what was it Sup Forums?
What was it Sup Forums?
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fuck people who enjoy this insane hobby. i would rather take a bullet to the head then go tunneling
A feminine hygiene product. I think she has leaky pipes.
it looked to long and firm to be a hygiene product
Michael Obama has a cock and Barry Obama is a cuck. Their entire life is a LIE.
Michelle Obama is a tranny!
about the right size to be a leaky pipe
a fold of cloth? retards.
her kids look like her
>a fold of cloth?
in her crotch?!
That's a dingaling!
I'll just leave this here: youtube.com
Sane idea - she's got nigger diabetes and wears an insulin pump
It's time to stop with these idiotic threads.
Michelle Obama has always been a woman.
Picture (from High School) related.
where THE FUCK is her arm??
Holy shit has Alex Jones ever been wrong about anything?
it's pointed towards the camera
damn that is the first picture i've ever seen of moochelle prior to looking like a man.
could this be a case of a double transition? is this 3D Trans dimensional checkers?
>could this be a case of a double transition? is this 3D Trans dimensional checkers?
How are you going to go anywhere with a bullet in your head?
Can't one of you amerifags look up her public events roster and bring a thermal imaging camera and just sort this out once and for all?
This is why trannies were supposed to be allowed to join the military, so freaks like mike obama could join up.