I'm with Her
Literally who?
NY blue pilled soccer mom owned by the Jew.
that's not Shillary??
Gas all the fucking kikes
Kirsten Gillibrand (D)-NY
I'm calling it democucks.
Nobody believes the party of slavety
Good for you sweetie, time for bed now.
Kek, how on earth would Democucks get Texas, Georgia, Arizona and the rust belt? And huh Ohio and North Carolina? How delusional and retarded are you fucks?
Didn't happen you fuck.
I too support Image.jpg for president!
That's not even what happened. Study some actual history, fucking moron.
Obama won Ohio and NC in 08, Ohio in 12. p sure he won Arizona at least once
Isn't that the crazy SJW senator who literally invited rape-hoaxer and porn actress "Mattress Girl" to the STATE OF THE UNION address?
Yes; please nominate her in 2020.
Implyng Americans are smart enough to know their history and see what the left is standing for, we might see some miracles in the right direction
A flipped PA was just the beginning
>please nominate her
Let's make sure CNN gets her the debate questions
It pisses me off even after that cunt Hillary will die we will still have to deal with Hillary 2.0 for the next hundred years her life lengthened through child blood, sacrifices and molestation
Whos this whore?
She's not a whore. She's your future president. Her name is Kirsten Gillibrand.
In your wet dreams. Trump 2020 here we come. WW3 is inevitable.
Why on earth would you want WWIII? What is wrong with you? Let me guess...crazy Christian?
Look around. Welcome to Sup Forums you shithead.
Lurk moar fagget
Why is Skylar running for president?
First a foreign born negro president, now a woman president.
Man, you Americans must really hate your own country.
Sorry to say, but she's fucking hot. Who has already announced they might run in 2020 excluding celebs?
another attempt for a female presedint? pfft like thats ever gonna happen
trump 2020
Bring them to heel
>excluding celebs
If Don JR doesn't run Im voting Kanye West 2024
And I hope you die before that. Anyone else have a good answer?