Sup Forums BTFO'd
Sup Forums BTFO'd
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Why hasn't Trump made anime real yet
A cheap shot. Sounds right.
No one can refute this lmao
we lost this one guys, let it go
That really made me think. Thanks.
What's to refute? It's not an argument, it's a shitty comic.
Can someone explain the comic to me?
dumb nigger
Genocide is CORE to Nazi beliefs
Funny jokes won't stop me killing your entire family.
Give it back
You're retarded if you can't grasp it rofl
You're a nigger.
hmm what is this?
I thought it was a national socialist ideology that only succeeded to be put into place because of the sense of white supremacy desu~
Funfact : you agreed to take the enemies advice and split the 99% against the 1%
I want to fuck antifa-chan so bad brehs
>Foreigners come into our country
>Want them to leave
>They attack us
are both equally doomed if they don't unite
>mfw antifa tries this shit IRL and gets shot
>You're retarded
>AnCom flag
Self-awareness level: -9000
>tfw no qt antifa girl to mindbreak and make my fuckslave
>Can you believe they both actually DEFEND us now? Haha!
>radicalized christian meme flag
Self-awareness: -infinity
>calling a templar flag a meme flag while having an anarchist flag
self awareness: -infinity
We'll just kill your family first then
I mean, it's the same logic the right uses as to why commies should he taken on helicopter rides. I don't see much difference.
Our side
> the radical idea that every person deserves a chance at life.
Your side:
> we will organize crypto-militaristic street sweeps across every city block in ecery city until every member of your race or gender has been thoroughly liquidated of all sembelence of life, existance and memory
>implying we want to kill your family
sorta like running a car into a crowd of un armed civilians
>whites peacefully demonstrating for the right to end ethnic displacement, affirmative action, and the removal of historical icons important to their heritage
Is this an edit?
2nd degree black belt in bjj
Ex marine
Local golden gloves boxer
Muay thai for 4 years
Kickboxing for 6 years
Wing tsun for 7 years
I doubt that even 10 antifa with baseball bats could cause me to even break a sweat
.gif related
You nazis literally want to kill every minority who isn't "master race" aka white, blonde hair, blue eyes
>See the U.S. constitution regarding the life thing.
Oh no, it's retarded!
AnCons are incapable of coming up with anything themselves, they can only twist and destroy the great things that came before them. Their entire idea of "building" a society equates to destroying the old one, which there will always be a new vestige to destroy, another "institution" that is holding them back. GTFO Sup Forums and sort yourself out m8. The only anarchists that even remotely make sense are AnCaps and anarcho-transhumanists, you're just an edgelord with a messiah complex.
BTW, there's no such thing as a radicalized Christian.
>being this gay
kys desu
m8 that's gonna cost thousands in repair. Dodge Challengers don't fix themselves.
You rotelearn hysterical propaganda from a corporate mouthpiece like Salon and then walk in here saying "let me tell u about ur beliefs"
You're a joke m8
>I can only communicate in virtue signaling
>projecting: the post
Jesus you antifa faggots really believe you're own propaganda, don't you?
What is an Ëx marine?
You're literally retarded
words don't hurt people the same way a bat to the kneecaps does
also muh free speech
you fascist piece of shit
Sup Forums BTFO
"Deconstructing whiteness"
Your side flat out hates white people. You want a better life? For who? The millions of shitskins who are given every advantage possible and still fuck shit up? You can blame colonialism all you want but that doesn't excuse the sorry state of places run by 'natives.'
You want a real world example? Haiti.
Antifa would pepper spray Abe
lol loser
>hysterical propaganda
*historical propaganda. Nazis were well known for hating and wanting to murder whoever they deemed "sub-human" and it hurts your image so much in modern times that you have to edit it out and pretend that was never the case
One with a DD-214, but you're right. Once a marine, always a marine.
>we believe everyone has the right to live, that's why we will ethnically cleanse your race and history
>you guys just want to exterminate entire races while insisting everyone has a right to live.
really activated my almonds there, ancapitan.
The right isn't all "Nazis", we just oppose the Jewish intelligentsia and power structure.
We align with leftist views when it comes to Zionism and Middle Eastern wars
That rear D pog dd214 means soooo much. Thank you for your service.
>inb4 i was a 0311 scout sniper 360 no scoper faggort
Why did you post the edited version?
Antifa can't win an actual argument with a clearly superior political opponent. Losing the argument means they get wiped out.
They resort to violence without even trying to win in the political debate and get called out for it.
I was a POG, because my IQ is above 80.
However now that my professor is hotshot aka type 1 wildland firefighter I'm in no way shape or form in the rear with the gear. I burn up to 6k calories per day.
Ever worked a 140 hour week for $35 an hour, bud?
If you're going to be a poser, do it right.
It's former Marine. Marine is a title and capitalized. Even the most boot fucks know that.
wtf i hate weightlifting now
lol its too deep for these rural and suburban retards
they'll never understand anarcho communism because it makes too much sense and isn't a paradox lmao
Lol I really hope you dont think that every marine gets cucked by the macho ideas that get screamed at them
Door-Gunner on the Space Shuttle.
i'd fuck her
A "debate" on whether her and her family should be exempt from holocaust
.. yeah. You're all retarded
(((you))) BTFO'd you stupid baitposting burger
Former EOD here. I've been out of the shit for almost 10 years, and you fuckers had to go and bring political violence to the streets of my homeland, shutting down words with force. I'm on no one's side but that of the oath i took. No matter what the foundation of the constitution must remain. Become a threat to that and you are my mortal foe. Fucking Christ I just want to drink beer and be a broken person in peace for the rest of my days, but it looks like I'll have to dust off my personal armor and weapons before they decide that I'm too far from the party orthodoxy and am declared a Nazi. Those of you with some sense please use your words, the rest of you I suppose we get to enjoy the hell of open war in the streets together.
Where is the part where he cuts her parents break lines, murders her pets, and gut shots her in the middle of no where so she can bleed for days?
I knew you were a poser.
Actually, it's called proper grammar. Marine is a title.
You are just another poser faggot. I can tell by the way you talk. You're mixing jargon from other branches that you probably saw in movies.
This. Stormfags literally can't refute any of these.
Sorry, which side are you arguing?
Oh okay bud ;)
Not sure your gf feels the same way
There's literally nothing of substance here to refute. Perhaps you should read a history book though?
Perhaps you should? I'm not the one who's denying history to justify ethnic hatred.
shut up pog lmao :3
and how are transsexuals a thing, if gender is a social construct?
Hmm yes, that's why there were people of many different races and cultures fighting in the SS right? Try harder Antifa(g) troll
Fun fact I actually am a big city firefighter for the past 6 years after I ETS'd lmao. gg ty hf
Really activates my almonds
They wouldnt let me go to war because I wouldnt eat so many crayons
>he thinks structural firefighting is harder than type 1 forest firefighting
We literally all laugh at you
Also, none of the flyover states or Commiefornia pay 35/hr for Wildland FF (aka unskilled laborer).
Maybe there's a reason they literally train convicts to do your job. (Dig a trench or die when the wind changes while I'm giving hot shots to your gf :o)
Nigger. Post rule 34 of that fit brown chick.
i don't understand anything they are saying
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