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Into archive unvis.it/washingtonpost.com/national/black-clad-anarchists-storm-berkeley-rally-assaulting-5/2017/08/27/b407272a-8b88-11e7-9c53-6a169beb0953_story.html?utm_term=.4ffcac9380e6

nice la


See, Trump was wrong, the violence is only coming from one side

They can't hide the truth for long


>Berkeley police chief Andrew Greenwood defended how police handled the protest, saying they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence.

Am I reading this right?

Did they beat up some WP reporter and get a little handslap for disobeying their masters?

That's the only time you'll see the word "black" in any of their headlines used in a disparaging way.

>posts photo of anti-fa on the defense

yeah ok

What's going to happen when a couple of these antifa get shot to death by an undercover cop?

This is beautiful, pure gold. Trump just got his other side verified finally.

>they made a strategic decision to let the anarchists enter to avoid more violence.


Actually yes. WaPo was there and a camera girl got her camera smacked for filming the black block.

Antifa kids started attacking anyone with a camera, thating that the media is making it easier for their ide ties to be made public.

>we made the strategic decision to let muslim enter to avoid more radicalization

ayyy why is everyone with germanic genes so autistic

Disgusting vermin.

>assaulting 5

That's like Nazis claiming only 300,000 died, instead of 7,000,000, in the Holocaust as a way to pretend they aren't really all that bad.

sweet. It was just a matter of time.

Disgusting vermin 2

Now more ANTIFA have shown their faces.

Hours of footage, more Clanton's.

look at that """""white""""" supremacist trying to block them

What if the media kikes actually flipped loyalty overnight. They've done it before to Germany in WWI and it with devastating effect.

I guess the useful idiots aren't so useful anymore

Now is our chance to counter-meme
>tfw the Alt-left is real

Your welcome!

>That's like Nazis claiming only 300,000 died, instead of 7,000,000

Hey Bozo--it is the Red Cross that has that documentation.

It is not a White supremacist neo-nazi right wing conspiracy theory.

Literally the only reason why WaPo even cares

>only 200,000 died in The Holocaust
The Red Cross is apparently more Nazi "The Horde that Killed 8,000,000 Jews"-like than I previously thought.

Clanton was there

Remember how the media were suddenly loving Trump after he hit Syria?

Well he just announced more troops in to Afghanistan a few days ago and has almost finished firing the patriots in his administration, only to replace them with globalist traitors. So I guess Charlottesville did what it was supposed to do.

And what a fucking tragedy it is that our big media companies are now such cowardly traitors themselves that they only lay off the President when he decides to attack and bully weaker countries and fire people who actually care about the country.

Trump made them look like the idiots they are with that Syria move so they'll be more suspicious this time. And they'll never give Trump a fair shake unless he completely sells us out and we'd hate him by that point... in which case, they'll shill for him like they do that cunt Paul Ryan.

God I fucking hate the corporate media.

What the fuck is going on with this Awan case? We really need to jail senior Dems and flip the narrative again if there's any chance of getting anything major done without waiting for big wins in 2018.

Alt-left and alt-right are retarded as fuck. Neither side gives a fuck about public perception. Antifa literally had the MSM on their side. Lmao

Toppest of Keks.
There is great meme potential here.

Really though, you needn't look further than the year or so proceeding the Iraq war. Liberal media flipped a switch and turned full jingo overnight.

Just got out of work gimme a quick rundown on what happened at Berkley.


It's almost like anarchists make shit catspaws.


Just name the jew, you jews.

>if you let the anarchists enter, you win

A handful of maybe 20 libertarians/conservatives were chased out of Berkeley by a massive group of antifa. Some of them were physically attacked by antifa. The whole time "fuck you nazis" was being shouted by hundreds of people on the left.

Why isn't Trump doing anything about this? I thought he was the law and order

Violence gets views and money, the media feasts off it and wants to keep it flowing. If one side is beaten down completely, it's not good for them.

Also, Trump has been railing on Amazon and giving some mild threats on twitter. Bezos probably wants out of the crosshairs so he can just go back to expanding and raking in more revenue without worrying about the government.

>What happens when your Stasi gets Stasied
We can only hope everyone involved is a kike

Praise kek


possible to meme a conflation of the burning of draft cards with ebt cards,being symbols of govt nazi fascism or whatever? not quite there

I wonder whether the (((usual suspects))) will be able to successfully gaslight our people on these attacks, too.

> the violence wasn't on both sides!
> it was a neonazi riot!
> btw, isn't it great that brave anti-racists used violence against the evil nazis
> we fought a war against nazis! violence against them is good!

They started attacking any and all journalists, refuse to abandon Bernie "no refunds" Sanders and follow Clinton even though he told them to, and they're becoming too focused on anarchism. Antifa will be gone in a month

Too late now, you own your """patriots""" MSM faggots.


maybe a little more subtle
>Counterprotesters Scuffle in Berkeley Civic Center Park
>CBS SF Bay Area

Police protect antifa.

I respectfully disagree, user. They've been around FOREVER. As long as there are faggot kikes there will be Antifa


>fat traitorous liberal white girl says she wants to hit me
PLEASE give me an excuse bitch

Local MSM outlet just used "both sides" argument.

Mostly because WAPO and their string pullers are starting to see that Antifa are the instigators, however it is too little, too late

Like if your white blood cells made a "strategic" decision to let in HIV to avoid getting AIDS

That reporter will be fired.

I fucking knew they would eventually try to say antifa were actually just trump supporters trying to false flag

It's literally the same thing as the bikelock guy being able to nearly kill people with impunity. The Police are on the payroll of the people who fund antifa

There are pages of this shit.

Koch brothers money and police in disguise, it all makes perfect sense

no shit, Antifa are known for bashing the press first and then bashing the fash after they burned down the city

Notice that they make it sound like this is a fringe group infiltrating antifa.

Nope. They've been around since the early 20th century, and this isn't the WaPo turning against them. It's their mostly-automated CMS running a story from a rare moderate AP journalist.

These guys should listen to that call-in lady on that youtube vid, I forgot which but she was talking about how BLM and KKK were all eating together and bussing together.

Don't bother archiving it when they're on our side.

They will just fade into the shadows as their masters realize that America is no where near ripe enough for people to openly claim they are 'anarchists'. Antifa has been around forever as a goon-squad to attack potential political rivals

>muh moderate anarcho communists
>muh communism is actually a religion of peace
>muh missunderstood "smashy"

I thought that said chad for a second I've been looking at shitpost for too long.


That's the Sup Forums effect.
Well done guys.

These fucking normies didnt even know about ANTIFA until the msm reported on them.

Notice how the MSM never calls them antifa.

ahhhh hahaha what a bunch of faggots

I literally saw the idea posted on Sup Forums many times over the last few weeks.

ANTIFA = CNN Black shirts
ANTIFA = CNN Black shirts
ANTIFA = CNN Black shirts


heather hayes was one of us, we try to keep it hush hush so the msm doesn't figure it out. but yeah, she was one of our alt-right soldiers she tragiclly died, but the funds we set up in her honour are being used to fund tiki torches and polo shirts. we will always win.

MSM blackshirts
Globalist blackshirts
(Globalist means Jew, shhhh! Don't tell anyone until it's too late to stop us)
Worldwide MSM is owned by six globalist corporations
Globalists attack America

we form a hoplite wall with the police and help the state bring the criminals to heel

Wouldn't it be a shame if "antifa" started shitflinging at Wapo?

Anyone dumb enough to try to slip into Anti-Fa as some sort of double agent is gonna get their ass beat.

Normies know all about the alt right antifa, user

Sorro's true play is to get one side to chimp out and have the other, more organized side, fight back. Once he pays off someone to manufacture evidence and hand it to Mueller then step #5 below will be complete. With the more authoritarian right side having won the street battle, he will replace Trump with a Dugin cuck.

In his five-point regime-change strategy Soros,

>1) infiltrates countries with his operatives, under the cover of humanitarian aid;
>2) takes control of the air waves by creating “independent media” under his own control;
>3) destabilizes the targeted country with financial manipulations and political agitation,
>4) waits for an election, then disrupts it with charges of voter fraud, then;
>5) takes the streets with armies of activist youth whom Soros has recruited, trained and funded, all demanding that the incumbent step down.

why would anyone need to do that when they are more violent than anyone on their own? The infiltrator would be spotted on his lack of pure evil sadism

Hasn't happened to me yet.

At this point there could be more infiltrators than genuine commies.
Like that time FBI raided mostly their own in a militia

Antifa is deeply infected, no doubt at this point

That's my biggest worry. Being on the wrong side when Trump's justice dept. moves swiftly to take them all out.

it's time for drones. they are cheap enough, have excellent pic quality, mobile, untouchable.

> alt-right ANARCHISTS
I ... don't think they understand the alt-right is much better aligned with "strong state" beliefs, barring a few good goys clinging to Libertarian bullshit.

They're much, much more likely to be literal Fascists.

Then again, it's a Facebook post. They'd probably call someone "a Communist Nazi" and mean it.

probably this unfortunately

They probably realized that they were only going to hurt them in the long run. Maybe they found out antifa leadership is full of NAMBLA crusaders and want to disassociate themselves.

lol, fuckers were cheering it on a month ago.

Now its all some grand conspiracy by the NAZIS. ohhh spooky nazis.

bretty good mayne

Normies are so fucking stupid that they just group all the "bad people" with the alt-right and all the good people on the left.

>get five or six of your best mates
>hold up fake camera on a selfie stick to make it look like you are trying to get a good overhead shot, when really it's antifa bait
>pull kid sized aluminum bats from backpacks when antifa inevitably comes running
At best you get to bat some antifa faggots and at worst you manage to force the cops to actually do something. The perfect crime.

Are photo-journalists fascists now?

Ahh now that you mention it, you're right.

The WaPo/NYT/CNN bubble let its mask slip during the Syria strike. There was an extremely creepy moment with Brian Williams smiling and quoting Leonard Cohen's "First We Take Manhattan" (a song about jews taking over white countries) as tomahawks were flying towards a Syrian airbase. After that there was a period of uncharacteristic ass-kissing.

I noticed that the media cut him slack after the Afghan surge, whereas before it they were attacking him over every little thing.

I think you can safely say that they're getting orders from above. People think the neoliberal media is some sort of organic, human thing when it's a propaganda machine tied to whether Trump is playing ball with satanic yids.

helicopter crash
also, LA Times (leftist rag)
>Some in Berkeley worried that Sunday’s chaos, captured on video and quickly disseminated through social media, would provide unwanted ammunition to Trump and his supporters.
>“We can’t keep producing this audio-visual propaganda,” said Andrew Noruk, a counter-protester who denounced the fights. “It is recruiting for the right.”
we didn't start the fire, just sayin'