Elle Reeve Secretly likes us Sup Forums You Can Tell

We have better meme's. Mustache Matt is hilarious btw.


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hi Sup Forums, ill just leave this here

Why does she have pizzagate as her twitter banner?

Is she a pedophile?

u f00kin j00cy


Is she /ourgirl/?

Sup Forums wants to fucc this.

mustache matt looks like a frail bottom bitch.

why is she so perfect bros ?

Mustache Matt is not the poster-boy we deserve. he is the poster-boy we need

That guy acts like a fucking child.

We are her ultimate taboo Sup Forums

She wants it

>reverse image search
>Best guess for this image: danish police syrian girl

I feel like she'd be really cute if she didn't have fetal alcohol syndrome

That's....uh.. that's weird

Mustache Matt redpilled InfoWars at Charlottesville.

He is definitely the poster-boy we need lads.


I think he's secretly a massive faggot which is why he follows the Dicky cult because Dicky says it's okay to be gaytheist.

The guy is suspicious and the only people here cheering for him are high-schoolers who saw his appearance during HWNDU.


Where did this dude come from?
Where was his first emmergence into fame?

Every 50 or 60 millionth thing in creation is perfect, and Elle happens to be the one made now, for us.

He got tons of death threats and nearly disowned by his family for being on camera.

You don't know crap new fag.

Mustache Matt is our guy.

she looks legit retarded. her face looks like it's incapable of expressing actual emotion.


MM is pretty much the boldest of all the e-celebs. He openly challenges people to debate how the Holocaust was fake (like PJW, who bitched out of course).

MM is /our guy/.

You are just a dickless, nameless faggot.

I remember when Shia was doing hwndu Matt stood next to him and he thought he was going to take a selfie but he said hitler did nothing wrong and Shia got mad at him and pushed him away


You're the fucking cancerfaggot here.

>our guy

At least do it right you fucking /high-schooler/


That's James Allsup

>I think he's secretly a massive faggot
Not much of a secret with that terminal case of gayface.

>Vice reporter is a jew
I should have known

Holy shit hahahaha youtube.com/watch?v=b1FCmvY5QYg

Is Billy Bob /ourguy/?

She looks downright retarded in some pictures. Her glasses really fuck it up kek

Allsup and MM are friends.

Allsup just started a great new podcast called Nationalist Review with Fuentes (another total badass).



When he stood in the middle of that crowd that was screaming at him, trying to shove him away from the camera and he said this shit i almost pissed myself laughing.
I don't know about his political views but the guy has brass balls.

not based, just has good bantz

She needs rectangular glasses and to change her hair style to include bangs.
Yet, she's still a qt.

Allsup has some great videos. He really hit it out of the park during the election.

MM is one of the ballsiest IRL trolls ever.

He firmly stands by that the Holocaust is a lie.


MM is my hero

LOL!!! Mustache Mat is /ourguy/

She's probably in this thread right now

Do you exclusively go for mentally retarded women or something?

She's got too many chromosomes or something...

He also did a great video on Israel's attack on the USS Liberty:


MM is the fucking man. I hope he comes back from Japan.

No, in fact if you'd described her to me I'd probably think she was hideous.
I dunno. There must be something wrong with me.

When did you hear this? Do you know what he's gonna do with his life after getting doxxed?

That bitch looks like a sloth.

She didn't even react, probably secretly agrees, but forgot she was supposed to react negatively. lmao

The Jews fear the Samurai.

Holy shit he got billy bob too? This guy is even better than the dude who used to take reaction photos of female celebrities faces when he handed them a photo-shopped nude of themselves to autograph.

Hahaha his channel is so funny. Just watched a bunch his videos. He really embodies what Sup Forums was last year and half of this year. Sadly Sup Forums has dropped in funny content recently.

For sure, stuff has gotten more irl and serious.

I knew this guy looked familiar. He is the one that said Hitler did nothing wrong to Shia kek

matt my dude n shieet.

good job, hiroshi




Hes been doxxed by antifa and the media harrasses his family, fired from his job and is basically surviving off of patreon donations.

Get in there and do your part pol

Any word on his general location? Is he still in country?

someone post Ghost World meme and prove this retard wrong



He said hes not in the country but hes keeping his location unknown so as to prevent fiurther doxxing. Basically hes stocking up on guns and home defense shielding.

Hes literally under siege.
They hate him most of all because hes fresh and preppy and good looking. Denies the holocaust and calls out intermational jewry. Essentially, they had to shut him down before he became any more popular

Bruh, why you make me cum from laughter?

he showed up during the election

he went up to Warren or Hillary or something and said hitler did nothing wrong

Thanks user. Yeah he's super funny and great at connecting. He's essentially too good with humor and media.

We should help him Sup Forums

Matt's PayPal: [email protected]

what's worse, gassing a legitimate 4/10 vice yenta or thinking unemployed degenerate 30yo nazi trolls are cool

Tell him to go to college or trade school, work a full time profession, move out of parents house, then maybe he'll get taken seriously. Arrested development nazi troll isn't a movement, kiddo


He was one of the few people who tried to actually drop redpills on the JQ and WW2.

Shills have homed in on thread lads. Too dumb not to use UN flag.

Mustache Matt is /ourguy/ confirmed. Go back to leaving pro CNN comments on YouTube fag

Terribly bad shitposter

Knowing the absolute state of the left, my guess is the latter

He used the (((UN))) flag... what a retard.

being 30yo and begging the internet to send you money so you can be an unemployed layabout couch surfing on their dime is a movement?

i don't mind the naming the jew, clowning thernovich, and telling alex jones to go further -- but your movement goes nowhere with unemployed toolbag grifters leading it

Fuck, why is Sid stalking us. This is creepy lads. Someone hold me, I don't feel safe.

He's funny

>being a faggot
>being you
>searching for yous

This is that hwndu faggot, he's okay just tries too hard

Just watched her following Christopher Cantwell on Youtube and she was super happy then too...

Must be the ultimate lefty taboo and she wants more.

she is a qt, the glasses throw her face off.


I know you're here Elle, I love you. Pray that i don't die in the Houston deluge

Love always, user


how hasn't pic related not been posted yet.

Mustache Matt is /ourhero/


You have to admit, when she does these interviews, she fixes herself up like a woman out of Triumph of the Will. I expect she will be redpilled before long though since Vice is gutter trash it doesn't matter. At least some Nazi LARPers will get laid

thanks man


>panties soaked

I've always thought this.
Wouldn't muh slavery be a lot better than living in a literal shithole having to hunt to feed your family while being under constant attack from wild animals / other tribes?

hahahhaha. This made me actually laugh out loud.

everyone in this thread is a fucking loser

everyone shilling these fucking wannabee media people are fucking losers

Cant view in france

Which is why he is perfect to counter the hammerskin nazi caricature.

He is that dopey guy you knew in high school never meanin no harm.

He is Baked Alaskas second. In the event that Baked Alaska can't perform Mustache Matt takes up the gauntlet.

I've heard black people say this before.

I get sad every time i see this picture now. Guy's in jail.

>being this fucking new



She is actually pretty but wears those retarded glasses to make some kind of lesbian/not-for-male-consumption/i-am-not-your-meat-girl statement.