I've browsed Sup Forums off and on since it was created in 2011, and as far as I can remember, it's always been the most heavily trolled board on here, even more than Sup Forums and /k/. Why is that? Is it something politics that is uniquely trollable?
I've browsed Sup Forums off and on since it was created in 2011, and as far as I can remember...
>opinions I disagree with are trolling
Sorry that there are some left wing voices in your right wing sjw echo chamber
you're not sorry, faggot
try not being sarcastic for once in your pathetic life
This is exactly what I'm talking about, you rightards get triggered so easily.
When Sup Forums first started, about half the threads were literal cuck porn. That's not disagreement. It's trolling. I see slide threads here every day. You can tell they're slide threads because the OP only has one post, and it's something obviously meant to be contrarian without making any serious points. Trap threads are egregiously so.
Also, I forgot to mention that a favorite tactic of trolls is to post a semi-pornographic OP image that has no relevance to the main point. It's an obvious ploy for attention.
you have to go back, faggot.
Because Sup Forums is pretty damn gullible. You can post the same recycled copypasta about not letting Trump get the nuclear codes and get ten different responses from people who genuinely believe in their hearts that they're talking to someone who voted for Hillary.
Posting big black cocks is not engaging in debate
>implying they aren't
It's not a copypasta or a joke when millions of Americans agree that their "president" is a retarded sociopath and should never be allowed weapons of mass destruction