High iq city people: Wrote a check for the Clinton foundation

High iq city people: Wrote a check for the Clinton foundation

Rural and suburban retards: Drumpf voters

Any questions?

this is so true, bump.

She won a one way ticket to the gallows. Obamas going to prison too.


What a shit thread

Let it die

Even though im a donald trump voter, I do live in the suburbs...... how did you know? Haha.

>It was real in my mind

Electoral College existing proves our founding fathers knew that cities were always going to be liberal hivemind shitholes. She lost, faggot. Get over it.


She. Won. STFU rural retard

Wew lad you fucking such at samefagging

You may be committing a crime OP

>rural retard
>changing flags makes me more anonymous
t. samefagging moron

you drumpf kids ok? what exactly was wrong with ted cruz or bush?

If you're so smart, how come you live in the big city where fucking crack whores leave their shit-stained pants on your doorstep every morning, loser?

Drumpf (der um ph) [noun]
1. A word used by smug butthurt losers to show disdain for
those that BTFO of them.
2. The sound made by a Democrat just prior to shitting its pantyhose.
3. A general shitposting of shit in some shitty thread started by a shithead.
4. The noise your mama makes when she takes you up the ass.

yeah i'm very dumb dumb what will you do?

Civilizations are born in villages, dies in cities

How many checks have you written to drumpf basement loser

They are cucservatives and neocon shills

umm she was LITERALLY to smart to win sweeties

russian drumpf bot get out of my thread

I'm a certified "high IQ city person." I voted for Trump. End of story.

>High iq city people
Lel, those don't exist. Silly OP.

sweetie, you know nothing.

He writes checks to me, you sewer dwelling cockbag!



Drumpf (der um ph) [noun]
1. A word used by smug butthurt losers to show disdain for
those that BTFO of them.
2. The sound made by a Democrat just prior to shitting its pantyhose.
3. A general shitposting of shit in some shitty thread started by a shithead.
4. The noise your mama makes when she takes you up the ass.

Yea i have a question... why are you so fucking retarded mate?






Checked, thanks doc.

Hillary is a femcuck!

Seen the crime rate comparison to the election map ?

Maybe he should tell his mother to stop leaving her pants on his doorstep?
Crack whore problem solved.

This is a fallacy constantly cited by the left. Even though college aged people came out for Trump in droves. Nothing about living in a city makes you smarter by default. Having two coastal cities monopolized with a political opinion should never decide an election. We weren't deciding who should be governor of California, but President of the United States. Have fun citing muh populous vote while we enjoy the man we chose to lead our nation.

rural retard detected

What would he have for breakfast?

I'd have dragged my balls through broken glass to taste the tears of pic related.

You should try nigger-woman Maxine next time. Do it for the PoC.

Enjoy the recension of DACA this week. 600,000 baby beaners going back to the cartels. Mhuahaha!



they may be retard but at least they know how the system works and are delusional enough to believe that HRC won.

she didn't win
it's going to be ok
now get over it

your niggers and spics just didn't show up. maybe if she had offered fried chicken and tacos at the polling stations she would have won.

>illegal votes going down
long live the Emperor

>high iq
>can't understand the rules


They're so advanced in their intelligence that they make their own rules. Laws are for rural and suburban retards not the superior ubermenschen that comprise the (white) urban stronghold

Ding! Ding! We have a winner!




Take a guess as to where all the city people are in this photo
Hint: not the boats

Why ypu even reply to shitposts like this

Just bumping for the entertaining troll here. Nice work.

The high IQ city people have probably built an interdimensional portal to escape to a parallel universe while the rural and suburban retards are stuck in their shitty boats in the rain.

writing checks in their private penthouses

I wish That would happen to Portland

Are we going to keep having these whiny babies for 8 years?

This is true, I live in rural Slovenia and I voted for Frumpf

>High iq
>city people:
Does not compute.

>Wrote a check for the Clinton foundation
Spent $1.5 billion: lost
Big city high IQ: chumps

U mad you braindead fuck she lost get over it

Let is snow it snnnooowwwwww

Why do you support pedophilia, ritual sacrifice and the ability for foreign governments to influence the internal politics and actions of your country simply by donating an appropriately large amount to the Clinton Foundation?

antifa perv humps 16 year old

what's with all the leftists going full schizo lately?

Isnt Clinton Foundation funding pizzagate?


Illegals are generally not high iq

>Living in city makes me high IQ.
>spit on rural population because they wrongvote.
>Certainly that's because I'm smarter than them, even though I couldn't even grow my own food.

High IQ city-slicker here. Voted Trump.

What she really won is a trip to jail. Obama couldn't do it because he's just a puppet. Trump's gonna take care of it.


this will help with the crushed cultural Marxism ideology

are these the same 'high IQ' hypocritical antifa faggots insisting Trump is trying to divide the country while attacking the first amendment and peaceful demonstrators.

How's the cities? That infrastructure crumbling and you fags still think you are superior. Your smug attitude turns people away from the left and most view the suburbs and rural country as beautiful and our heritage. Fuck your cities and fuck your new architecture it sucks.

>city people
>high iq
Pick one faggot

Trying to check this off your liberal agenda huh? "Make self feel better"

Hillary's Chinese soul mate. Burn in Hell with your heroine, OP.

Stop dickriding Clinton and get out of Sup Forums