The great YouTube purge is here


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I used to be a classical liberal when I was a teenager, I even read "my fight" back then

the last couple of years have changed me, I am what you call a "regresive"

the flat earth conspiracy shit proves that the "free market of ideas" is an ideal and I would prefer a cancer that threatens my existance to be crushed before it proliferates

never tought I would be pro 1984, maybe it all falls into an agenda, but I for one, welcome our youtube overlords


Its time to find a new home.

woah even BPS
he was pretty mild

muh offended senses

how the hell do flat earthers make you not support the free market of ideas?
it's fantastic entertainment and they have the right to be complete retards

I never denied them the right to be retards

but since they can buy into such retarded idea, only comes to show that humans can buy into any retarded idea even having tangible evidence into their own eyes

and since right now there is a nazi resurgance cabal when it should only be at best an antiislam cabal, I am without wanting it recluted into a social machine that will do whatever I can do to crush the nazis, because of self survival reasons

I got recluted without really wanting it into de 1984 inner party, and I am cool with it

Good just like wikipedia. We need to abandon these liberal cesspitts and move to conservative alternatives.

Well damn.

It was good while it lasted.