Most/Least Intellectual European Culture(s)

So what European culture does Sup Forums think is the most intellectual? Please provide justification for your claim if you care enough.

I believe that English culture is the most intellectual due to their ability to browse through other lands' advancements and implement positives into their society without losing their sense of identity.

I know a lot of people are going to hate me for this, but I think the krauts are the most intellectual of the European peoples.
I say this because German neuroticism is a very observable trait for anyone who is experienced with Germany. Neuroticism is a symptom of a society that over-intellectualizes everything, to the point that they have to find solutions to ignorable or imaginary problems.

I must agree with this. Of the literature I have read, Germans have reached the most profound thoughts in the history of mankind. And their strive to make excellent quality products is nonpareil.

>most intellectual
England, France, Germany
>least intellectual
probably some eastern euro shithole

Spaniards and Iberians in general are dumb niggers, especially Portugese, they're literal apes.

But least intellectual probably goes to Serbia

Those have been the most influential, however, Eastern European nations have also innovated in a myriad of aspects. Talent, and intelligence is very ubiquitous in ALL of Europe. Some nations, like the ones you mentioned have had geographic advantages, and larger populations to help them.

Intellectual or intelligent?

Cause the krauts might be the most intellectuals, but the Swiss are probably the most intelligent.

>nikola tesla
>gorski vijenac
>ivo andrić
>mihajlo pupin
>invented the idea of a vampire
>medievil rulers that had german servants (lol)

we're hardly enlightened gentlemen, but i don't think it's fair to call serbia the least intellectual country when albania and both parts of bosnia exist

Intellectual. Though the Swiss are almost Deutsch.

Swiss might have highest iq population aswell. Even tho 1-2 points difference is literally nothing, but its still fun fact.

The Swiss aren't German lol, Swiss history is completely separated from German.

You're right actually, agreed. DEFINITELY giving the least intellectual to Albania

Intellectualism is overrated. I am a rural redneck retard and proud

What about Belarus? I can't even think of a single important thing coming out of Belarus

They come from the Germans and they speak a language that is German enough to a point in which separating it from German would be the same as separating Bavarian from German.

IQ maps are too inaccurate. It is very simple to label each nation by poorly given and administered tests. Do you really believe Asians have the highest IQ?

North Italians

>ivo andrić
>both parents catholic croats
>nikola tesla
eternal serb am i rite?

I can't either, but Albania frequently shows up as having some of the lowest test scores and I have never even heard about an Albanian intellectual.

Moldova is probably pretty bad as well


See this is where you're wrong, id give you calling the Alsace "almost German" cause they were German once.
Switzerland was never German. Switzerland has always been its own little thing.

Also, funny how this German is not understood by germans, and it closely follows the german/swiss border, no one on either speaks the others side dialect. Yet they speak French and Italian too.

Sorry, its just teutonic arrogance mixed with a lack of proper education on the subject that makes the average kraut think Swiss people are like them.


As someone said multiple times, asia is not our concern because they see iq test as olympics and tend to skew things, you can witness their genious very rarely when meeting random asians, not to mention the fact they test differently, not sure how is that true, only certan kind of population is eligible apparently. Euros on the other hand find it an intresting study. It shows multiple things, like lack of education, low standard of living, different ethnicities living together and naturally some biological differences. This map is the most accurate one we have based on 2012 research which you can read freely only, we had multiple threads posting half of it already. Only reason why it can upset someone is if they are not satisfied with their country/country of origin's result. In my opinion only individuals matter and it should upset no one.

freely online*

The Teutons are practically extinct. Germans and Swiss are culturally different, however, they have the same base language. The Swiss are more German than the Dutch, however not as German as the Austrians.

Rich countries and countries with strong state control always do better in these tests when compared with developing countries. This has nothing to do with actual intelligence of the populace but more with the state's abilities to administer its people and stately matters such as education.

I agree with you almost entirely. Just think IQ map is exhausted when speaking on these topics. Usually it ends conversation on different levels, and people get upset when, as you said, people fall under a nation with lower tested IQs. That is why I dislike IQ arguments.

Get a load of this faggot.

Hungary probably is up there. I'd say somewhere like Albania would have the dumbest Europeans. But at the very top I think Germany.

Great argument there Billy-Joe. Relly bringing a lot to the table.

Well put.

To all, saying Albania; they practically aren't even European and are more closely related to the Turks.

The actual difference between european countries is very small, only part of europe where it really goes down is some balkan countries where as we can see have plenty of unresolved issues. It also correlates with western world map.

Op asked about different European cultures, while Albania got some influence from the ottomans, that can be said for a lot of different European countries.

There's still things that make Albanians unique, and I would say compared with Turkey, Albania is still an underachiever.

I'm kind of tired of being lumped with the western world when it serves your arguments.

And a third worlder when it doesn't.

They were originally from the Caucus region.

I agree with you, I'm just trying to spark some more conversation.

North albania is catholic and unsurprisingly tallest part of the country, more like their neighbour montenegro where people are extremely tall. Which does make me wonder if they really are like turks. Turks are shortest people living on european soil with average height of 173.6 cm, albania is 174 cm and rest of europe is 177-182 with ex-yu countries all being tallest in the world atm with average above 180cm. But i have to wonder, italy use to have albania as eastern ally while they were still majority christian. Are they just islamized italians or turks?

This is not my map, its a map of western world and countries that are sometimes considered western. I know you are speaking generally but you shouldn't care much for what others lump you as, people here like to shit talk others to feel better about them selves.

It's very likely a lot of breeding with turks occurred, this is true of Serbia I think as well. And yes I would say Italy as well.

Key identifier is probably if a group of people are missing diverse traits like normal Europeans.

It is important to consider, dinaric people, native people of north balkan region are "shitskins" in eyes of /pol /and they are lumped with turks here based on: eye color which can vary aswell as hair, they often have brown eyes and hair but are currently tallest people on the planet with average of 185+cm for males, they are L2 as haplogroup. They however do not look like turks, they look european face and body wise, but thats ignored when calling serbs turks. They did live under ottoman rule but never gave into it, they are all still christian, there is no recorded interbreeding which there always is if it occurs. So while it might have happened, it is undoubtedly just a tiny part of population based on height itself, as i mentioned, turks are shortest with 173 cm and serbs are some of the tallest with 181 cm. All neanderthal remains found in croatia which is the country with largest amount of remains right now, have been brown eyed, brown haired, some red hair aswell. Which fully connects to dinaric being L2 thus proto-europeans. Sorry for large explanation but it can give some insight.

We are both. The stupidest mouthbreathers and the brightest, most incredible minds. Hungary is insane.