>psychologists say niggers have lower IQ on average >Sup Forums treats it as scientific fact >psychologists say gender dysphoria is a legitimate condition and is best treated with hormones and reassignment surgery >FUCK (((PSYCHOLOGY))) TRANNY DEGENERATES MUST DIE REEEEEEEEE
Scientists/Social """scientists""" Know the difference.
Robert Wright
>psychology >iq >psychology >gender dysphoria um sweetie at least learn your words
Thomas Baker
Race IQ statistics were excluded from mainstream science due to political pressure.
Tranny science was included into science dur to political pressure. Did you know that homosexuality was removed as a mental disorder after a fag riot outside the offices of the DSM publishers? Some "science"?
Jackson Robinson
One of those claims implies widespread alteration of the human populace is "good and necessary" based on a fact, while the other is a stated fact with no social prescription. What point are you making?
Joshua Garcia
cut off your pp then tranny nigger
Anthony Stewart
dumb fucking faggot nobody takes psychologists seriously, and it's not psychologists who are saying niggers have lower iq on average because of their genetic differences. name three. you can't because you're a faggot and this is a troll thread to get your faggot jollies activated.
Caleb Bennett
Self interest and a waning sense of relevance.
Wyatt Jenkins
Well that's not true at all. It was after decades of research and debate and multiple blind studies trying to connect homosexuality to mental illness.
Huh, someone falsifying history on Sup Forums to further their agenda. Now I've seen everything
John Bell
i don't doubt dysphoria, but god damn do i hate trans trenders
Jose Martin
if that pansy twat stopped wiping his brow, he'd be able to press both buttons at the same time.
Noah Scott
Only some (((Scientists))) think that is treatment. The suicide rate is the fucking same before and after how the fuck is that considered treated.
Anyways nobody fucking cares about trannies in daily life, and I want people to stop sperging about .001% of the population on a near daily basis. They don't fucking matter AT ALL.
As for you, you little kike foreskin gobbler. Not all of us think in the exact same way we're a fucking hodgepodge of morons like yourself, libertarians, nazis, commies (also retards like you), and every other fucking ideaology under the sun. Jews suck and are ruining the world, I want them all to be forced to live in israel, and to give up their fucking stranglehold on every country with the centralized banks. Go look up the fucking Rothschilds you fucking idiot.
Henry Cooper
Stfu pansy
Henry Barnes
Because there's more to science than "this guy says so".
Benjamin Martin
Psychologists say that IQ is a social construct
Biologists and geneticist say IQ is 80% genetic.
Gavin Garcia
pol is full of autistic hypocritical retards? this is not news
Hunter Moore
One is the result of testing The other is demonstrably false and entirely political in nature
Elijah Collins
It's common knowledge you twat. Even jewpedia describes it this way.
>As described by Ronald Bayer,[1] a psychiatrist and gay rights activist, specific protests by gay rights activists against the APA began in 1970, when the organization held its convention in San Francisco. The activists disrupted the conference by interrupting speakers and shouting down and ridiculing psychiatrists who viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder. In 1971, gay rights activist Frank Kameny worked with the Gay Liberation Front collective to demonstrate against the APA's convention. At the 1971 conference, Kameny grabbed the microphone and yelled: "Psychiatry is the enemy incarnate. Psychiatry has waged a relentless war of extermination against us. You may take this as a declaration of war against you."[2] This activism occurred in the context of a broader anti-psychiatry movement that had come to the fore in the 1960s and was challenging the legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis. Anti-psychiatry activists protested at the same APA conventions, with some shared slogans and intellectual foundations.[3][4] Presented with data from researchers such as Alfred Kinsey and Evelyn Hooker, the seventh printing of the DSM-II, in 1974, no longer listed homosexuality as a category of disorder.
Does that sound like science or like political pressure?
Lucas Rivera
John Hopkins says that transgenderism is a mental illness. We agree with the psychologists you faggot
Angel Lee
>Biologists and geneticist say IQ is 80% genetic. No they dont
Jace Robinson
Wtf i love traps now
Jordan Lee
Psychologists actually do not say gender dysphoria is a legitimate condition best treated with hormones and reassignment surgery. Psychologists are being shamed and attacked if they stand up to protect kids. Ray Blanchard and Ken Zucker have been very clear that kids should be made comfortable with the gender they were born in.
Chase Hill
Hey stupid it's obviously both prob more like 40-60
Josiah Moore
You're right, they say it's 75% heritable at adulthood.
Hudson Scott
>psychologists say gender dysphoria is a legitimate concern and is best treated with hormones and reassignment surgery >trannies still have the same rates of depression, mental defect, and suicide even after reassignment Its almost as if the science shows it does nothing.
Luke Ramirez
You guys I don't see why any of this should have any impact on you. What you don't want to be attracted to a man dressed and hormones as a woman only to find he's a man and send you to question your sexuality of your fragile psychies
Anthony Perry
That's like saying the cure to depression is to kill yourself. That's retarded.
Angel Bell
>psychologists say niggers have lower IQ on average The tests say this moron, not psychologists. Even in your own example you've proven yourself a retard. It's as if you're blissfully unaware of the fact that the entire field of psychology is rife with nigger-apologism. Go find access to an academic journal if you don't believe me, there you'll find Olympic-level mental gymnastics -- every excuse under the sun to explain away the obvious genetic correlation.
Thomas Rogers
Faggotry in all its forms should be banned as it is not conducive to a functional society.
Gavin Thomas
>trannies still have the same rates of depression, mental defect, and suicide even after reassignment That's not true, the literature I'm reading is that post-SRS trannies have a lower suicide rate compared to pre-op but regardless of that they still have a higher rate than the normal pop. or to put it so you understand Being a tranny still comes with a higher suicide rate but pills and fake pussies keep them from blowing their brains out more often than not so you don't actually know what you're on about m8.
Whatever source you post will say the same thing, the thing you are parroting is what the right fails to understand about the study that was done.
Wow mentally ill people kill themselves more often than normies, fucking ree---
Xavier Brown
>As for you, you little whiteskin capital gobbler. Not all of us think in the exact same way we're a fucking hodgepodge of morons like yourself, libertarians, nazis, commies (also retards like you), and every other fucking ideaology under the sun. Whiteskins suck and are ruining the world, I want them all to be forced to live in Europe, and to give up their fucking stranglehold on every country with the decentralized economy. Go look up the fucking Smiths you fucking idiot. >being ruled by an inferior species checkmate anti-semites!
Leo Collins
>the psychology academia is just one guy and you either accept everything they say or nothing they say >if you trust psychologists like Jordan Peterson on reliable tests that can predict much of the outcome of someone's life, then you also must believe that sexual fetishists can decide their sex because some completely different school of psychology said so
Nicholas Cox
Inferior in moral ethics required to maintain a homogenous community. Without a greater and more populous common enemy (the goy) jews would slaughter one another for posts in their hierarchy
Angel Collins
I don't want the electric jew and the schools convincing my son to cut his dick off.
Gavin Jenkins
your logic is fucking atrocious. stop proving us correct about you "people".
Isaac Bennett
OP is a lying faggot.
Psychologists don't "say" blacks have lower IQ. Blacks themselves ACTUALLY TEST LOWER, always, everywhere.