Why is it when White women race mix, they tend to have more unstable relationships than white men who race mix?

Why is it when White women race mix, they tend to have more unstable relationships than white men who race mix?

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the white women who would race mix are the worst women


Because white men treat women better and savages are savage?

Male niggers have no standards, they'll fuck everything with a hole, even the most inhuman looking black gorilla women are single-moms because some crazy nig slept with them so alot of trashy white women or those with psychological problems go for niggers because they don't really have standards anyway so they can remain as trashy and crazy as they want. 2 shit-tier people = higher chance of divorce.

Black women are generally very masculine and aggressive, not a problem for the nigs who fuck and leave them(niggers are like 2 times as likely to be homosexuals compared to whites) but for a white man to marry them they'll have to be and act far better than the average black woman or even white woman. 2 higher quality people = more stable marriage.


You fucking nigger

oh look this nigger is starting another yellow fever thread

Women tend to be happier when they marry someone higher status than them. So they probably marry asians purely for money, but because they're manlets and not very manly, women don't gain status benefits of having a desirable partner. Meanwhile blacks are pretty much guaranteed to be very low status, and were probably married on basic lust impulses or some twisted revenge against the system mentality. Neither of those leads to long-term stability.

>Asians better over all
At what point do the Japanese stop being honorary Aryans and white people become honorary nihonjin?