why are japanese so racist?
Why are japanese so racist?
posting in daily english teacher thread
Hello, nice to see you again
but i'm japanese
>upset about refugees
i'm japanese
fuck off
>based nippon
Look at our two little pets :3
Hello little doggies :3
Do you like being America's good little boys?
Don't do anything naughty now or we'll have to spank you :3
racist = smart
be glad you fucking nip
Every time a smelly nip tries to log onto an AMERICAN website, they should have to stand up and recite the following:
"Thank you so much, America, for your mercy and for sparing my country after we so viciously attacked Pearl Harbour. Thank you for allowing my people to continue to exist. Your forgiveness and compassion is so utterly superior to the dark, lowly Japanese spirit of weakness and selfishness, I am burning up in an awe struck seizure of gratitude and jealousy. Thank you USA!"
The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life
>nationalism is not a race
also, sage
I used to be against white nationalism until I realized Japan is Japan nationalist and they have the greatest culture on Earth.
u madლ(´ڡ`ლ)?
Nice to see you again, david-kun.
What's the Japanese picture-word for psychological projection?
>trying hard to prove he is Japanese with no proof
>changing his writing styles in order to prove he isn't a English teacher.
because they have to deal with the chinese on a regular basis
Man that emoticon is cute as hell nigga
They give zero shits about pc culture. They made a show called keijo that's about girls in bathing suits that fight each other using only their ass and tits.
Why is Japan so A E S T H E T I C?
Even your commieblock apartments look comfortable.
Japanese emoticons in general are just better than western. And harder to write, which keeps out the normies,
Fucking hell why won't you people use normalfag anymore?
>mfw I realise I'm adopting normalfag parlance
I must seek penance.
Sure you are.
Show us a picture of your dick if you're really Japanese.
Now I finally know what sage is. Sage
Common sense is racism in today's world
Probably because of higher IQ and traditionally superior culture.
Japan needs to come over here and start killing commies.
That's great news!!!
how do you know he has a microscope at home?
I'm at work now(´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
Sauce on pic?
...When are you NOT?
Also, why did you guys bow to UN/US pressure and ban shrooms?
In the great words of kangaroo land.
"Fuck off we're full" Is what the PM is saying.
muslim is not a race
That sounded made up user.
>but no
>muslims who want to emigrate to japan must first demonstrate a full and deep understanding of this program
why are japanese so pathetic? is it possible for any one in japan spend at least one day without thinking about killing themselves?
Grorious nippon
>Tfw Jap gfs visa ends in two months
>Have two months to convince her to lemme marry dat ass so I can move there
Asians act alpha all the fucking time when they aren't. It's fucking weird
The Japanese have a long history of being fucked over by foreigners, that's why most of them practically hate anyone that isn't them, even whites will get the stink eye despite what weaboos would tell you.
Other than anime and world war 2, Japan did nothing wrong
lets make out
i want to have sex with a japanese man, im a white man
For the honor of the emperor and the glory of japan BANZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
China Japan allie when?
Fuck you, nip monkey. Asia has always been Muslim (see Uighurs and Hui). Take your fair share because of Nanjing and comfort women.
how do i know if you're not a shill?timestamp with your chinky eyes please
>Asia has always been Muslim
What about BEFORE Islam?
Islamic always existed since Allah always did.
> Take your fair share of nanking and comfort women
I bet you still call Beijing peking, you dumb mountain Jew?
More like proxyroach
>Gaijins can buy data sims anywhere
>Gaijin shitposting increases
Boast ur passport mr.pure nihonshujin
T. 英語先生
>white guy moving to japan
its 2017, way to bet on the losing team
I always tell my wife, if China and Japan just team up, the can control the world so easily.
Both too greedy though.
you're married?how old are you?
I'm not a half-mix mexican mut like everyone from your country, Amerifat.
Blond hair, blue eyes and 196cm.
Shit still works.
Smart choice, get moomins instead.
Bloated korean with proxy pls go
I was just saying that you'd be better off learning Chinese.
I wonder what's worse
Being nuked twice or having the Bolsheviks rape any child or women in sight
I guess Germans had it worse
Fuck off back to the States David
Real Japanese people supports abe
Looking at the two girls on the far upper side made me think about that,don't know why
Nips don't care enough to distinguish the difference.
Based nips. Tell off those faggots.
I wonder who is behind this post
Because Japs are based as fuck.
Ah, Japan, the Poland of Asia.
I can smell the bloated koreans hijacking this thread
Source ??
being a Nazi is mostly a part time job for us
Those are pakistanis in the vid. Stealing cars and selling them to Pakistan, and smuggling in drugs instead. Fucking pieces of shit.
t.liberal english teacher from the states.
You misspelt 'based'
t. uyghur t*rk barbarian
I hope Xi genocides your kind.
Good for him. Their insane backwards religion ruined their countries, they deserve what's happening to them. Perhaps the real God is punishing them? I think so.
What's more insane is the liberals who hate facism would even let people in with such fascist beliefs in the first place
>not wanting to take in based black men to smash japanese pussy with their BIG black cocks
Damn, was this guy even in a successful party with prospect of winning ? It's ironic that Japanese called others barbarians
Watashi ga shinu hi made watashi wa sokoku o mamorimasu
Japan is not multicultural plus they're literally full.
the more of us who move there, the better. key portions of our Y chromosome will give them an XP boost for dealing with Jewish subversion, and our kids will get to grow up in an ethnostate. our genes would only go to waste here, creating more enslaved goyim to be fleeced
Nice fucking meme, your shitty genes will just make them vulnerable to jewish subversion, don't forget YOU are the ones getting cucked out of existence.
Says the fuckin' gangbanger
no, we are the few who detected it, therefore our genes are superior to our peers. the the same goes for you, don't be so hard on yourself Pedro.
in any other time period, we'd have been the ones to unite and rise against this menace while the sheeple followed our lead.
they are only winning this time because of the new tech they have
>tfw no JaPolish super-collaboration
Can we meme this into reality?
>why are japanese so racist?
Sensible, the correct term is sensible