It made so much sense

It made so much sense

Other urls found in this thread:

Better than filthy nato niggers


How? Everyone I have met or talked to who lived behind the Iron curtain said it was a nightmare. Nieghbors ratting on neighbors for wrong think. those who fled only to find out later that the family they left behind had been executed for counter revolutionary activites. Though perestroika was no cakewalk either. So by comparison nastalgia glasses and the synthetic nationalist persona the USSR had to adopt makes it look good.


no, fuck off

No it didn't
Just a big cancer bloated with smaller tumors.
Tumors left by the Germans
Romanians,Italians,Hungarians,Germans and so on died for nothing. Id rather take american cock, fuck bolsheviks


t;magyar gypsy who wants hus autonomy back

Nato niggers are so disgusting

I'm Romanian not a mongol,there is nothing good about soviet union,hell even germans were shitty to us. i'm just being a little bitch,not hungarian

>took orders from Moscow

oNly if you're twelve OP...only if youre twelve


Romanian communists are not bad,Soviets are bad
And fuck ceausescu,just like Antonescu he died a shitty death.
Everytime a Romanian tries to do good by his country he dies.


Gomulka saved Poland from zionist jews

The funny thing about the death penalty in the DDR was that the citizens were suprised when the state announced its abolishment as it was kept secret all the time before.
Commis cant into transparency or rule of law.

No, it didn't.
Fuck off, Commie shitstain.

so what? wtf I love communism now?

Average NATO homo military

>Bulgaria in first place.

The only reason your nation state has not been dismantled by decadent american values and overrun by third worlders is due to the Warsaw Pact

>Romanian communists are not bad
>Ceausescu tries to do good by his country
spanzura-te coae

Piast Eagle is so superior

I told you one day we'd get included in screecap brother

Spot the Bulgarian

But they're all white

Dacia please

Show your flag you larping turd

show flag

>there are real humans who miss this unholy piece of shit
>tfw Germans were better off with the communists


Eww what the fuck?

>The amazing frog eating bat
really nobody?


Soviets after Stalin knows about JQ:

>In late July 1967, Moscow launched an unprecedented propaganda campaign against Zionism as a "world threat." Defeat was attributed not to tiny Israel alone, but to an "all-powerful international force." ... In its flagrant vulgarity, the new propaganda assault soon achieved Nazi-era characteristics. The Soviet public was saturated with racist canards. Extracts from Trofim Kichko's notorious 1963 volume, Judaism Without Embellishment, were extensively republished in the Soviet media. Yuri Ivanov's Beware: Zionism, a book essentially replicated The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was given nationwide coverage

In his 1969 book Beware! Zionism, Yuri Ivanov, Soviet Union's leading Zionologist, defined modern Zionism as follows:

Zionism is the ideology, a ramified system of organisations and the practical politics of the wealthy Jewish bourgeoisie which has closely allied itself with monopoly circles in the USA and other imperialist countries. The main content of Zionism is bellicose chauvinism and anti-communism.

Stalin also killed "Rootless cosmopolitan" jews.
Process calling "Doctors' plot".

They also made film about Zionism: "Secret and explicit - Objectives and actions of the Zionists"

Thats why Jewmerica hates USSR

Krokodil was a good magazine

Do you think the perestroika happened because commies found out who's behind (((communism)))?


>perestroika happened because commies found out who's behind (((communism)))?
Perestroika was a product of zionist jews

It didn't. Almost a half of Warsaw Pact were not even White.


If you like or support the Soviet Union = you sucked off a nigger


A quick rundown

Making propaganda films about interracial adoption IN 1936

funding (((Civil Rights))) in the US

funding and arming Mandela terrorists

funding anti-racist anti-colonialist groups in Europe.


"Circus" (Russian: Циpк; translit. Tsirk) is a 1936 Soviet melodramatic comedy musical film.

Orlova plays an American circus artist who, after giving birth to a black baby (played by James Lloydovich Patterson), immediately becomes a victim of racism and is forced to stay in the circus, but finds refuge, love and happiness in the USSR. Her black son is embraced by friendly (((Soviet))) people.

>Soviet Jewnion was so ((((((((based)))))))

Soviets were the first to came up with making IR relationship films and importing nigges en masse

Commie sympathetic scum, go and adopt a nigger

Because it's 1936


No, czechs and slovaks are white

Stalin. Very based. Uhums.

Values of Stalinism: adopting negroes, interracial breeding, anti-racism, making cuck porn movies for the citizens. Very socially conservative. DA!

End your bloodline - follow your heroes

>Soviets were the first to came up with making IR relationship films and importing nigges en masse
What, when the fuck did this ever happen? There are no niggers in the Eastern Bloc.

This shit was BEFORE Stalin took all power.

After that homosexuality was banned, internal and external migration was severely limited, the Russian Orthodox Church was restored.

(((Trotsky))) was also killed with the help of an icebreaker.

LMAO retard, soviets pushed a hardcore narrative about destroying the past of a country. There's a reason why they did their best to move everyone in cities filled with commie blocks instead of letting them have a life in the countryside, preserving nature and the old spirit of freedom.

Fucking Communists are worse than Muslims.

This Stalin purged the Jews from power

I'm not arguing but wasn't Ceausescu a racist antisemite?

Seems like RIGHT DURING Stalin to me

I mean if he didn't have all power in 1941 must have been a cuck of a leader. Of no surprise, Georgians are notorious subhuman inbreds

You know what Russians did to celebrate the 9th of May? (Cult of Death type V-Day for redskies)

They put plenty of internationalist, anti-colonalist, anti-racist propaganda.

In 1970s they came up with a shitty movie about pilots to show it every year near and during the 9th of May on TV.

They still do it.

That movie Putincuck orders to be shown on major state-owned TV networks each 9th of may - "V boj idut odni stariki". You know what this movie is about? Uzbek subhuman breeding Russian Slavic girl who happened to be a pilot

That's what the USSR and Red Army stood for - interracial breeding.

Who the fuck was the "Voice of Victory" then? Oh, right, that was a racial Jew.

Yeah I read all your links but there aren't any niggers now.

That's a cool ass badge


So you finally realize that USSR was a bunch of anti-racist cucks? Remember how well they treated gypsies instead of killing them like based Ustaše. You probably do, but don't oppose it. Because you are one. just like a good portion of Bulgarians

Ceausescu prohibit contraception, abortion and sexual education, isn't it?

It made the most sense for the Russian Empire, other members were USSR's satellites.
Tito and Nasser were the real deal back in the day.

Only suburban retards, drunks, cucks or mongrels fought for the Soviet Jewnion. Cool ethnic Russians with pure bloodlines ignored the war, sabotaged commies or marched with the Germans.

>instead of killing them like based Ustaše
>cuckolds who sold out most of the territory of the croatian people to italians and hungarians watched them, get raped while just jacking off

Zionism before the court of history:


Knowing the USSR was doomed, KGB was used to dedicate it's psyops into destroying the West from within by sponsoring both of what we know today as the Far Left and the Far Right.

Alt-Right, 1488, Jewspiracy, Antifa, BLM etc. are all rooted in KGB psyops. KGB is Putin's Russia, but Putin's Russia is a shell of the former USSR. So the real question is who is propping this psyop today? Who is propping Putin? The Answer is surprisingly found somewhere in Europe. It has something to do with Feudalism, and those who relate to the power structure that existed before the French Revolution. Do not stay ignorant, all our modern political -isms, wether left or right, come from revolutionary France; Jacobinism to Socialism, Bonapartism to Fascism.

Only thing Ceausescu hated was his people.

Tell me about that Soviet movie where Uzbek subhuman breeds Slavic girl. You run it each year as the main movie for 9th of May. LMAO Why USSR made so many films where "White" woman gets fucked by hyenas?

Red Army = adopting niggers, interracial breeding, cuckolding, building commie blocks to house and educate gypsies (instead of killing in some hip place like Jasenovac)

Not a fan of Commies but really the Ustase were the biggest treasonous scum in Croatian history, bunch of stupid fucking Bosnians and Erceg goat fuckers should have killed more at Bleiburg

>On 12 August 1922, in St. Mark's Church, Zagreb, Pavelić married Maria Lovrenčević. They had three children, daughters Višnja and Mirjana and son Velimir. Maria was part Jewish through her mother's family and her father

pfff buahahaha

Europeans with partial ancestry from descendants of South Slavic converts to Judaism > eurasian hybrids, mulattos, emancipation of gypsies and anti-colonialism.

>Alexander Nevsky
Retard who betrayed his brothers and united with gooks against Europeans? FUCKING BASED! MAGAPEDEs unite!
>Dmitry Donskoj
Literal slow minded coward according to Kostomarov and Karamzin

Suck the nigger dick. Follow your leader. Eduard Limonov seemed to enjoy it

lol@ vatnik scum getting BTFO by Balkanite racialist

Navalbot worse than a Jew:

>Like the U.S. Democrats, we are for gay marriage and for the legalization of soft drugs.
>If Russia had a genuine political system, then we would be a moderate center-right party, with a strong left-wing slant on issues concerning personal values and freedoms


>Only thing Ceausescu hated was his people.
I'm not even a nostalgiafag but this is bullshit.

As if I personally ever will vote for a part Turkranian subhuman. Must admit that he's a stepping stone for a better Russian ethnonationlist movement. Russia for ethnic Russians. One Ukrainian ancestor in 1920s? Deported. Tatar ancestor in 1940s? Deported. Jewish convert-to-Christianity ancestor in 1850s? Deported. Pontic Greek ancestor in 1740s? Deported. Drinker? Sterilized. Drug addict? Sterilized. Former Communist Party member or Russian Federation official? Jail or rope. Poccия для блaгopoдных Бeлых!

>giving a shit about gay marriage and soft drugs, when people can buy poisonous vodka and other Russian made alcohol, shit food and marry outside of their race
Absolutely vatnik


Leftypol is fucking cancer

>>giving a shit about gay marriage and soft drugs,

Yep, because LGBT and soft-drugs movement is the first step for take power for (((Them))).

>Must admit that he's a stepping stone for a better Russian ethnonationlist movement.

Хopoший гoй, дepжи шeкeль.

They aka Jews already feel in Russia at home for over a century. Again, rootless degenerates and mongrels must be even encouraged to degrade themselves, so we have a record of degenerates for sterilization/execution/camp once we in power. Putin and Navalny are both asiatic subhumans, but Navalny is more preferable for us - the Russkie, although personally voting for a mongrel like him is typical зaшквapитьcя case

And now it's hell of a drug

Good plan. Rus blood must be pure

Navalny is half-hohol half-russian.

And you are a low iq vatnik with reading comprehension
>As if I personally ever will vote for a part Turkranian subhuman
As if I personally ever will vote for a part Turkranian subhuman
>As if I personally ever will vote for a part Turkranian subhuman
>Putin and Navalny are BOTH asiatic subhumans,
Putin and Navalny are BOTH asiatic subhumans,
>Putin and Navalny are BOTH asiatic subhumans,

although personally voting for a mongrel like him
>although personally voting for a mongrel like him
although personally voting for a mongrel like him

His policy of starving his people in order to "pay debts" while himself was living in mansions is proof enough of this.

Better than Putin for normal racist folks

You forgot his racial tolerance

No thanks, i like having food