Can I ask why nobody is protesting against the C.I.A. Don't you guys think it's funny after everything wikileaks has released about the C.I.A Protests across the nation start breaking out. Jesus Christ you guys are actually fucking normies. I thought when #Vault7 would be released you guys would break away from the system and MSM and quit listening to the hype of the protest that surround your daily lives.
The C.I.A. needs to have funding cut completely. The hacking tools they released are just not to watch somebody jerk off, but to fucking have political smut on future presidential candidates. They are the ones that are in total POWER, and CONTROL of our elections. NOT THE PEOPLE!
how about Julian drops the password on the fucking april media ops file.
Grayson Campbell
>protesting You realize protest groups are funded by the elite, right? Why would you protest your employer?
Jonathan Ramirez
The CIA is funding the American Spring like they did in the middle east. In Ukraine the CIA funded neo nazis, but in America they fund ANTIFA
Logan Nguyen
somebody has to do what they do
Cooper Bennett
CIA are against DRUMPF they gud bois
Jaxson Richardson
the CIA is all drug users, nazis, mystics, and adventurers, supported by a bunch of techies and clerks whose job is to make sure the CIA has lots of fun.
I truly love the CIA, and if you don't love the CIA, then you don't appreciate them road-killing liberal faggots with a dodge challenger. and if you don't appreciate faggots getting ran over, you're no friend of mine.
there'll be lots of speculation and reasoning about why they do stuff like that, but really, that's all just explanations and excuses. they really just do it for amusement.
Sieg Heil, CIA! Nazis will save america!
Ryan Peterson
Because they literally murder people in the streets when they talk too loudly
If you hadn't noticed, we have a hoarde of liberal s in this country that likrs to swallow CIA sperm like its a crack rock / Zoloft cocktail
Andrew Lopez
dude, dulles ran the cia like a private intel operation and killed kennedy. dulles has friends in the establishment who want the cia as a private intel agency. the cia and nsa call people who give them orders "clients" and "customers" for a reason.
John Foster
The CIA did nothing wrong.
Kevin Davis
End the war on drugs. If we're going to say "is just human nature we might as well make money on it," let's make it a proper entrepreneurial contest to test and refine the nation's spirit.
Luis Harris
OP you gonna die. Sad :(
Camden Green
>implying that they haven't had a circle of power for the last 50 years >also implying that the c.i.a f.b.i and s.s were so powerful they put inter agency communication limitations and forbid the sharing of information >we are talking about the most heavily guarded secrets of America and your concerned it's to rig the election? What a kek.
Adam Harris
>I really need to save more bait memes. I hate posting without a relevant image.
Anyway, TL:DR: The CIA haven't been relevant since Operation SunDevil. Hacker stuff, happened in the 80s. Anyway they've been on the backburner for years. Field agents barely pass SWAT training anymore, employee numbers are down, etc. They keep them around like a cheap boogeyman. They're good people, but they might be out of business soon.
Liam Walker
Look All I am saying is sooner or later people of our nation are going to start waking up. Realizing that they need to abolish the C.I.A. We as Americans need to start deciding our future for ourselves and not the Global Fucking Elite.
Jordan Evans
>downplays c.i.a >normie facts >doesn't know the c.i.a was one of the main operators of the u.2 spy plane and some Sirius sattilites >now we have the trb3
Wyatt Robinson
>somebody has to do what they do
use another countries' intelligence service to do your dirty business mr.rothschild
Joseph Davis
Uh no dude. Should we leave it up to society to handle alien contact? >we usurp gov. >we find records files >aliens are like wtf u.s.a our broo >ayyyoos be like" can we talk? >everyone becomes part of heavens gate.
Levi Sanchez
Point is, we need the c.i.a like diabetics need insulin. Need every necessary evil we got. The world hates america.
Xavier Gonzalez
>the CIA is all drug users, nazis, mystics, and adventurers, supported by a bunch of techies and clerks whose job is to make sure the CIA has lots of fun.
i'm seriously doubting the cia is a year round summer camp
Robert Garcia
yeah, they have air conditioning
Josiah Diaz
Oh shut the fuck up you commie fucker. You would rather let the corrupt government take and control your life. That is a fucking shame. Obviously, yes we should let society handle alien contact. Kek Fucking wills it.
Justin Carter
Anarcho communist
Chase Cooper
The government is nessecery until we no longer need it. Society isn't ready.
Benjamin Young
You imply that ANY of that matters. I know a Cold War tactic when I see one; so should you.
Julian Martinez
I think you just described FSB
Connor Campbell
Dude. We can't contract muh army's burger boy. The c.i.a collects certain people like baseball cards. The army takes everyone I mean come on it's uncle sam. Inb4 I wouldn't put g.i joe in a trb3
Mason Collins
Fuck off, spook.
Ethan Evans
The NSA and/or FBI are almost assuredly the ones recording you jerk off and spying on the alt-right here. I'm not sure how useful the political blackmail really is though because real-time facial reenactment tech exists now anyway. They can just slap your face on a porn star getting his butt fucked, and it'd be you doing the dirty deed. Eventually video blackmail won't be effective once everyone knows it exists.
The CIA would be the one to pull off false-flags like the Car of Peace.
That sounds cool and all, but when they make me feel like an enemy in my own country as, you know, somebody who has no power and isn't in on the inside joke, then I have no reason to root for them. It's just giving them more power over me.
They make us the butt of their mean-spirited jokes and try to feminize us and try to get us to start families with other ethnicities so it will continue to lower our political capital. I'm on the outside, so why would I disempower myself by going along with this arrogant power grab?
James Bailey
i'd be curious to hear why you think the CIA would be working against your interests as a united states citizen, or why they would have some reason to not treat you, personally, well.
Joshua Miller
We already know how this ends. Work with me here. The CIA is gonna FAKE a UFO encounter, to somehow (?) get the masses to do...something. Then every one goes online, looks for videos, and one or two goofballs toss out the September 23rd stuff. People get hooked. They love it. Plushies and keychains and Virgo constellation fidget spinners go flying off the shelves. Then comes the day, and...what the fuck is the CIA planning to do? Anyway, it does'nt matter. Here's why. The moment they try to put in motion whatever they're trying to do; the real deal's gonna show up, and they might not like you using their equipment to freak out normal, hardworking average citizens.
Ryan Gutierrez
Asher Adams
Government is only necessary for helping maintain law and order and provide needs for the PEOPLE! Though when it works against its own people and bends the knee of them they will fight back. I am pretty sure that people will be fine without a government that whips them in the back. You will have people of good and evil form there new power, property, and prestige. This will reestablish a new society that will balance itself out.
Oh and sorry if my shit is TL:DR
I like political debates.
Levi Hill
Because they can literally make your life hell. >he triggered the c.i.a >gets gangstalked Listen man these people are not to be fucked with. I almost built a nuke in my backyard. They are real man.
Ian Martinez
But anyway. Julian is still releasing #Vault7 info. So I will wait and see what other information is released.
Adrian Gonzalez
Look as much as I hate the fucking government it is necessary. we were born in a population of billions and none of us have the decency to keep our shit together without laws. Yeah all the religious motherfukos are gunna kill themselfs. One of these days an army of alien bastards are cruising around and decide to stop in The world Unites and we either abolish all government or unite it as one due to >muh human race.
Carson Murphy
right now we're holding the line, waiting patiently... if Mueller doesn't go after DNC, Killary, CIA or globos then you will probably see SHTF.. CIA knows this. they know their weapons are no match to our info warfare.. we fucking memed the goddamn president into office, for God's sake. let those fags in the alphabet agencies go play war in the sand.. we'll take care of our home.
Nicholas Evans
Definitely Agree with you.
Ethan Morris
Wow so many cia shills here.
Nicholas Garcia
>Can I ask why nobody is protesting against the C.I.A. OK. I'm ex British Army.(9 years) The intelligence agencies have massive resources. In UK, MI5 is domestic, MI6 is foreign. 'MI' is military intelligence. It's different in the US; but there's overlap.
The CIA is the foreign side of US intelligence. The FBI is the national side. This is where my country differs. FBI activities are handled by our police forces. Not a seperate agency.
Communication (including my BBW porn folder), mobile phone records is handled by the NSA. GCHQ (government communication headquaters) in UK,
The CIA operates like the British MI6.
Jaxon Hernandez
What else can we do, apparently the kikes are out for blood against Nazi's. Trump is litteraly a fascist. Jew media is going crazy. Def. Combo of business and state. They want to keep the u.s under the bank With an empty fort knox
Ryder Bailey
>Can I ask why nobody is protesting against the C.I.A.
Because everyone is too busy fighting each other over non-issues like confederate monuments, tranny rights, gun control, etc.
That's their game and it's working amazingly. They pit the "right" against the "left" to keep you from uniting against (((them))) or even becoming aware that they're behind both sides.
Chase Young
Why if we support the military industrial complex makes us shills. Fish and chips just enlightened you.
Xavier Ward
Yeah....maybe when they release "Media Op's" to show the people the ties between the C eye Ayy and the media to control them via MK Ultra-esque tactics. And thanks for the fake 1984 version of Vault 7 (Disclosure on cyber weapons, that was pre-planned 2 years prior). It wasn't shit! And wasn't anything that wasn't already known or....expected. Maybe if the REAL Vault 7 had went through as Julian (RIP) was trying to would see united protests! 4-5 months with media ops they watch the media slander an entire country and...presidency...and race of people. Real wikileaks wouldn't sit on that and let people suffer. Thanks for letting us suffer while you gloat about the cyber weapons you have.
Brayden Lewis
Thanks fish and chips
Henry Garcia
I'm not going to get into a big discussion about this, but I know what their long-term plans are for the US.
In the name of national security, they are trying undermine the average white male as a voting bloc and our morale. So now I'm watched because I'm angry about it and complain about it on here.
You're lucky I'm a good sport about this stuff, even when I feel paranoid once in a blue moon. I have a great deal of self-control, just like many others the CIA antagonizes here.
If they want to waste their time following me around (or getting others to, somehow), that's fine by me. I'm sure taxpayers wouldn't be thrilled by that though.
Joshua Carter
divide and conquer
Adam Bell
Fuck off, Russia/ Chinese faggot. We're gonna eventually kill every single Russian and yellow Chinese nip off this earth. Chinese people are fucking ugly and Russians are garbage drunks. Kill yourself, faggot. Our nation and those that fuck your shitty country up won't devolve into civil conflict or turn on each other anytime soon.
Kill all communist, Chinese, Russian faggots, now. I seriously hope you and your children all die the worst fucking death.
Adrian Mitchell
The c.i.a doesn't control the media dude. No patriot likes to listen to CNN bullshit about mr. Trump >Jews run the media.
Then you're an antifa faggot communist. Can't wait to put bullets in you fuckers.
Josiah Rivera
Kevin Allen
Look it takes a serious offence to render the bullshit they have for dissenters Like I said I had drawn plans for a bomb. This was many moons ago and rabbit holes later I'm just saying these guys are powerful. Your the least of their worries. >I should have died in an accident.
Anarcho communist. Eat a dick. I'll make you pop an m2 frag in your ass and smile in your flesh fountain. I'm not antifa I hate fucking jews. I hate antifa
Christopher Parker
Trump needs to declare them a hostile intelligence agency
Samuel Adams
From what I understand, the FBI switched over to have a greater role in national security around 2013. That's when far-right trends began to seriously trouble the DoD.
Ethan Cooper
Robert Sanders
Kek >paid the jews. They were scared for an entire year he challange the system for fucks sake he had Alec Jones on his side a fucking tinfoiler
Camden Morales
fuck you we are the CIA now
Logan Campbell
Cooper Phillips
Need more it's not just cnn
Christian Ortiz
Alexander Johnson
That's the washington compost (WaPo), owned by jeff bezel, the owner of Amazon. Not CNN.
Kayden Ortiz
You have three replys dude.
Jayden Sanders
Lulz, it's good to see you can count. Make This 4. You have 20, I can add too.
Jose Flores
Clearly you can't read the thread. I'm not going to have a petty argument about state controlled censorship and manipulation. I said the Jews do it. You said the c.i.a does it. I'll bet you that the media is so fuck g stupid and full of lies it wouldn't matter if the flying spaghetti man was pulling the strings.
Lincoln King
Still don't notice my tag? Those 4 replys were mine. Hope you shoot yourself like Hitler too.
Blake Kelly
If you post a thread like this you will get actual CIA in the thread discouraging it.
The MSM is essentially an extension of the CIA in the US. Haven't you notice how they magically forget how Trump is the second coming of Hitler and start kissing his arse every time he bombs some weak sand country? The MSM is just a weapon of the deep state to make sure he plays ball by herding the pussyhat zombies towards him if he tries to do his job too well.
John Wood
>Hitler shot himself You sure about that?
Samuel Thompson
Namely because COINTELPRO is a bitch
Grayson Moore
Hmmmm.... Good point. I find it discouraging though that the elites can just simply play with the mind of a individual human-being. Literally, twisting there thoughts and ideas. Wouldn't we rather benefit as human-beings from telling the truth instead of lying.
"If wars can be started by lies, peace can be started by truth." - Julian
Lincoln Roberts
The CIA is evil but the Forgery Bribery of ISIS icy wiener's are 10,000,000 x more bad guys than the CIA.
Julian Torres
////// thread
Connor Kelly
FUCK OFF glow in the dark CIA NIGGER you are not smart!
Owen Sanchez
>the fuckers that showed off a heart attack gun like it was nothing around 60 years ago Yeah, I'll pass.
Benjamin Jones
Let's put it like this, I know more about the events that took place in ww2 than you wish you could. Know why? Because I don't browse Sup Forums hailing hitler.
Ethan Jackson
Double du bs of truth
Owen Hughes
literally on lists just from posting shit here. I would prefer to remain invisible to the public and/or not get v&
Hunter Jenkins
These two cunts are CIA shills. They're deliberately using unwieldy word-salad posts to shit up the thread so people get bored and click away.
Just ignore them. They're pedos.
Ethan Nguyen
getting potards to go outside
not gonna happen m8
Michael Gray
I'm a c.i.a shill. Kek Holy hell man you are a special one. I support America, I support our army. I support the c.i.a >doesn't like what I have to say >I'm therefore a shill
Parker Campbell
You don't fit in at all, go give your bosses an after action report. Tell them your cover was blown because you're terrible at your job.
Nathaniel Lee
Look man, it's like this. >I'm doing research on mercury almagams >discover holy grail of weapons. >bombs that require no explosives >no moving parts >electricity sets off bomb >I send research papers to the c.i.a >they try to snuff me. >they confirm suspicions I'm happy these fuckers exist because without them we would have a bad time do you get it now? I would rather they kill people with sensitive knowledge than let things slip up.
Liam Phillips
Don't think I'll be publicly protesting the most advanced assassins on earth
Jackson Allen
Cameron went power mad after the CIA started funding him.
Thomas Parker
Every nation in history has a spying and dirty tricks department. I want our guys to be the best. So no. I like their funding just fine.
Julian Bennett
Well I mean its just they mostly target people outside the us so its not really as important imo
Carson Wright
Lucas Nguyen
CIA kills people based on meta data. CIA kills individuals that CIA considers a threat to CIA without warrants, excuses or justification. CIA kills children of people CIA finds to e a treat to CIA.
Angel Robinson
Leo Russell
I was collecting data on nuclear weapons and operation. >They tried to brainwash me >agreed never to sell secrets Honestly looking back? They should have just killed me. If you were caught red handed holding large amounts of information on top of the already existing facts nukes are not hard to build? What would you do I would labotomize. >nuclear boyscout