Did hitler really do experiments on people?

Did Hitler really torture and experiment on children?

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Hitler wasn't a scientist, he wouldn't know how.

He experimented on my butthole

Should communists really be considered people?

Yeah but did his eugenicists really do that shit?

There is all of this video footage of concentration camp people missing limbs and shit

Americans do it right now,openly and nobody cares.
Dont tell me pumping 5-7y olds full with hormones and cutting genitals left and right is not an experiment.

Yes they did it and the Japs did it as well with Unit 731.

no. even the jap "unit 731" is a hoax"

No just Jews and gypsies and maybe a few commies.

human experimentation is a necessary step in the most important fields of technology: genetic engineering and artificial gestation. it is something you should celebrate and push for if you want to extend your lifespan, increase your physical/intellectual capabilities, or produce superior children.

every single powerful society on earth is currently experimenting on humans.


Fuck you we didn't start this shit. It's a fucking plague. And I'm sure it's coming to you soon buddy.

all those stories about hitler an the occult were real? i mean look at the movie hellboy look at the video game Return to Castle Wolfenstein and all other shit. i think its true

You go,take a good look at the caliphate of sweden.
Thats what you get for running forced eugenics for only ~60 years.

Yeah,everyone else is fault,but me.

> hitler

No he was just a public figure.
The nazis were, indeed.

Anyone claiming otherwise is a mentally degenerated autist.

> we
> neckbeard LARPer from the US

Just kys you big silly baby.

I think what you really mean is: did German doctors during the Third Reich perform experiments on humans (maybe also on children) that today would be considered unethical. The answer is yes.
Yes for the Third Reich.
Yes for the USA
Yes for France
Yes for Britain
Yes for Japan
Yes for any other developed nation with anything approximating modern medicine.

I'd celebrate if they'd experiment on you. Go on tardie, enlist yourself for the greater good!

I don't know

Let's just presume they did. When people come up with all kinds of crazy, ridiculous stories there is usually at least some truth to it. What I'm saying is, most of the things claimed about the human experiments will probably be wrong or outright lies, but there will have been events that have inspired the imagination of those that reported on them.

is that captain Pepe Lehmann-Willenbrock?

Put yourself forward for human experimentation then.
Else shut the fuck up you moron.

This is what I think.

nazis probably did some weird shit

The US did experiments on people around that time.

Shit, the CIA was fucking doing illegal drug tests on people in the 60s.

Yup, Germans are sick depraved fucks

So did the Soviets, the Chinese and many others. USA have done some pretty fucked up shit with the CIA too but not directly involving children to my knowledge.

the US exploded over 1000 nukes on its 'own' territory. if that isnt some fucked up experimentation on people i dont know what is.

MKULTRA subjected children to abuse/torture/sexual slavery

not really a logical response. "if you think overpopulation is a problem why don't you kys?"

the more logical response would be for me to experiment on a hundred humans, or kill a hundred people, or at least support these measures. I don't expect much complex thought from children, though.

enjoy dying in your 70s in pain and foggy thoughts because that;s what you support if you are against human experimentation.

the US is experimenting on people as we speak. it would be naive to assume otherwise. powerful people more intelligent than me and you want to increase their lifespan. there is only one way to do this, and that is human experimentation.

Well there ya go.

The national socialist party was the first party in the world to argue AGAINST scientists doing experiments on animals. Do you hear me? AGAINST DOING IT. They hang posters up everywhere saying to end animal cruelty in research and they demonstrated in front of labs.

Why the fuck would they do experiments on fucking humans, then?

to increase the physical and intellectual performance of their race. there's nothing wrong with that. you guys are short-sighted.

Yes, so did the Allies, Japan etc. Medical/research ethics went through a large shift after WW2, and I think America was actually one of the last to adapt. Look up Tuskegee syphilis experiments for example.

Yes he did. We even have his signature on the aktion t4 bill.


>have asthma
>government cuts your dick off

This is who Sup Forums worships?

and so did most of the civilized world
just as you :^)

Mengy-kun dindu nuffin

Gnadentod =! Cutting off someone's dick

The document merely states that doctors were given the permission to pull the plug on terminally ill patients after thorough medical assassment.

I don't see what's wrong with that.

They dindu nuffin wrong.

No. Stop believing jewish memes.

>being this tender a sprout
you have to be over 18 to post here, child

Probably only on the jews, who aren't really people so it doesn't matter. He could have tortured thousands of them for the whole period of nazi leadership for all I care.

People yes, children I'm not sure. I don't see why they wouldn't. Mengele allegedly experimented on twins, that probably involved children as well.

slick af

Jewish children. They'd grow to be communists, user. It's all okay.

Not children this word is use for young human but maybe for young kike wich is like doing experiment on poop

>"war crime" that came into existence with a horror novel in 1983
Time to declassify those documents, burger.

Hitler and Mengele had a gay orgy with me and then used me for testing new gassing systems for the extermination camps while I was stuck in the masturbation machine. Please pay reparations because every white male is guilty of Holocausting my holy people.

Everybody did you retarded faggot cuck. Don't you cocksuckers for a second think its nice to have all this medical knowledge while condemning the German's exclusively for medical experiments. Fucking kill yourself. Throw yourself into a pool with a brick tied around your neck. Strangle yourself blue for being stupid. Swallow the barrel of a gun and pull the trigger. Do whatever you have to do, but get the fuck off this planet, you RETARD.