Where are the white people helping that old lady get to safety?

where are the white people helping that old lady get to safety?

helping this dumb nigger get to safety

They are under the feet of the brown people holding them up as usual


they couldn't get those well-paying "public service" jobs because of Affirmative Action hiring preferences


i cant swum massa, sabe meee

Helping the gook with a baby.


The news has been showing that picture of people in the old folks home all day with the two gay dudes blowing each other cropped out.

High ground.



>tfw you won't save your Asian waifu with her child
Why live


I can see those asian race play tumblrs using it now

>with the two gay dudes blowing each other cropped out
holy shit really?

paying their salaries

Her skin is too black to be a gook.
I am sure she comes from south/south east Asia

>dat Chad saving her
I'm sure her feet weren't the only thing that got wet that day

WOW look at that slave driving old cracker forcing those People Of Color to help her lazy ass impeach trump now.

spics took our jobs

They were busy helping the niggers


>when jamal dont wanna get he shoes wet

>literal ankle deep water
For fuck sake

But I've seen Texans on here say that Tejanos are better than normal spics, is that true?

>white people
>in houston
nice meme

That is the best thing people could do. Help out black folks and such from the flood while sporting the flag. The news wouldn't know what the fuck to do.

It's texas, those people are consider white in texas.

thats her husband holding her orange purse

Houston is primarily black and hispanic, in case youve never been there. This obviously translates into local law enforcement.

That is a full-grown nigger. If he can't swim by his age (which I know he can't) he needs to drown.

We are white they give the jobs to the non whites in this country.


You dumbasses don't see his wheelchair being put on the boat?

Making fun of a cripple is the lowest of lows.

>the chad rescuer vs the virgin volunteer

Omg that picture is comic gold.but we don't know he could be wheelchair bound.if not then it's funny

Bingo! You can see hes wheel chair in the boat.
So ofc he need help!

1. The wheelchair is right there.
2. Look at his fucking ankles, his legs are nothing.