Why are mixed race people more attractive than pure breeds, Sup Forums?

Why are mixed race people more attractive than pure breeds, Sup Forums?

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The more populations have mixed the uglier they've become

fake news


Of course you're attracted to your own kind, you filthy mixed race mutt.

Don't lie me, you play with my emotions.


I know right?
All the hottest women are mixed.

Like Irish and French
Or German and Hungarian
Or Slavic and Portugese

anime is the only good race



that's a meme the msm desparately tried to push in 2008/2009. you're just parroting something you heard/read.

Well would you look at that

fucking ew

Glad my nose didn't turn out to look like a nigger nose.

Cuz you are a kike
Descended from mixed race rape babies who then went on an inbreeding rampage.
Any sense of innate hygienic sexual virtue destroyed and selected out of your genes.

It is the same reason you have so many faggots trannies and pedos and why your kin produce and consume so much incest porn.

Daily reminder that racial purity doesn't exist and even the whitest people have a bit of nigger genes in them.

>Or Slavic and Portugese
Portuguese are mongoloids who need to be gassed.
Not even Frank or violet eyed Dane let alone slavic can cure that kind of ugly.

Why do you lie, Schlomo?

I'm mixed race and i look like shit

I don't know user.

There are no purebreeds, only attractive phenotypes, which can present themselves in all people.

More attractive? I highly suggest you have your vision checked, and maybe go for a CAT scan as well. You may have an occipital lobe tumor. Very sad.

>nigger and white Separated by 800,000 years.
when you get past 20K years you start looking at extinct common ancestors who were neither race but their own.

Tyler is that you?

>Why are mixed race people more attractive
They aren't.
Listen faggot, no one understands more of race mixing than brazilians.
The vast majority of race mixed people are ugly. The percentage of pretty people in Brazil is very small when you take into account the majority of the population.
Yes sometimes there are mixed person who are very pretty like pic related, which I would give a 8/10, but it is very rare to see this level of beault among average mixed populace.
On the other hand, mojority of nordic girls, for example, are as pretty as their nordic actresses.
Not coincidently, most pretty brazilian people comes from the south of Brazil, which has the smallest percentage of race mixing and is basically the Europe of Brazil.

Genetic diversity is a positive trait

Don't know dude, I don't consider blonde hair and blue eyes to be automatically pretty and without that nordic girls are just average.

I think you got tricked into associating that with beauty standars.

Because we are naturally/instinctually repelled from mixing. So on average the statistical attractivity of a partner from another race must be higher to overcome that resistance. And thus the children tend to be attractive as well.

>anime posting

also they're not

I don't think so.
While I do have a preference for my own race (latin), I don't think it is a coincidence that blond girls are adored in every fucking nation of this world.

Anyway, generically speaking, nothing change the fact that pure people seem to be more pretty. I'm talking about the fact that there are just too many ugly people among race mixed populace in comparison to people with pure race.

I've see you around here before. You use that picture far to often you Fucking civic nationalist cuck.
Please dilute your gene pool so we don't see any likeness of you in a hundred years and maybe your children will all die out from being shot by noble police officers or shanked in the niggery spic prisons.

Pale + blonde being most beautiful is a meme, imho. Personally I prefer natural brunettes and skin that is at least able to tan in the summer. I do agree though that bright eye colors are more capturing.

Youre not

Brown girls don't do bad at all, same with arab girls, polynesian girls and literally anything with a vagina.

>I've see you around here before. You use that picture far to often you Fucking civic nationalist cuck.
It's the first result when you google "cherry picking" you fucking autist

Mixed race like this?

Yeah, they're real beauty.
Look at this. How can purebreeds even compete with a majestic caramel mixture?

Tyler1's brothers look way more nog than he does, man got so lucky

Not an argument

because the people who racemix are usually the more intelligent, educated, and affluent members of their race, who have escaped from their ethnically homogeneous poor communities. If Cletus and Ledasha had a kid it'd look more ugly than either of them, the reason mulattos often look alright is because they're a blend of an attractive white and an attractive black, which still isn't as attractive as the offspring of two attractive whites.

I don't care whatever are your preferences, and I never said brown girls are bad. Brawn don't always equal to race mixed however.

>Pale + blonde being most beautiful is a meme
Bullshit. I'm not saying majority of guys will have a preference for this, what I'm saying is that majority will that it is a common standard of beaulty. For instance, it is more likely that a guy who have a preference for latinas to still think blonde girls are pretty than the opposite, which means blonde girls are considered more pretty on average.
The fact that it turned into some type of stereotype just proves that point.
A stereotype is an exageration of a truth, but is still a thruth nonetheless.

They're more attractive than their lesser race parent.
>White > White/Black > Black
>White > White/Asian > Asian
Race-mixing is uplifting of lower races while sacrificing the own.

who told you that you literal fucking subhuman


I guess you got a point there. However, I think white/Asian is a special case, because there are LEGITIMATE sexy hapas. For one, I remember there was an instagram half and half Russian/Japanese, she was absolutely stunning (it was hard to tell she was a jap outside the eyes, but the eyes made it better imo).

you part black untermenschen still look visibly vomit inducing. Fucking cancer
>Portuguese are mongoloids who need to be gassed.

>my feelings are my argument
>spouting opinion as fact

Saged and hidden


>tfw when mongrel with pleasing aesthetic face and good skull shape

I honestly feel bad for mullatos and most mestizos. Many of them are going to create disgusting offspring, who will spend the rest of their lives hating themselves.

they're not. just go take a look at brazil.

An stereotype it's not a truth, that's why the term stereotype was invented.

pic related here
Can confirm, and I also prefer women of my race, that makes me a neonazi in 2017.

We will separate outta that shithole, bro

I'd agree. Some of the most beautiful people I've seen are white/asians.
But you have to compare the norm and I'd say that the median white woman is still more attractive than the median w/a.

Niggers don't count as humans.

Timestamp, fag.
Also, how are Whiteys treated in Brasil? Is it like a RSA situation where the niggers (or in this case the mixed hordes) just steal shit for gibs and try to fikki fikki since all their women are disgusting?

Well yes, that's what I meant, but of course it depends on the Asian. Japs and South Koreans are proper genetic material, but if you start mixing with, say, chinks, Viets, or Kazakhs, you're going to have a ba-a-a-ad time.

Glorified, envied and worshipped by inferior pardos and niggers at the same time. Some Whites are retarted enough to fall for racial egalitarianism, but a solid portion of us are redpilled on race and hygiene that comes with it. The area I live in is literally like impenetrable community for tDofR

you fucking lunatic mutant from Vancouver. Gooks are unaesthetic as it gets and so their mixed offspring, you thinking any European-Asian combo can be good just says a lot about hot shitty your ancestors were selected sexually

As a brazilian, i assure you that most mixed people look like that. The good looking ones are cherry picked and are very rare.

I'm just an average new world mongrel, Pedro.
Also, don't white Brazilians pay like 90% of the tax, despite being only a minority?

>An stereotype it's not a truth, that's why the term stereotype was invented.
Unironicaly wrong.
Stereotype is when you exagerate a thruth, for example the claim: "All gays have aids".
Obviously, not all gays have aids, but since a good portion of gays have aids and they are more likely to be infected by this desiase, a stereotype is created, that's why it is common to associate gays with sexual desiases.
All stereotypes are backed up by a thruth, so even if the word stereotype was created in order to deny a claim, what it really means is that a claim is being exagerated.


Most whites are middle class, and I lived in the 82% white (German and Italian mostly) South my whole life, so it's good for me.
There's the usual racial tension because more blacks are poor, like everywhere else.
Not near South Afrika/Rhodesia levels

I've never been mugged or robbed by an Alemão or gringo tho.

>mulattos are universally ugly
>show a couple pictures of this
>"ch-cherry picking"

>Be me
>White facial features, wavy hair and blue eyes
>Pale, but skin tans to a light olive color

I won the genetic lottery, but my brother literally looks like a black dude with white skin. It's not THAT bad, but he looks like white Malcom X. kek

>don't white Brazilians pay like 90% of the tax, despite being only a minority?

You're right again
pic related and filename

That's still not a timestamp.
>muh master race
Literally can not even fucking read

post your nipples

you can literally see your post on my window reflection you fucking Australian wannabe.

>Glorified, envied and worshipped by inferior pardos and niggers at the same time

Let me correct it for you:
>Glorified, envied and worshipped by ugly people

Since whites are more likely to be pretty, they are envied by pardos and niggers, which are more likely to be ugly.
Personaly, I never envied whites, actually because of my personal experience I have the impression that brazilian whites are more likely to be faggots, weaklings and overall unmanly.

>white Brazilians pay like 90% of the tax
What the hell are you talking about? Maybe they pay the majority, but this number is absurd.

white brazilians are really not that rare you retarded chinese leaf that has never seen anything outside of vancouver

The Day of the Rope. Newfag cancer
Not my problem, our family barely payed anything ever. Get smart or die chinko
1488% Hans with alive NSDAP and Hitler-Jugendrelatives
inferior vanc hapa trash is jealous of Aryan Whites. Typical. Pardo tier behavior

Pink and hairy enough senpai?

quite :3


Why you posted your nipple then?
As I was saying, whites are faggots

>by ugly people
It's racial and you know it. It's damn obvious on some deep deep conscious to all these mutts that their genetics are trash

Well, in the RSA, the boers no joke pay 97% of the tax, even though they make up less than 8% of the population, I was just throwing a number since the numbers there are ridiculous.

You can't see SHIT

>The area I live in is literally like impenetrable community for the day of the rope
This sentence makes no sense.
It's not my fault you no pablo anglais.

favela ape please. we all know who the most homo prone and has a fuck-whatever-moves mentality there - you niggers and arabs

It means that, if a racemixed poorfag like you would have wondered into it - you would get shot

>callling me a good friend
user, i...

>favela apes fuck whatever moves
>all brazilians who aren't white live in the favelas
Bruno, stop this please.
Whites are a minotiry in this country, so the percentage of faggotry among them is pretty big if you take into account that there are so few of them.
I'm tired of white fags hitting on me on the gym.

If your were white, or even seen a white person, you'd know that our nipples, lips and helmet heads have the same pink-ish color.
So I could post either one of those, and you can't identify me by my nipple unless you've suckled on it, and there are no women on the internet, so.

Most poor and usually brown people look at me with a "disdain" feel to it, it's just something I noticed from childhood.

I'm not racemixed, lmao. It was just a joke, because the Euro fags in EU are more than willing to bend over, touch their toes and get fucked by Ahmed, but the whole "mongrel Americans" is based on the idea that most Americans have mixed European ancestry.
I.e. Mother with German heritage, Father with Irish and Scottish, so on.
It's not "racemixing" because the white race is mostly consistent, as far back as Celts, Anglos and Germans. It might get a little bit weird when you factor in Slavs, but still.
I mean, even for Americans, I'm pretty good, since I'm Irish on both sides, but my mom also has Scottish too, and Scotts and Irish aren't too different ethnically.


Pablo gets it

What the hell are you talking about?
I just thought it was strange that you would respond to that post about the nipple.

>TFW mixed race (a triforce of Sweden Afghanistan and Australian aboriginal)
>TFW still look better than most of ya'll. Damn so much for that pure aryan bullshit.

Your picture has much sense to it. I'm a Russian nationalist and oppose racemixing in general, but totally fine with Japs, Turks, Caucasians and Tatars. My girlfriend having Jap, Tatar and Turkish ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a Nip before. It's amazing seeing Russian qties dating and mating with Japanese men, thanks god we live in Vladivostok and it's a common thing to happen. When my second cousin married a Japanese guy and gave birth to a hapa, I had creamed my trousers from a soft cock. don't like Putin or any cucked Western leader, my girlfriend doesn't, my Jap bred second cousin doesn't like them either. im a type of a nationalist, that is okay with traditional native to Russia ethnic minorities. No tolerance for jews, chinese or central asians. I don't want more foreigners except for some Central, Northern Europeans and Japs who historically settled in Russia. Japs can be good allies in erasing Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China from the face of this planet or just keeping the border. Few Russian qties sucking Jap cock is a good price to pay for a merge of high cultures.

Is that what the west does to Slavs now?
I'm... I'm sorry.
I'm sorry that we did this to you.

They're not?
The few mutts we have in this country are so dumb that they're barely coherent. I mean, we're talking poo-tier.
Weak bait thread.

Why would I be impolite to our fellow 56%er?

>My girlfriend having Jap, Tatar and Turkish ex lovers is one the hottest things about her. Love licking her pussy while remembering how she fucked a Nip before.

That means it's barely used

I'm pretty sure Singapore is not a country. It's literally a city state. What is this, 300 bc?

Ahh, the leaf never fails to amuse.

We are a former Commonwealth territory (just like you!) and a sovereign country with our own government, history and law. Troll harder.

beacuse you're a nigger


I'm white enough to live where you are?

This picture is hard to look at.

Why are the little girls dressed more sexual than their mother?