How can we de-radicalize far right young white men ?
How can we de-radicalize far right young white men ?
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By getting rid of the radical far left.
The only reason the young far right exists is because they don't want to be looped into the same realm as them
for starters stop calling anything right of Michael Moore a Nazi
telling people that sane conservative beliefs make them part of a less than sane group drives them to that group
Deport all jews to Israel and ban them from banking and media.
Throw out ALL shitskins and Niggers, hang Boomers, ban lefties from holding public office and ban goolag
by making far right priorities more mainstream and treating far right ideas fairly? if you don't think nationalism and traditionalism are radical, then the youth are no longer radical
stop the cultural-marxism
Active social lives.
Gym membership.
Those things killed my nationalist phase.
For me, you would have to use the Men In Black zapper device to make me forget when the media non-stop criticized Trump for every little thing he did real or imagined and only finally called the dogs off when Trump fired Tomahawk missiles at the Syrian Army.
If the US media actually held the idpol beliefs it espoused, why would a rash military attack suddenly appease them? Obviously, they don't hold the beliefs they're propagating, they're just a mouthpiece for the deep state. This happened yet again after Trump ordered an Afghanistan surge, they suddenly let up in their nazi-mania, which indicates orders from above, not an organic reaction. It shows that it's all completely staged.
As long as I know that the media is run by satanic-jew-led intelligence agencies, who blackmail pedophile politicians into keeping the borders open to wipe out white demographics, I will not be 'unradicalized'.
Kek, the same made me far more extremist
1: stop making white men feel bad about being white men
2: ...
get rid of anti white id pol.
Whats that?
Too late?
Yea shall reap what you sow.
force them to hike in assless chaps, while feeding them granola bars. They'll turn liberal eventually.
How do you stop a reaction?
You decided to throw a global clown orgy, invited the entire planet, and told white men to pay for it, but they're not invited.
Thanks, forgot: Stop ALL form of affirmative action and institutional victimization of constructed minorities (by euthanising and throwing them out.) but tqh, igs, I want war and the blood of big state liberal lefties and Boomers
By taking back our countries and civilization.
If by jews you mean all Atheists you'd have a point.
Sorry hon that we have not accommodated to your special snowflake needs. Should we call you Anglo-Saxon or British descendant?
Would that make you happy?
Your post doesn't makes sense as a logical argument, isn't funny as an attempt at trolling, and isn't subversive enough to succeed at shilling. What are you even doing nigger?
Thats your problem! Constructing minorities and make them better of through institutionalising victims for bigger states. Throw yourself out a helicopter
Serious answer? Blowjobs, neetbux, morphine, and vidya. Every. Damn. Day.
Short of that it's gas the kikes race war now and sage.
The Jews have forced upon us the point of no return. They will either win or they will lose, hard. Any true Sup Forumsack will not rest until every kike is in Israel and no foreign aid is sent their way. What the muslims decide to do with them at that point is their problem. They've made their bed.
Sorry, I just feel like identity politics has completely consumed you in a way that is not healthy. After all, most politics are separate form identity for a rational reason(expect with the SJW and nationalist types).
purge degeneracy by fire and steel
By leading through example. If you don't want them to become violent sadists devoid of empathy, then you don't assault them, cut their funds, and fire them for holding tiki torches.
He's agitating for marxism m8
How can you get fucked and get the fuck off my board you slimy little faggot?
Stop calling everyone right of Ralph Nader a fascist.
Stop trying to burn down cities.
Stop saying that white men were born evil.
So, like, treat them as human beings. I know. It's too hard for you.
yep, fags in the oven
or we can give them a fucking rainbow flag nation and see how long that lasts
You can't. Young white men love to be radicalized when they see chaos around them. We are a people that love order and safety for our families. If we don't have that, we will light the world on fire until we get that.
Nice try /leftypol/, we both know that you don't really hate SJWs, you're just disappointed that they don't blame capitalism for all their problems instead of white/straight/cis/hetero people
What for?
How did YOU radicalize them to begin with?
Politics that rise out of identity are not constructive since they are not based on reality.
no more vile jew sorcery plz
The reality is that non-Europeans are subhuman. I could refer you to a bunch of IQ shit, but honestly, this picture is sufficient.
The dude in the gif is a shitskin who got off on raping white women. Why post him?
No, if they were sub-humans or subgroup of the species we would not be able to make fertile offspring with them.
You say that but the practice is nowhere near the reality. Deep down you believe that whatever the latest form of "idpol" outrage on the Left is righteous, however they just need to tack on a critique of capitalism to their rants about how white people are responsible for everything wrong in the world.
Shit, at this point /leftypol/'s pretty much against whatever Sup Forums is considered to be for
>identity politics has completely consumed you
>says the communist
wew lad absolutely no self-awareness whatsoever
Asians dun pretty darn good for themselves. Especially chinks and japs
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for your self, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.
pretty much this. the left went too far away from any kind of cultural / historical continuity alienating young white men. also doesn't help that they are scapegoat of the failings of every minority and female
I think we need to accelerate radicalization
Ultimately socialist and communist policy is not about the working class but peoples general self-interests and more than that material conditions.
>not be able to make fertile offspring with them
>fertile offspring
Wasn't Ghomeshi falsely accused of rape by a conspiracy of leftist feminists?
Plenty of natural exceptions to that rule
Great meme, but reality is different, otherwise Sup Forums would not be so concerned about white women race-mixing with non-whites.
Why? I love being radical
You've been brainwashed by Jews who present mulattos as niggers to make you not feel completely repelled by their existence.
Is that why most people who identify as communists are beta dipshits, drug addicts, and generally failures, on an individual level, in the capitalist game? Makes sense.
Simple. Have sex with them. Have sex with other men. Anal and oral simultaneous.
Everyone post dick pics. Let's get gay.
Extremely few. Put the point on fertility, donkeys are not fertile nor are ligers.
Bring back good games that don't have shitty SJW themes. Unfuck google, facebook, reddit and most of the internet from SJW groupthink rightthink.
Oh wait, that will never happen. Hahaha you are fucked.
>lucy banged him, fuksakes!
Only because USA is Jew central. The rest of us are worried about something like Brazil where the rich whites hide away in gated communities and the poor are either degenerated into nigger culture or killed. Actually, that's pretty much the USA right now.
>tfw try desperately to not be radical
>try to research extensively about things before forming an opinion
>waste all my free time reading conflicting things until I can't make a decision
>realize most people don't even give enough of a shit to look anything up and I am just wasting my time
Fuck I want to just become radical.
By leaving us the fuck alone, we don't want anything to do with your multicultural, dysgenic, post modernist marxist utopia of the future.
I can agree that there are differences on basis of physical and mental abilities when it comes to ethnicity but they are still humans. Don`t use category like sub-species(that sub-human implies) if you don`t know its biological meaning.
So how are you not a Strasserist then?
Stop calling Nazis far right, have the rest of the right break away and isolate them.
why would you be an obscure and purged offshoot of national socialism when you can be an edgy yet socially acceptable Communist.
suppose that is our natural form. sucks for you.
Because I`m still Marxist-Leninist(aka stalinist) and Strasseists and other national socialists have bad reputation in my country(not to mention that they are pan-Scandinavian, thing that I`m not).
This. They could have stopped the rise of the far right if they stopped shaming white men nonstop and tried to destroy our countries with mass third world immigration. But they didn't listen and now they must die.
Is that queeblo?!
White nationalism. Fix the fucking race problems in white countries. There's no other way now.
That name is so fucking gay.
>national socialists have bad reputation in my country
No shit, Ngyen. Gommunism goes against your core beliefs about race, which means you are an ideological cuck and should KYS.
You better start thinking about the muslims you faggola, because their prophet says they have to kill you. And not the "extremists", all of them.
And you homos better pray that islam doesn't take hold of where you live, because they'll kill your ass if disease doesn't:
"ISTANBUL — On June 29, Turkey’s 12th Gay Pride Parade was held on Istanbul’s crowded Istiklal Avenue. Thousands marched...until the police began dispersing them with water cannons. The authorities... once again decided not to allow a demonstration by secular Turks who don’t fit into their vision of the ideal citizen.
More worrying news came a week later when posters were put up in Ankara with a chilling instruction: “If you see those carrying out the People of Lot’s dirty work, kill the doer and the done!” The “People of Lot” was a religious reference to gays, and the instruction to kill them on sight was attributed to the Prophet Muhammad. The group that put the posters up, the so-called Islamic Defense Youth, defended its message by asserting: “What? Are you offended by the words of our prophet?!”"
And here's the archive
>nytimes com/2015/07/29/opinion/mustafa-akyol-what-does-islam-say-about-being-gay.html
No it does not when it comes to realpolitik. Just compare the cultural diversity between north Korea and USA. Or France and soviet union. DDR and UK.
>Just compare the cultural diversity between north Korea and USA. Or France and soviet union. DDR and UK.
.. what about it?
Clearly the other is ethnostates and other is normal market based capitalism. End results matter, not the name of ideologial commitment.
And my self-interest is in not dying in a revolution, a gulag, or some grotty cell because of idiots like you
Destroy the universities, liquidate the media, put all intersectionalists into concentration camps, build 60' walls on both borders, deport all illegals.
Then I'll go back to being libertarian.
NK I understand, but SU and DDR? How were they ethnostates?
In cucknada not even muslims are safe from false rape accusations
East Germany took strong influences form Prussian culture and generally upheld the German identity post-war.
Soviet union on other hand, despite its attempts at forming non-nationalistic state failed due to the great patriotic war, that was followed by russification of minorities and effectively crushing of autonomy form various soviet republics leading into quasi-Russian empire.
Identity is one of the founding rationales on which people get their value systems from, and develop their morals. Identity is one of the most important parts of consciousness, and is essential for most points of abstract thinking.
Easy. Get them laid.
Having a girlfriend to regularly fuck has calmed me off the path of conquest.
You boys are fighting the good fight, but you're too far right for normies to rally behind.
de-radicalize lol
It is a one way process irreversible.
MY GF wants me to bring back normie skulls.
Maybe make it less obvious you want them all dead. Eventually we all choose the side that doesn't want us dead ya know.
>russification of minorities
That's not ethnonationalism.
Gf or boipuccy.
Don't forget academia.
No. All Jews, regardless of political and ideological leanings. Even so-called "conservative" Jews are as degenerate and as traitorous as their "liberal" counterparts.
by abandoning identity politics and the demonisation of the straight white man
Moral constructs have been separate form personal identity since the dawn of western philosophy.
You can't. It's too late. The constant identity politics and degeneracy of the cultural marxists made me enter the arms of the alt-light, and from there I was further radicalized. The only way to make me no longer a radical is to shift the Overton window to shift so far to the right on social issues and immigration that I'm no longer considered a radical. I'm not changing my views.
>tfw no ironpill gf
how'd you find her bro
But they have influenced each other since their creation, they are correlated strongly with one another. A person who encounters a set of moral constructs must establish whether they can adhere themselves to the maxims or abandon them if they pose a threat to the individual. You set the subjective value for what moral rules take precedent above others.
You can't
History has already mixed in the ingredients and you will be eating from it for the rest of your life.
Funny though how kikes after living under the west for 2000 years just can't embrace it...not even a little.
Niggers spics chinks and goatfuckers don't seem to be very well taken with it either.
Almost as if the west and its philosophy is entombed in Race Culture and Religion.
Read Spangler commie. Your view on history will be forever distorted, your politics a failure without it.
That 20% of Niggers must be the Ho-Teps. If they help us kill the rest when the war comes that can take African/Latina bitches as warbrides and go back to africa and start their own plantation estates Liberia-Style. I'll even pretend that Eqypt wuz black n sheeit. Their basically stealing that culture from Arabs so its no skin off my taint.
>only 24% of Asian girls voted for the BWC
I guess the Asian girl/white guy meme is bullshit after all.
No, philosophy is not organic neither is culture in this post-industrial world.
Educate them on their privilege and how by simply being white hurts poc.
Tell them that they have had power too long and when the poc have voting leverage over them it will be beneficial for everyone.
That should do the trick
How can we hang all fags like you in the street?
Leave them the fuck alone and stay out of video games. Let trump get them jobs. Problem solved.
If that is too hard you could gas the jews thus preventing the need for nazis