Give me one good reason why you should send your kids to public school

Give me one good reason why you should send your kids to public school

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Well Sup Forums what happened?

>Well Sup Forums what happened?
It's just trick questions for equality, this is how they push everyone's mark closer to the average. Black students get half a mark for answers white students get zero marks for.

Really makes you think


Bloods boiling a bit over here

Holy fuck, it takes 5 minutes to saw a board into one piece according to that teacher.

What the fuck?

I assume having woman teacher is the problem .

but that's not right.....


What's not right?

Why are all of you anons surprised? The architect behind Common Core is a swiveling Kike (((David Coleman)))

It's still 2 cuts, aspie. 10 mins per cut.

>just as fast
The answer is still 10 minutes because she doubled her productivity

for the earlier years it's pretty much a no brainer, it's state controlled daycare with conditioning thrown in and that's it. I know several couples that are homeschooling young children and those children are all at least a year ahead of what the "standard" is, some a lot more than that. They provide maybe 3-4 hours of focused instruction a day which is still way more than the public schools do.

The challenge lies in middle to high school education. A kid can be very bright and do very well and succeed but in order to do so with a homeschooled environment you need a pretty specific personality type.

Pardon me, sir. I am aware of the correct answer. I was merely asking the user to identify what he thought wasn't correct. BTW, I fucked your mother and ejaculated in her rectum and the frosted poop that came out afterward was smarter than your insult.


Without it the child will grow resentful of other children, become stubborn opinionated narcissists and have a severe handicap in forming meaningful relationships with those with different opinions and ideas.

Along with this they don't ever get to experience suffering like losing a friend or losing a fight, which helps shape a person's character.

Did you not have any friends before school?

Kid is smarter than the teacher.
Often the case, because the kid hasn't been mind fucked by higher education yet.
Also, there is no fucking way that teacher is a male.

Because Marty's pizza was bigger than the other kid's. how stupid are you /pol?

could be smaller but just has more mass

Marty's sixths were bigger.

Marty's slices were bigger

To unintentionally redpill the kiddos obviously

Do burgers only make friends in school or what? there's a neighborhood outside your door man send your kids to play with the neighbor's kids.

I did, sure. But all of my closest and dearest friends were met while in school (from elementary to university). Work too, but to a lesser extent.

Then again, I only have a handful of homeschool kid examples to make such an assertion. Mostly because the few I knew who were homeschooled were definitely more advanced intellectually, but when it came to them getting jobs and working, they had a severely hard time adjusting to socialization. One of the examples had maybe 2-4 friends in the span of his whole life before basically working independently.

To be perfectly honest, I'd much prefer being introduced to socialization early and become proficient at it, have plenty of sex, have modest to good career options as well as social and independent hobbies than to have very little friends, be forced by parents to be career driven and money oriented and have my social capabilities severely handicapped in favour of future fiscal prosperity. Just my two cents.

Too many Mexicans to allow American kids outside. Don't want them to get stabbed.

> internalize shame for creative thinking
> internalize obeisance to authority (even if they're wrong)
> internalize equality (no one's pizza is bigger)

They really worked on this one.
I wonder how many psychologists it took to create common core.

That argument does not apply here. Where the fuck do you think we are. We'll never get to experience losing friends cause we don't got any tried and true real ones. And we've had to reexperienced getting a stick shoved up our ass. And why? Cause we're autists. Autists who's friends are 1's and 0's on an anonymous image board. Where a friend could be made and lost in single thread. Cause it got pruned. And we are free from the pain, and suffering we endure even for a fleeting moment. All to gang on some jackass who runs his knobs to tiles.
Trust me, I've tried meaningful relationships. But they all sucked. Cause relationships to an autist will forever be unknown. But a relationship which has no meaning, has no purpose but the pure joy of it is the meaning of meaningful to an Autist.

>have plenty of sex
>having sex with women that are not your wife

Said the total uncle tom slave.

Whoa buddy speak for yourself.

Consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. Pleasure is a degenerate neurological reaction.

How are you not able to figure this out? Marty's pizza is larger. 4/6 of a 16 inch pizza is more than 5/6 of a 10 inch pizza.

That's why it's a funny image. Do you spend a lot of time pointing out the obvious?

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