Why do I hate sluts?

Why do I hate sluts?

I'm a christian man, I work hard, I respect the law, I deeply love my family and I do everything I can to help my neighbor.
I'm willing to fight for the life of a children, mother, father, elderly or anyone in danger, even at the expense of my own life. Except if the person in danger happened to be or to look like a slut.

I simply don't consider them worthy enough to put a good man's life in danger just to safeguard theirs. Paradoxically I would be willing to risk my own life to protect elderly people, people who would naturally die in a few years, but I'm not willing to do the same for a young slut. From an organic point of view this makes no sense.

What is the reason behind this?

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because you are selfish and don't like people who would never like you


White pussy was made for the BBC!

There's billions of people in the world and you're fixating on people who have different values than you.

Seriously, go live your life and stop fixating on "sluts" and "degenerates" and you'll be amazed at how much happier you are. You'll also notice those people are far, far less common than some would like you to believe.

The irony here is that these sluts, as you call them, only exist due to your lack of leadership.

At the heart of every slut is a father, brother, boyfriend, or other male figure who did not do enough to lead her down the right path.

Being a slut, a gay, a transgender, these things are unnatural, abominations.

Someone of a different religion for example may look and appear different, but he could share viewpoints closely. A conservative Muslim and a conservative Christian may have a lot of things in common for example. They are only divided by minor differences in ideology (in the overall perspective). But a slut and a religious person are as morally different, as alien as you get. This is innately repulsing.

I simply compare what is more useful for society:
>Christian, hard working, law abiding, family man
>A slut
Risking the life a good man to attempt to save the life of a disease ridden hole, makes no sense to me.

>I'm a christian man
You will be killed on the day of the rope

>a good man's life


I actually used to have a lot of sympathy for sluts and other degenerates, because I saw them as part as a whole of the society I belonged to. But the more close I got to them and the more I observed their nature, the more repulsed I was.

They are as part of society, as parasites are part of an animal. They happen to be there, but they don't do anything for the benefit of our collective existence. They are trash, simply trash.

>I actually used to have a lot of sympathy for sluts and other degenerates, because I saw them as part as a whole of the society I belonged to. But the more close I got to them and the more I observed their nature, the more repulsed I was.

Let's take a look at the language here:

>I had a lot of sympathy
>The more close I got
>The more I observed

Passive, passive, passive.

This is a very accurate perspective.
Now that I think about it, I wouldn't hesitate to do everything I can to protect a devout muslim mother or a chaste muslim girl, due to me seeing in them reflected a glimpse of the virtues I treasure.
At the same time, if the hijab-wearing happens to be a slut (because there are plenty, plenty of them. I've convinced a few hijabi girls to send me nudes), she can choke on a BBC for all I care.

Way to totally ignore that poster's sound advice, and double down on being a spiteful idiot. The poster is trying to tell you: ignore them, focus on happiness, and live your life. Genuinely, nobody cares whatsoever. You're wasting what limited time you have.

Also, if you're "Christian," be Christ-like. Just love folks for their differences, and their quirks.

It's natural instinct. Your instincts are telling you these people are a hindrance upon the tribe down the road. Imagine your instincts also thinking long-term.

Thousands of years ago, our ancestors knew women could be troublesome.

........as if men aren't troublesome, as well?

How sincerely stupid of an argument to target an entire gender. Are you that fucking immature?

It's instinctive. You don't want to be microchimera-cucked

No white woman is too far gone...I draw the line at more than one black partner. But anyone can smarten up with age.

There are sluts who like me and also like other people. Shit, there's this hippie girl who's in a poly relationship with some guy, fucks another as a boy toy (she says that's part of being poly, but it's just slut talk 2.0) and also wants to fuck me. (I did and regret it heavily)

She's still a problem. There's also no redemption for her. The only thing she'd be good for in this world is to be some sort of public fuck toy for people who need to get laid.

Sluts are broken people. Broken people don't belong here.

The are remora, sucking off a host and eating shot. That's all.


Sluts literally make the world go round.

Ease up man, there are plenty of things and people more deserving of your hatred than easy women.

Looking at your other posts, I see you're telling people to ignore this with a live and let-live attitude. Such beliefs are what enable people to be a further hindrance. Indirect problems are still a problem, especially if they influence more people.

Also, women and men, although made for each other for reproduction aren't the same. Men are what think in long-term aspects. We forge empires, invent things, think creatively, far more than women do on average.

Did I say there aren't troublesome men? No I did not. On average, a woman has always caused strife in this world just from merely existing among others. They're a natural (nature) commodity, as crude as that sounds.

didn't read the op, just wanna say I FUCKING hate sluts too

Because they openly encourage all the ills of society and would happily destroy your family for greater social liberties and government handouts?

what? this goes without saying faggot
sluts = trash = useless = ignore & disregard

>Why do I hate sluts?
Cause they are degenerate, have no honor, pride or any virtues? They are not humans at this points, something less than a cattle, cause you can't even slaughter them for meat.

Look these girls probably have no understanding of the world. They are complete mental train-wrecks who fail to cope with the realities of life. I wouldn't blame them for turning to the most easily and readily available anti-anxiety pill they have access to: sex. As for the black men, they just love the pussy. Sure they may on the whole have an extra inch or two of cock but both of them as they age, hopefully, will recognize that senseless hedonism does not in fact bring them joy. The girls will age and sag and see that they have no useful contributing skill to offer. The blacks use sex as a defense mechanism as well, trying to gain even footing in any form that they can.

Don't worry about it too much user just let women be women and focus on your own life.

Wasn't this thing debunked ages ago?

Don't remind me. I had a bet with my wife over the Mayweather/Mcgregor fight, if Conor won I could have a 3-way with her and her friend, if she won she could fuck a nigger in our bed. I accepted because I thought there was no way that old ass nigger Mayweather could beat McGregor, but boy was I wrong. My wife came home with some gargantuan-sized nigger who fucked her for 5 hours straight before I finally put a stop to it. I went up to our room with a glock and made that coon take his massive cock out of my wife's asshole and then I escorted him out of the house at gunpoint. Then I went back to our room where I found my wife, fingering herself and moaning, "he was so fucking good!" I gave her a swift backhand and that was the end of that.

Should I get a divorce?

You'll be killed on the same day when Islam takes over the West.

You secularists only have yourself to blame. We tried to warn you but you SJW's denounced Christianity and let Islam in.


Damn Jews


did Metallica know that this would happen?

>I'm a christian man
Oh, so you're a retard who doesn't understand science or logic? Opinion disregarded.

>tfw I look exactly like the guy on the left

LOL, nice pasta user

I would fuck Taylor like an autistic fucking snow gorilla.

Burn the coal pay the toll.

Civilization can only thrive where female sexuality is suppressed. Sexual liberation is the precursor to collapse.

Men work to achieve the status required to get pussy. As long as demand exceeds supply, things get done but it only takes a few sluts throwing their pussy around to devalue the value of pussy for everyone, including good women. And when most people get their cummies, they just don't have anything left to strive for.

>Why do I hate sluts?
You are still operating on now dead principles that people should chose mates based on virtues. Those days are gone and there are no rules. You also don't have to help anyone. Let them all burn and save yourself.

Greg, you can take breaks you know.

user. How do you know that your actnof bravery wouldn't snap them out of their childish ways?

This is Los Angeles. Those are pornstars most likely.

Los Angeles is a liberal shithole.

Some places they're the majority rather than the minority.

I couldn't count the number of drug addicts, mudsharks, and literal faggots I found living in Washington DC.

If you ever live in a place filled with those kind of people to the brim, you will understand.

I agree OP,.except.with helpin the elderly.

Roasties arent human, and any white women who fucks niggers isnt human.

Niggers are human, they've proved they cant be civilized, and since they have animal tendencies (violence, and narrow minded thinking) any women who fucks them is an animal fucker.

Just shoot yourself.

Go after young girls

Better question:
Why do you spam Sup Forums all day every day with this "u mad white boi" blackpill bullshit? Like what's your daily life like that can allow for such dedication to this? How often do you go outside? How many days has it been since you've changed your underwear?

>not liking people who don't liking you is bad
So what, is the inverse true? you like people you don't like you?

BRUH you fucking dumb!!
>neo-atheistic pagans hang the highest

One of the MANY MANY MANY reasons we need fascism. Women need guidance, they were not meant to frolic around like this. Jews know exactly what they are doing.

porque sos un gato seco al que no le sale ni la Siguanaba jaja!

you have pretty much answered you're whole question, sluts and other degenerates are leeches breaking the social contract.
this poster obviously doesn't understand that society is more than the sum of its parts, everyone is morally obliged to contribute and make society greater than the sum of its parts, sluts ignore this by not siring children or engaging in disgenic practices.

become a hutterite

Always remember that women are stupid. They are essentially children no matter the chronological age.

So allowing these infants to vote will fuck us in so many ways because they don't understand the consequences of their actions.

The devil didn't go to Adam. He went to Eve. Adam was the first beta bitch that gave in rather then correcting her. So throughout history we have plenty of examples of men being destroyed because of their thirst.

So knowing that and knowing what lengths men in the past did to keep women from harming themselves we can clearly see what happens when women are left to their own devices.

So you are right to want to defend elderly people. That is something that is part of being a good person. Elderly people sometimes need help with things and protecting them and helping them is something that brings you closer to God.

Sluts on the other hand are beyond repair and should be left to suffer the consequences of their actions.

Because they are whores gone wild in a lawless and orderless society. Natural to hate them. Like it's natural to hate looters.

Not the case at all, there aren't billions of people in his nation. Whores are acidic social elements of community. It's not a matter of "love/hate" politics, it's a matter of survival of the structure of his community. Caring matters.

fucking chinks come out with the funniest shit!

Old people have experience and have usually earned respect, not to mention families that care about them.
Sluts, on the other hand, are not only moral failures but a threat to society through their behavior. Therefore, saving them is morally equivalent to attacking society, while saving old people is simply a choice based off of respect.

"haha just ignore the serious problems that your society has bro!! why even attempt to fix it when u could just be LIVING life bro XDDD!!"
cancer. kill yourself, schlomo.

Salvi bro you are too fixated on television and mtv bullshit they show, btw are you near Apopa by any chance i have family near there

what happened?

Because you are a slut who gives it away for good reason, they are sluts that give it away for any reason. Stop being such a slut and it won't bother you so much. Think about it