you go after those evil *suspected* national socialists though! You make me sick.
lol you hate niggers but you are a dumb nigger
yes niggers are responsible for around %50 of the murders in the USA, that comes out to around 8,000 dead niggers a year and GUESS WHAT LIL NIGGER? 86% of those dead niggers were killed by other niggers and they sure as fuck weren't targeting other niggers to yelling HILLARY2020 like your #MAGA murderers are
the fact you bring up niggers in defense of your nigger-like belief system makes sense i guess considering the similarities between the MAGA/nigger crowds
keep at it aut-right faggots, keep killing hard-working americans while screaming MAGA and cheering on your anti-american fascist traitors
we are getting tired of it, you wont have power much longer
First there is radical leftism, muh patriarchy, muh white privilege, muh the only thing white women are good for is having black babies. Then comes Nazis. Nazis kill you, because you want to murder whites. You have it all backwards, but that was intentional. First comes communist genocide, then comes mass popular opposition to communist genocide. Thats us. Youre the communists. America kills communists.
Wasted get. This is fucking Reddit trash. Nigger attacks white woman and yells "I hate white people!" cops dont charge him for hate crimes. Slate takes some subjective garbage statistic like that, and parades it around like it means anything. Trump supports arent aut-kike either, another bullshit marxist idea forced into the conversation without any resistance. Youre just cancer. Pic related applies to you, you have no argument, and youre not here for a discussion. Youre probably not even old enough.
See these folks have been conditions to justify violence. This is why ANTIFA is dangerous, these people commit actual crimes against people who have a right to freedom of speech. The term Nazi is now anyone who supports Trump, or has a certain haircut or a white person who celebrates their culture. This is a modern day witch hunt on a larger scale.
Also, Antifa kicks pregnant white women in the stomach because having white kids is racist, and the media just never reports on it. The media is owned by Jews, who we all know and can prove are pushing white genocide, and want whites to disappear. First comes nutball terrorist antifa kicking women in the stomach, then comes gas chambers.
>First comes communist genocide
Fuck yeah
Can't wait until we will GENOCIDE all nazis
>"Who's more violent AntiFa or the Alt Right?"
Even if the Alt Right ran over every AntiFa nutter with a glorious dodge challenger, they still would not have harmed a single person.
Fire with fire I say. Chomsky told these retards not to instigate conflict with the more brutal side, and they kicked the bees nest anyways. No one will be confused who started the violence, the left has been blowing people and buildings up for like 50 years now, longer.