What should be the highest socially accepted age gap between a man and his wife?
Age Gap
Half age plus 7 for the younger partner
Some people use that formula your age divided by 2 + 7
For example, if you are 30, 30/2 = 15 + 22 (don't date anyone younger than 22)
oops meant to type 15+7=22
You should be around at least until they are 18 - so mid 60s is the oldest you should be with a 20 year old wife.
dumb rule
After 10 years you're reaching different generational touchstones. It gets more awkward when you're trying to connect.
Or so they say
>highest socially accepted age gap between a man and his wife?
That's ridiculous.
Mad toasties detected.
All girls over 18 (as long as thats legal age in your country) are socially acceptable for any age of guy
AoC should be 18
Stop shilling pedokikes
Fuck that meme formula. I dated a girl in her teens while in my 30s. u mad roastie?
It should be none of our fucking business. I'm more concerned about people being killed ect, not the age difference between a couple.
Faggots who think like this are simply pathetic.
im 32 and my fiance is 24. we started dating when she was 21. I'm pretty sure I just relate to younger women because I still act like im 15 though.
I'm 43 and i'm fucking a 16 yr old Polish girl.
They should lower the age to 15.
This is the average 15 year old teen these days
Man should not be able to be her father.
I'm in love with a girl five years younger than me. I'm 20. Someone take me out back and fucking shoot me already. I wanna die. Please.
teens = what age
(please don't ban us mods)
prove it
Age gap is an anti-male concept. When the gap is too big, it's always the man who is made fun of. Why is Sup Forums for age gap?
Man can be as old as he wants as long as he isn't old enough to be the dad, 15 year gap is a good limit after the girl is 18, if underage the gap should be 5-10 years tops.
I want to know how you 30 y.o. faggots even go about dating some 18-19 y.o. girl in the first place. Do you steal them or something? What the hell do you even talk about?
tldr: I'm not buying it.
In Islam its half age minus 7!
No, it's whenever the woman is ready you ageist asshole
18 to 23 is ok.
Just wait.
You establish a well paying career. Then at 30 you dress expensive, expensive car etc.
It depends on how wealthy you are as to how you will be judged.
Binman aged 40 gets with 20 year old ..dirty old man.
Famous film actor aged 40 gets with 20 year old..he's still got it.
Wife? 5 years. I've dated people as much as twice my age, but you know it has to end sometime.
She'll change a lot in that time period though. Or find another guy. Or we'll hate each other by then. Or I won't hold in my spaghetti for that long.
Doesn't matter. 'acceptable age gap' is new age nonsense. If we managed to continue extending life, or if we somehow retain our modern technology with the coming balkanization and cure aging. You're looking at potential 100yr age gaps in the future. There is absolutely no reason to ever care about age gaps. Women don't have their own beliefs or values anyway, you can mold them to reflect your views regardless of age.
Wait a year, should be okay depending on the state.
honestly, the second I turned 27 all women aged 16-24 look identical to me. I've chatted up 16 year olds on accident.
(18 year old Barbara Palvin)
Why do virgins get so triggered by mature women fucking young fit hot men?
Daily reminder that anyone 18 years of age is an adult and capable of maling their own decisions when it comes to dating and romance, whether their partner is also 18 or 89 is irrelevant.
this is true, actually. Didn't think of this. huh.
Why waste your time in a statue with needs? Have an actual partner or content yourself with prostitutes.
If im single at 60s, I'm not gonna be turning away 18yos because of some meme formula that a roastie pulled out her arse.
you do realize that women hit puberty before age 18, right?
>Someone take me out back and fucking shoot me
Why? The only thing wrong with your situation is the 'love' part. You're setting yourself up for poor times. Women don't feel love the same way men do, they feel attachment or purpose. Otherwise finding there is absolutely nothing wrong with you wanting to be with a 15yr old whose probably post puberty. Up until recently girls where given away young and stayed with their lover for life. Now a days you have kids in elementary school giving each other blow jobs and having sex in the bathrooms.
Contemporary pedohaters are by and large Moderns who swallowed the cultural Marxist pill without question and have been doing so since birth. These are really just people who blindly accept what I see to be the axioms of modern anti-pedoism; pedohebesexuality is necessarily centered on violence (hence the oft-repeated and patently absurd anti-pedoist motto that 'only adults can consent'), pedohebesexuality/pedoheberomance is abnormal (the coinage of the word 'pedophile' is a reflection of this; by reduction to *philos* contra *eros* the phenomenon is trivialised, rendered fetishistic, demeaned, pathologised, *etc.* (similar to the historically Marxist pathologisation implicit in the inception of the word 'racist')), *etc.* The campaign against what is know called 'pedophilia' has its roots in the Marxist-feminist campaign against man-girl relationships (as natural tokens of dominant patriarchal heterosexual institutions, whose very existence challenged and will always challenge cultural-Marxist progressivism) which saw a benchmark in the raising (close to doubling, in some instances) of the Age of Consent in the West. It was not your stereotypical Christian social conservatives responsible, but the progressives, for they have nothing to gain and plenty to lose from the continued existence of the traditional and naturally stable marriages which organically result (and historically resulted) from pedoheberomantic relationships.
The same Jewish revolutionary spirit which brought us degenerative cultural subversion in the West, made anti-nativist open-border policy fashionable and gave social and legal rights to all manner of abnormal, unnatural LGBTQ+ individuals and unions suppressed the most obvious token of traditional heterosexual romance. To reject Modernity is to reject anti-pedoist hysteria and to call it what it is, as we do with globalist immigration efforts and atheistic cultural subversion.
Same. 16-24 ar rook same. All the same mentally, to be honest.
Then you will not get married and this is the wrong thread for you.
>Man and Wife
Exactly this. If there's such thing as an 'acceptable age gap' sounds like to me someone forgot to add something to AoC laws.
>It depends on how wealthy you are as to how you will be judged.
It's not even necessarily that, it more depends on the personality you bring to the table, your charisma - someone with excellent charisma will be able to influence someone's opinion despite them being say 50 and dating a 20 year old.
You realize the brain doesn't fully mature until well beyond that time, don't you?
25 years.
So a 50 year old man with a 25 year old woman etc.
I'm 40 and my wife is 22.
No one complains that Emanuel Macron is by American standards a victim of molestation and is in an abusive relationship.
I feel like old women who want to fuck around then marry at 28 (most of them) have something to do with the whole shaming men for dating younger women phenomenon. Notice no one shames "cougars".
It's just old roastie jealousy.
Personally? 10 years would be a good general rule, assuming the woman is younger as they age and mature much faster than males.
Do they? I would have married mine, if not for the aging. Afterwards, this generation of young girls are just insufferable.
>An actual partner
Men should be able to have as many women as they can provide for, and the kids they'll have with them.
Thank you
So AOC should be 25/26?
None. I'm 47 and fuck girls in their 20s. Last gf was 23 going on 24. Felt totally normal. Age is just a number. Keep yourself in shape. And unlike women who age like milk. We have no shelf life
jesus christ. This society is dead to me. Other than that, I see your point. I don't know what to do about the whole 'feeling' thing other than to reduce my exposure to her. I don't know really what I'm supposed to do with the "attachment or purpose" thing, but she likes me back, don't know to what extent but it appears to be a rather serious matter.
There is no age difference limit, only a minimum age.
If two people want to be together, let them be together. Attraction is like magnetism — it just happens. It needs no further input.
Wrong. Children do not do well specifically in terms of IQ (the most important part) if they don't have both a mother and a father to raise them. Dad can't split his attention among so many children and ao many children wont grasp the concept of nine different mothers. It is not natural.
Yes they do. All the virgins on /r9k/ believe that the moment they become wizards desperate older women will want to fuck them and then they will take their "revenge" for being bullied at school or something
The brain never stops 'growing' the idea that there is some kind of set age where the brain just stops changing is not scientific. The original AoC where not even based on biology
That's a bad argument, because it's entirely arbitrary. You either a free on an arbitrary number (like 17) or you fall into an endless pit of "but X is more Y", of which there will always be a difference, until a seventy year old sleeping with a fifty year old is literally rape, by such subjective standards.
You're right. Pedofags should still be shot though.
only rule is
is it legal?
if the answer is yes then go for it.
What about a pretty, the, submissive, alt-right girl who wants kids and is loyal but 27 with a man who is tiny, thin and nerdy but also alt-right and 22.
Is there a chance in helmet is it doomed to die?
Most people 19-33 thinks the girl is hot and looks 22-24 years old.
I am so tired a breadcrumb in front of me looks like it's crawling towards me
>I don't know what to do about the whole 'feeling' thing other then reduce my exposure to her
If anything you should increase exposure. Being away from a women you're getting emotionally attached to will only make you long for them more. Live with them on a day to day basis and you'll realize the romanticized image you have of them is not accurate. They shit, fart, piss, and have daily routines like the rest of us. But they're also girls/women
Do her parents know? I think in some states you're good to go if parents sign off on it. Just make sure you get their approval in writing
Pedos get the bullet.
you remind this to yourself once your daughter indroduces you to her lover who is a 40 year old neckbeard being 16 years old herself
Your post is missing something but I can't put my finger on it
Well a man should be married by 30 and probably not to a high schooler so 29-18=11 and there you go.
women's brains never mature though, they are perpetually children
at 31 i dated a 19 year old college student. it was just about getting fucking blazed and fucking. she was turned on by me being an older more experienced guy. she was a megaslut though. after i caught her fucking her ex at my place I ended it.
But to your point, we didn't have shit to talk about really, and she was never content to just chill at home, always had to be out at a party or club every fucking night.
A few years later met my now wife who is 9 years younger than me and it worked out great. She's german descent and hates niggers more than I do.
I agree completely
there should be no upper limit.
wrong image
Also a great argument.
You did well user, I'm proud of you.
Grammar. Made a lot of mistakes in typing.
Girl is pretty, thin, submissive, alt-right, monogomous and nice. She's attractive; most think she is 2-24 and she wants children.
The man is 22 and thin, short and nerdy. Does this dynamic even out?
Depends on where you see the relationship going. I've dated women that were twice my age, but obviously we both knew it was essentially sex with a bit of hanging out casually.
has it right in the sense that there's a point in which age differences make it really hard to connect, but I don't think it's always 10 years.
The way I see it the only thing I have a problem with is that the age gap is large enough that one of the people is noticeably a lot more experienced and mature, and the relationship is vague. With age differences that are large I think that it's important to define shit.
Of course, there are always exceptions, but I'm so tired of seeing these guys in their mid-thirties trying to bang 17-year-olds by essentially being manipulative with someone who doesn't know any better. At that age for many angsty teens just telling them that they're smart and unique and that you have your own house is enough to make many run away from home.
>Children do not do well... if they do not have both a mother and father raise them
I'm not saying impregnate and leave I'm saying as many as you can provide for, women should be bound to to their men for life. There would not be a separation. As for your IQ remark, this is not supported. The biggest indicator of IQ is upwards of 80% heritage related, with only upwards of 15% environmental. Which the biggest factors of environment being nutrition, quality of life, and quality of education. There is absolutely no reason to think the children would suffer intellectually for having a larger family.
>Dad can't split his attention among so many children
He doesn't need to spend every minute with every child for them to turn out great. With more then one wife you're afforded more ability to delegate too.
>Won't grasp the concept of nine different mothers
Why's that? Children are a lot more capable of grasping things then you might be aware of.
>It's not natural
On the contrary, multiple women to have your children is very much apart of the natural system. It's both hierarchy pushing forth eugenics (by ensuring those with greater resources have more offspring, while also providing motivation for men with merit to acquire more resources to breed more) Look at pretty much any type of animal and you'll see similar behavior.
What we currently have is what's 'not natural'
Higher Age/2-7 for age gap
and what if I do?
I meant pictures and sure don't be insecure
>I'm so tired of seeing these guys in their mid-thirties trying to bang 17-year-olds by essentially being manipulative with someone who doesn't know any better. At that age for many angsty teens just telling them that they're smart and unique and that you have your own house is enough to make many run away from home.
(Age / 2 + 7) provided minimum is 18, if lower then it's automatically 18. Works well until I got divorced so I don't give a shit and I bang 18-22yo now. I'm 33.
Men and women are different. Their priorities, interests and so forth are different. Smart women gain experience, though.
You can have a woman with a master's that can literally lecture on comparative religion, philosophy, business, law, but can't grasp underlying political motivations behind society to save her life. She could talk circles around you in world cultures form having researched and traveled, but can't understand history or its reoccurring trends. She might have researched communism, fascism and democracy, but has no actual understanding of why the people would have gravitated towards one or the other.
Meaning, women can learn a lot of things widely, but men will have certain thinking patterns distinct to them, that allow them to grasp concepts a woman couldn't, because she naturally placed no value in the concept which the man immediately took notice of.
>tl;dr boys have penis, girls have vagina
Do you have a link to the study in question, or at least the definition in relation to it for the terms 'crystallized intelligence' and 'fluid intelligence' From the graph alone it seems to be showing their data supports the idea of both types declining with age. You where responding to my comment about me saying the brain never stops 'changing' regardless of age. Why do you think this graph is a point against that?
My dad is 8 years older than my mom.
I'd say if the older one isn't being manipulative and they both consent and love eachother wholeheartedly without any shady shits going on, there's nothing wrong with it. Though don't be a fucking mudshit and marry a minor.
The problem with looking for a potential mate in your early 30s and onward is that the chicks that are close to your age either are either divorced with kids, have a shit ton of cock miles on them, "my career comes first" skanks, or want to get married within a year and have kids because they know the clocks running out.
i got reallllly lucky, but if for some insane reason this doesn't work out, i'm staying single and doing a world pussy tour for the rest of my life.
while that may be illegal to have sex, it IS legal to marry in some states, go figure
>Isn't being manipulative
>Equality in relationships is what we should strive for
its easy as fuck because those girls aren't into vidya playing betas their own age.
Women only learn to please their authority to. They don't learn or pursue knowledge because they possess some desire to do so or understand the world. Women can become or do quite a lot, but it's always within the context of doing it on behalf of someone else, never themselves. Women are incapable of guiding themselves, having their own values, or beliefs. They always reflect those of their authority in life
I think it's a trap (really)
Yeah, it's so stupid, that nearly every girl has a kid by 28. Like "I have no skills, talents and nothing going for me. How can I make this worse, while still getting a participation trophy?"
>Expecting women to be capable of guiding her own life
Western society is in such a mess to a large degree because men can't seem to grasp the nature of women.
legal age and up
currently talking to a 19 year old girl
t. 25 year old
>You realize the brain doesn't fully mature until well beyond that time, don't you?
but I bet you support 5 year old children deciding to be transgender right?
No, it can't be.
>80% heritage, 15% environmental
And I'm aware this is at least mostly accurate, but what kind of father is the man that doesn't give 110% to raise his children right? That 15% potential is his duty to maximize as best he can.
>he doesn't need to spend every minute with them
He needs to spend as much time as is needed to do whatever is necessary for them, which is not in his control. They need to learn business, dating, work ethic, study, values-- this can't be done if you don't have the entire family in one roof. Father will be in and out of the houses trying to keep up with each family, and if anythig goes wrong, something out of his control in any of those families, it will be his obligation to deal with it, while being forced to ignore the others.
>Children won't grasp
What I mean to say is the kids will inevitably wonder why father doesnt spend so much time with them. Along with work, he will be spending far too much time away from the individual kids and they will react to that, especially when comparing themselves to other children who actually have fathers present consistently.
>any type of animal
You have a point for an improper argument. R-selected hyper breeding animals like rats and rabbits spread the seed as much as they can to make it impossible to hunt out the species as a whole. K-selected resource heavy animals devote their time and resources to smaller numbers of offspring to guarantee their children reach maturity. Humans are the latter.
That's not true. Their interests and priorities are different, so the knowledge a (smart) woman accrues is different from that of a man's. In those areas where a woman's priorities aren't, that's where they are led and subscribe to the highest authority they see.
I was with a smart, older one that had seen much of the world, lived under the fall of communism, could talk for hours about obscure southeast Asian rice gods and other such obscure cultural things, but had no mind for politics or the actual rationale behind cultures. Of course, as a woman, she subscribed entirely to the authority of the orthodoxy, having no opinion of it herself.
Anything beyond 10 years us too much.
>muuh divide by two and add a seven
What an arbitrary and retarded stupidity.