Why are female comedians so utterly unfunny?
Every time I ask this question I get some half-assed explanation citing evolutionary psychology but I always remain unconvinced.
There's an example: youtube.com
Why are female comedians so utterly unfunny?
Every time I ask this question I get some half-assed explanation citing evolutionary psychology but I always remain unconvinced.
There's an example: youtube.com
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They think they can get by with their looks like they always do, but comedy is something you have to earn, your looks don't matter.
sorry but it does come down to evo-psych. men are born boys who must compete and win to become men and procreate. women are born girls and just become women when they simply spread their legs. They are not the hunters, they are the prey. They don't need to TRY.
Men need to TRY.
Men need to perform, or lose.
pic not related
>baito desu
shit nigger tier b8 m8
also SAGE
It's because they're women
its because the only thing they can offer is vagina
so they make jokes about vagina
and they talk about what makes their vagina tingle
they talk about who can have access to vagina
they talk about vagina health
they talk about other vaginas
women are boring
Women don't do irony very well.
For proofs
>see every "provocative" feminist ever.
"Kill all men". Is supposed to come across as tongue-in-cheek; only it ends up being the reverse, and everyone is creeped out and/or confused by it.
That said, I've found SOME women to be funny. I've always liked Kath n Kim for example.
I thought she was pretty funny...
Kind of a red pill. I'm sure some women were nervously laughing.
Would fuggg
Like all those fat ones that let some random nigger cum inside their gunt and then complain because they can't get a job afterwards.
That shit is gold cunt! Fucking champagne comedy!
It's 2006!
I remember seeing a screenshot from some forum when 9/11 happened the guy said "let's not assume it was Muslims right away we don't know who did it" and he said something like "it's 2001"
>comedy is something you have to earn
Wtf? You dont earn being funny. You can work towards getting famous, stage presence, and even delivery. But, being funny isnt something you acquire.
I lasted 40 seconds
because women aren't funny
work toward, earn, I see them as synonyms, let's not get into semantics though.
Nina conti is pretty funny, only woman i've heard of that was funny.
Garfunkel and oates too, sometimes.
Women are funny, get over it
Because they lack wit. There's literally never been a funny woman. Ever. Shock jock humor doesn't count. "Hurr, look at me. I have a pretty face and just said a naughty joke!"
they dnt need to be funny, just cute. there is no pressure
Women arent funny because humor requires originality and imagination. Every female "comedian" just steals other mens jokes and spits them back out in a way less funny way.
women aren't funny, ergo women comedians aren't funny
It's hard to make jokes and be funny when all your life experiences revolve around social media and being a whore with the obligatory vagina references.
>muh slept with hundress of guys
>muh arguing with strangers on twatter
>muh menstrual cramps and bleeding