If there is one thing, Germans hate the most, it is an aggressive politician. Schulz is done, guys, done and going down. I wonder if they even manage 20% in the elections.
German media says Schulz isn't just desperate but aggressive
>If there is one thing, Germans hate the most, it is an aggressive politician.
lol yea right
Schulz is just a Jewish puppet to make Merkel look good by comparison. Germany is dead.
He said aggressive, not self-hating cuck.
Nope, our politics is really that bad. The socialists truly went out there to find a figure they thought could lead them to victory and chancellorship. Schulz was seen as a beacon of hope, a new Trump and Bernie combined, a way to get to 50% and leave Merkel behind.
Little did they know that he would turn out aggressive.
Schulz and Merkel - same shit in a very, very slightly different package.
Krauts are literally fucked.
If they vote for Merkel and friends again, and not the only anti-refugee party, then colour me surprised, they deserve it.
Have fun being a minority in 10 years. Just ask the Boers how they're doing.
>If they vote for Merkel and friends again, and not the only anti-refugee party, then colour me surprised, they deserve it.
You guys voted for Trudeau. That is literally like voting for Schulz.
how many Asians do you import each year, how many Syrians and Africans?
Come on, at least Merkel has reduced the new migration from outside Europe to a trickle now.
> this is as close as the germans can get to calling a Jewish politicial Hitler
> and it's going to work
>Schulz and Merkel - same shit in a very, very slightly different package.
I thought Schulz was the background on which Merkel was supposed to look good.
>Come on, at least Merkel has reduced the new migration from outside Europe to a trickle now.
She did? I could have sworn Orban and Italy did this.
He is that, too.
Honestly that guy is so bad that even Hillary stood a winning chance.
>He didn't finish school (lol)
>Failed as a major of a small town
>Bribed his way through the EU
>Got kicked out from there because even for them he was too incompetent
>Trys to become chancellor
Would be surprised if he even got 20%
>She did? I could have sworn Orban and Italy did this.
Excuse me? Why do you think the migrant numbers dropped in March and April 2016? Because of Italy and Orban? Wud?
Ruft doch mal Martin.
Lel, he's not aggressive at all. He could point out a lot of really severe shit on Merkel - for one, he could just point out that the NSA wiretapped her and she's compromised and can't be trusted to act in her country's best interest anymore.
All he does it deliver pussy punches where he bitches more about Trump and Erdogan than about his actual opponent. Because he's controlled opposition and his main goal is to get into the coalition with Merkel again. So he cannot poison the well too much.
Another 4years of CDU+SPD...
Isn't Schulz a mega-kike?
>German media
Fuck off. We don't have a media. It's just state propaganda.
nah just a very very good goy
Turbo even. But nobody cares. Merkel won anyway just by repeating the same old trash over and over again
The only "good" thing about this election is that we won't have a bunch of parties pulling just below 5% again so CDU and SPD lose a lot of seats, even if their share of votes stays stable.
Noo - get the Schulz train running again. I want to see Germany burn.
Ironically, he's not actually Jewish. He sure as fuck wishes hard he was though.
>Greens might not makie it
>only AfD and FDP get in
As if it even mattered
Greens not making it would be fairly nice.
CDU and SPD are projected to lose around 90 seats though. If nothing else, that at least means 90 less traitors who are getting fat on your tax money.
Also I do think that the AfD getting into the parliament will bring some good change. The main reason we even got to this point was because there was absolutely no cost attached to moving left for the CDU. If any of their voters disagreed with it, the most they could do was vote FDP, which was pretty much still a vote for the CDU.
At least with the AfD in parliament they cannot shamelessly fish for left wing voters anymore because conservatives can now abandon them in favor of another party. Not sure if the change will come fast enough to repair some of the damage though.
Still kinda looking forward to see how the election turns out. We have some 40+% who are still undecided. I have a lot of those in my social circles too, and for almost all of them its
>I don't really wanna vote for the AfD but I also don't see another choice
I wonder how representative that is and if theyx maybe manage to pull ~15 instead of the projected ~10%
I'm happy Schultz is fucking up, but if the AfD doesn't win, there's no point.
>Laughing because Schulz is getting wrecked and losing
>Crying because Germans still vote for Merkel while she still wants all borders open
Why are you doing this to me, guys? I care about you.
>you guys voted for Trudeau
Turdope got only 30% of the vote. Our shit electoral system placed him in charge
I have been wondering what would be the worse outcome.
>CDU wins
>Merkel gets another 4 years, only other party that could beat her demolished even further
>chances that she'll still rule even from her deathbed increase further
>SPD wins
>Germany ends up with 4 years (maybe less if the coalition collapses) of giga retardation, but at least Merkel's stranglehold over the CDU is broken and they can start reorganizing themselves
Those are the only realistic scenarios anyway, so it doesn't make sense to wonder about some other outcome.
"Germany is dead"
t. 56%
remember this kike's shilling last year? it was horrible
>60% White
Maybe 30 years ago
It made me realize that leftist people are really incapable of memes. They just don't have the fully developed humor zones in their brains necessary for that.
It's because the best memes have some shred of truth at the core of them.
The left fucking sucks at them because they don't want to portray themselves as anything but 100% virtuous and good.
Which they simply aren't, so all of their memes fucking suck.
isn't london majority quintessential british now?
White includes euros and shit, it's only 45% British
Especially considering where else he went shilling.
We only care about one single thing here: how's frauke going?
Hey Germanianons, what's the most realistic and feasible outcome that is overall better for Germany in the long run? Few years of shitty incompetent SPD rule to wake normies up from the social democrat delusion, or the continuation of the status quo?
lots of European immigrants, too.
probably don't split those numbers up intentionally to demoralize their opposition and make it look like the battle is already lost. Germany's numbers in the lower age segment for example look fucking terrible and beyond repair. until you realize that a massive chunk of them are children from culturally close ethnicities which actually do have a good chance of assimilating into the German culture and eventually being considered German.
>they didn't shitpost gottkanzler memes
faggots, all of you
For one, Harper brought in refugees too.
Second, Trudeau is the biggest fucking liar in the entire world, he's broken more promises than a...I don't know. Just he's broken a shitload, related to oil, tax cuts and electoral reform. He will not win the next election. How many times has Merkel been elected?
Hard to say to be honest.
If we got the SPD as ruling party, the question is how much damage they'll cause to the country. Merkel not being an assured chancellorship anymore would mean that the CDU will backstab her quickly, like they always did.
But the SPD could push the damage beyond the point of repair if they are given free reign. Though that looks kind of unlikely, given that they are losing seats in the Bundesrat and the CDU could just block their proposals there once they broke Merkel's stranglehold over the party.
With the CDU winning, it would be a slower change (and slower downwards spiral). The AfD establishing itself on the right would mean that the CDU has to reorient itself long term to "win back those voters" (10% is actually a shitload in our system), even if it's just through opening the possibility to forming a coalition with them. But that wouldn't happen under Merkel so the question is if there'd be anyone with enough of a spine in the CDU to run against her.
Hard question everyone has still a comfy life here maybe they see more shits k ins and nigher on the street but that eill not make them say WOW I WANT TO KILL THEM ALL NOW only a small percentage will get a personal negative effect so only way to really change something is to invite 20million more subhumans so every little god damn toen is a crime ridden shithole or if they have to pay more taxes to feed the subhumans but both things are the same anyway so yeah we need much more of them to change the peoples mind
I don't know the details of German political life. What is stopping people in the CDU from challenging Merkel? In the UK and France, you have regular backstabbing sessions inside each party.
>What is stopping people in the CDU from challenging Merkel?
Two things:
First, the CDU generally only cares about securing the chancellorship, their political convictions are secondary to that. For now, Merkel can still safely do that (or at least that's what it looks like) so they see no reason to take chances and run someone else.
Second, Merkel used the last three terms to ensure that the careers of other influential politicians are tied to her own. Almost all the ones that are left have so much dirt on them that they should have stepped down ten times over, but Merkel shields them from the consequences. If Merkel is gone, they'll fall with her, so they have no real interest in replacing her.
He's such a failure yet like 15 million people support him
Is there no chance for a troublemaker fucking the CDU's shit up? Like Trump in Murica or even Macron in France (even though he's still a cuck)?
The few times I check German politics, it's been the exact same names for 15 years now. This must be a record of "stability" (immobility) for a technically democratic country.
>Is there no chance for a troublemaker fucking the CDU's shit up? Like Trump in Murica or even Macron in France (even though he's still a cuck)?
No. Trump in Murrica could do so because it is the voters who decide who gets to run for office. In Germany it is the party which nominates the candidates, the voter has no input on it.
Macron also didn't fuck them up from within but built up a new party. I have to admit I don't actually know what led to him winning in such a landslide so I can't tell you the exact reason why it does not work in Germany. Maybe because Germans are much more conservative and less prone to protesting against their government. But chances of a new party just sweeping away the establishment are minimal.
>The few times I check German politics, it's been the exact same names for 15 years now.
It's because of how our system works. The voter has almost zero input - the parties nominate the candidates, and the parties appoint the positions. All the voter can do is decide over the distribution of seats between the parties.
That means that the most relevant factor to staying in office are connections within the political circles, so for obvious reasons you keep seeing the same faces over and over again.
>Schulz was seen as a beacon of hope, a new Trump and Bernie combined
This was so fucking retarded, I still can't believe they actually thought that was going to work. They literally just translated Trump memes into German, slapped Schulz faces on them and called it a "campaign strategy".
>Germany is dead.
t. eye witness to multikulti in Germany.
Anyone who votes SPD is a lost cause, anyway.
They shut it down when Schröder tried to avoid the Iraq War. Merkel got in to a parliament composed entirely of lobbyists and they've since been shooting each other posts in the calm knowledge that US Army will roll out and slaughter the second they give the word. Now Trump has removed that certainty and they're in a panic. But I don't think anybody could just simply enter the scene - remember that this is where Antifa were created; the West and East both flooded us with communists for decades now, we're a fucking dumping ground. Nobody is even sure who's backing AfD, considering so few of them have been car-crashed or heart-attacked to date.
>if the AfD doesn't win
The AfD can not win, their chances are exactly 0%.
Since they need 50% to form a government (no one will coalition with them) they are currently 40% behind.
They have about the same chances as a die linke government.
they identify with him
>Few years of shitty incompetent SPD
What do you exactly mean with this? SPD rule means Grüne as partner. Today this would be genocide for the German people. Literally. Grüne promote racemixing, "thought"-crimes and general orwelian dystopia and the SPD would do everything to stay in power as the major party of the coalition so the Grüne had free reign..
If its another Groko with SPD - CDU nothing much would change.
Remember when EUrophile shills were trying to create memes for the 'gottkanzler' shultz train?
As if they could make the most uninspring and dumb apparatchick charismatic by shitposting.
this. wtf germany, get yourself and all of your shit together already!! REEEEEEEEEEEEEE