Hmm... So this is why religion bans homosexuality

Hmm... So this is why religion bans homosexuality.

>that twerking 8 year old
Every day we move further from God's grace.

I hope you liberals are proud of yourself. This is truly disturbing.

i wanna fuck that

>literal 8 yr old

This is why religion says the death penalty for homosexuality.

anti-sodomite thread here: kill yourself

The west deserves to burn

the sickest thing is all the faggots visibly restraining themselves from forcing their cocks down the kid's throat

>west abandons it's religion/spirituality
>we go extinct within a lifetime

The asians better write about this when we are gone, it truly is interesting

Pic made me laugh. Thanks user. :3


>this is why religion bans homosexuality
religion bans homosex because it's not possible to procreate.

religion forces stoning of this shit because IT'S A FUCKING KID!

Well I have cancer now so thanks for showing me that

The fuck is this seriously.

We are becoming such a fucked up society.

>kill yourself

man you cant talk to these nazis :^)

>imagine your kid turned out that gay

>tfw muslims are right about the GREAT SATAN

>tfw everything is so degenerate these days

i just want to die

replace the right pic with the kid in OP and it's golden

What does that sign say .....restigita?

This is not in an English speaking country is it.

And somehow you can't figure out why so many want your kind dead. Pedophilia comes naturally to homosexuality, it is a form of mental illness. Gays have always known it but thanks to their aggressive activism that puts our society and children in danger, the rest of us do too

That's huehues for you, little girls already do that shit all the time, strange that it's suddenly outrageous when some faggy kid does it at a pride parade.

It has nothing to do with his sexuality; it's the color of his skin that damned him.

It's not the kid's fault though. It's literally the faggot parents brainwashing the kid into doing that shit and showing him off like a toy to the other faggots for social acceptance that they lacked through out their lives.

If the kid had a normal life, his sexual orientation would be neutral and he wouldn't even thinking about sexual incentives yet.

jesus hitler fucking christ, where the fuck is SKYNET when you need it?

My based ancestors used to burn people like that.

That is why religion doesn't bans homosexuality.
Like in kingdom of Sweden.

back in the oven fag

The oven's too cold to contain me bb

The U S was a mistake