Question for the board?

When did Sup Forums realize its hate for black people?

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8th grade.

Now I'm going to eradicate darkies from the earth, and they can blame the "cool, funny, based, etc." black guys I was forced to attend school with. Fuck all of you.

When I first smelt one of these foul beasts at the tender age of 3.

What it's your problem? What the fuck do i have to be related with the nig nogs that bullied you at school? Divisive fuck.

When I got mugged by a pack of niggers who were then retarded enough to invite me back to smoke weed with them after threatening me for the money I had.

Tho, I only gave up $3 in singles, had a crumpled $50 in my other hand when I pulled my pants pocket inside out, they weren't clever enough to notice.

About noon last Tuesday.

when I looked up crime statistics

I've been around them my whole life and just developed hate for them.

There are no based black guys like the redditors want you to believe, all niggers are irredeemable.

at preschool. nignogs are fucking annoying


When I was unironically cucked by a black man.

I don't hate black people.

I don't hate black people. I hate people that hate white people.

Cuckold detected

Go to a community your mom once said her aunt used to take her shopping when she was little. Literally the whole place is in ruin, black guys with their pants to their ankles, buildings that used to be icecream shops, cute family businesses, shopping outlets. Beautiful southern styled buildings. Are all now crumbling, bordered up, made into meth labs etc. When it happens to your communities then you know what it's like. Of course white people do what they do best and run away and leave their culture and towns to go to shit.


Black people are irredeemable. Most of them simply do not have the intelligence to be functioning members of a high tech civilization like ours.

Ship them back to africa or carve out some territory for black america, unevolved negro creatures should have no place in a white society.


I think I need a second.

It is Black Americans that have the fame of turning neighborhoods into shit, and also famous for having a penchant for rioting.
However, the black negro also makes some great music.

I have lived in different countries and black people there were actually decent folks.

We don't hate black people, just niggers. Like everyone else.

>We don't hate black people, just niggers. Like everyone else
That's a good distinction.
How do you differentiate? what is the consensus on what makes a negro a nigger and what doesn't?

When they made up 13% percent of the total population but are responsible for 50% of crime

This is just sad.

They can be decent folks among their own people. I don't want to live with them.

Don't hate black people per say, just black people outside of Africa. Speaking as a person who grew up in a rather developed part of Africa. It's strange how great they can be without outside influence (gibs).

The first time I worked with one at the ripe age of 15. Really, I had never even met a black person before that, my town was >90% white and the vast majority of the remainder was Mexican.

He was an idiot, a complete dolt, who within his first week of work stole a bunch of product and got fired. The only reason he was even hired in the first place was because my massively obese coalburning manager wanted to fuck him.

If you allow them to develop themselves in a contained area, they can be pretty great never on par with Europe or Asia, but still great nonetheless.

I started hating blacks outside of Africa, when i left Africa and became more involved with the internet.

That's not very nice cumrade

I wouldn't say I hate them per se. The jew on the other hand is irredeemable.

Always smoking drugs and looking to rob someone
Monkeys behave like monkeys
When white people left modern rhodesia it took less than a decade before it was back in ruins...

0-14: Never interacted with black people
>black people seem cool and they all look happy on TV
14-20: Met black people and interacted occasionally
>well these guys are rough around the edges and can't function in a classroom, but they're probably the exception
20-26: interact with black people daily
>holy shit, the stereotypes are true; they're all either retarded or apologists for their retarded brethren.
26-28: move to major city for work, nogs everywhere
>This is the peak of niggerdom, but even in a completely ideal environment their entire lives, they'd still end up violent retards.

I concentrate on and hate several things, but nogs are not one of them. I just despise everything about them.

The year was 2003 the first time i interacted with a nigger and he put a knife on the neck of a 5 year old little friend of mine, i can clearly remember the day as if it was yesterday.
Also: all niggers must die.

Id like to know of a country that they are not over represented in crime statistics.

aboriginals in australia 30 times more likely

maori in NZ, 12.5% of the population, 42% of apprehension, 50% of jail population

Black people have always disgusted me, simply because they are different from myself.

In middle school when some niggers were being violent and always trying to piss you off.

The blacks can be alright if they are niggerness-free but overall detract from quality of life since they are the least civilized group on Earth. They seem to (in greater % than every other group) perpetually be stuck in the lowest caste/tier in every country, and where they are the majority the country is not a place you would want to live.

Final Answer = Race War Now

>1st grade
>sitting in class and new black kid gets seated next to me
>say hi
>he says hi back
>before i can say anything else, he spits
>i flinch away but his spit lands on the side of my head next to my ear
>teacher sends him to the office, sends me to nurse to get cleaned up
>school calls my mom to inform her
>she comes and picks me up, takes me home to shower and shampoo nigger spit out of my hair

Thanks, Jew York state, you really did me a service by breaking the kike brainwashing early. Thanks to that experience, I never fell for white guilt or other degenerate Jew ideologies and always inwardly laugh when people pretend niggers are equals to whites or anyone else for that matter.

We need to bring blackface back in

when I was out doing yard work with my father, and a nigger pulled up right next to him, put his ape fingers in in shape of a gun, and pointed it at him

we both took the redpill that day. My father was a cop at the time, so needless to say he learned all about race realism much quicker than I ever could

I live near Detroit. I was born into it.


If you get rid of fried chicken distribution, the population of blacks will decrease.
Why do you hate blacks when its a technological & industrual society that is ruining everyone's life?

What does an opp stand for

Oh my fucking god

My very first thread in Sup Forums was back in 2012 and It was about nigger fairy tales. After that thread, I understood there was a silent minority of people who know how I feel about blacks.

I was Ann Arbor with their white guilt bullshit. They put up section 8 housing and imported niggers from Detroit and put them in elementary school with us. Needless to say I learned quick when these niggers literally could not read and were always fighting teachers.

Jews are ten times the enemy muslims and blacks are.


opponent I guess.
Maybe the rival gang.

It's a typo, they just meant OP.
Who is the one sucking dick in the photo.

the accuracy of this post

When i went to high school as a white minority and saw how they truly are.
Seriously maybe 10 actually tried instead of selling drugs or sleeping in class,and this was at a pretty large high school of about 800 students.


literally among my earliest memories are two black dudes (Somali immigrants, from where I lived at the time), either teenagers or 20s, chasing me around the yard of my kindergarten, literally going on school property to do so

I'm sure they could have caught me since I was 4 or 5, they were probably just fucking with me and they always laughed after chasing me. I still had nightmares multiple times every week.

Then at age 7 I had a freakish encounter with an extremely tall (6'8 or something) long skinny Somalian guy at the mall with cracked out googly eyes, his eyes were almost literally the size of golf balls and he was staring at my every movement. I didn't know what drugs were at the time, looking back, he was probably on them. He was also wearing some dark brownish robes, looked like a creepy black wizard just staring at me with huge eyes and blank expression out of nowhere. Had nightmares about that encounter for a while as well

After that, everything just seemed off about black people and I was very suspicious of all of them. I didn't find Stormfront or the IQ/intelligence arguments until I was about 12 or 13, though. By 14 I was well-read on racial differences and other banned or taboo topics.

When I watched all this dude's videos

I can put up with blacks that are behaving well, but the thing is, they still have a direct relative that is either in jail or still on the loose causing problems. They're still impressionable.

To any poster on here who is black and is behaving, but has either a brother, cousin, father, etc. who's either a criminal or in jail, I still want you out of my country. YOU are still a problem.

Middle school. In elementary school we were all just kids goofing around, but in middle school all the black kids went from just goodfing around to acting like literal gorillas. Always fighting and stealing and disrespecting women.

I used to be a bleeding heart progressive with dreams of helping all the little nigglets in Africa, then i watched some vice documentaries and read some statistics...

Is always weird to read a Swedistani post using a another flag but his own.

I don't hate black people. It would be like hating the rain for being cold and wet. I save my hatred for their enablers.

The moment i saw one.

I dont hate black people, I hate niggers. Anyone with a brain doesnt like thugs and their shit culture.

My first interaction with niggers was 3 when the neighbor was mistreating a kitten gifted to her from my family. We took the cat back and refused to give back the cat because my brother saw Sarah (the neighbor's daughter) pulling the legs and hurling the kitten into the air for fun. When her father showed up to the door to demand the cat back, my large 6'6 father convinced him otherwise to ever threaten my family. They moves away not long afterwards.

There are some nice blacks but, in large group the APE factor goes up exponentially.

Every black I've ever dealt with in a position of power or influence is a fucking moron on the the structural mental level. I honestly believe they don't interpret information they same way others do.

When it looked up crime statistics.

Sup Forums hates everything absolutely, we're both Fascists and Communists, Homos and Homophobes.

had one black friend growing up in grade school. we parted ways when we started high school...found out later he had been beating and molesting his sisters the whole time...

It's not hate, just understanding.


When I realized that in the current year I STILL have to worry about a pack of niggers jumping me and taking my belongings.