>British war veterans rotting in tough Indian prison for crimes they did not commit beg for Government to help them.
>One of six ex-soldiers wrongly jailed in India urged the UK Government to stand by them yesterday—“as we stood by Queen and Country when we served”.
>The ex-soldiers were jailed in January after being detained and accused of importing weaponry for jihadists by Indian officials
Hope he has a loo at least
Nice, now do it to our CIA.
Country of backstabbers.
Good luck soldiers, too bad you were born in and served for this shitty country, fucking nosebleeders.
British confirmed for biggest cucks amongst whites.
New bump
I POO IN Sup Forums TOO!
umad bruv?
m8 i'm so fucking mad because of this thread right now
how can we ever recover from this?
I agree. More than French and German.
idk m9, shit is so fucked up
how can you recover from this?
>rotten brown incel
>calling anyone else a cuck
Dream on Pajeet.
Dirty mercenaries selling guns and bombs to Islamic terrorists in exchange for a few shekels
Let them rot in jail
I dont believe them. Allot of the time illegal weapon merchants are ex soldiers who formed dangerous connections in dangerous areas.
They probably were selling weapons to Jihadis.
>Triggered bong
Pathetic. Face it up. You are more cuck than others.
>accused of importing weaponry for jihadists
Good they should be hanged
they are probably mi6 and likely were doing what they said.
we sell weapons to saudis all the time who are jihadists
How do you let shitty poos jail you?
they are sneaky, the jail cells are the only places not covered in shit
criminals turn themselves in
Britcuck thread?
You just know all these posts are by the same PooInLoo with a different wifi source to switch id's
>I POO IN Sup Forums TOO!
Why are these men in jail? Did they dare to poo in a loo?
Na cant mate just watching a bit of French football
He is just turning his mobile data on and off
I spent a few years working around central/west/north Africa and many of the Brit private contractors I met were involved in illegal weapons acquisition and sales.
Their main contacts seemed to be mostly UK gov and arms manufacturers.
They gave the impression that if things went tits up and they were caught their contacts would drop them like a sack of shit and they would be disowned.
Ok listen here Mr.60% and plummeting ,
we're the ones who just got elected a fully social and economic conservative government in the wake of leaving a Union that is pioneered the Germans and French that FORCES people to take in refugees.
Please move along, Tyrone.
Really? Athletes?
Oh i'm sure if your public services weren't secular it would be filled with good white christian officers.
"If you weren't pro-active in preserving your culture, then you'd be like us LOL"
white secular, or arab or black secular.
That's the point of living in a secular society moron.
>By banning Christian and Muslim symbols
Good job
You have to make compromises.
Not just let them do whatever they want.
Also that ban only refers to religious symbols bigger than an inch (crosses, star of david...) and full face covers.
Noone is touching our monuments.