>race that never even invented the wheel and thinks cannibalism gives you superpowers
>constantly featured on the white man's media as the alpha male
How do niggers do this?
Race that never even invented the wheel and thinks cannibalism gives you superpowers
Other urls found in this thread:
>Swedish company run by jews and woman
you tell me.
It's the kikes you dolt, niggers are barely smart enough to operate a fucking toilet
>thinks cannibalism gives you superpowers
Here's the thing, though: How do you know that it doesn't?
>(((white man's))) media
Jews do this to overthrow the Nordic
Burden of proof.
> battlefield 1
I am so happy I'm not 12 anymore so this shit can't bother me less. Really, you have shit taste in gaming OP.
dont expect much from Sweden.
I actually made a post on DICE boards calling them fascist racists, BECAUSE they put niggers in there.
I even gave good arguments, you could feel the swedish liberal brains going into an illogical loop and explode.
I only did it once, but if i did it more often on the official forums im pretty sure they'd remove all niggers from BF1 alltogether.
>DICE is racist and nazi
>You insist on showing black on black violence and black on white violence even in conflicts they didnt participate in
>Do you enjoy watching black people murder?
>WW1 was a white, barbaric war, why drag blacks into it?
>dont drag blacks into white conflicts
>this game makes blacks look agressive
A liberal will get the Blue Screen of Death after reading this.
because it feels good to see value in other people than yourself. enjoying media which features the "other" is a way to engage with the "other" without letting real people geting in the way of beautiful ideals
Kek this should have been coordinated. Just imagine if you could shill this to twitter niggers saying that the blond white swedes want to portray niggers as being racist.
They would be having stroke after stroke
Holy kek I love you poland
They are entertaining, and too stupid to give a shit. Girls like guys who don't give a shit, girls like bling blings, and girls like entertainment.
This makes me think, why can't we make a show where Niggers are like gladiators and they fight to death? it'll be extremely fun to watch.
8927 dimensional chess
waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of you lad
we've had this for awhile
They don't do anything. Jews and crazy white people do it for them. Black people are the first victims of this insidious propaganda. Their collective self image is shaped by stereotypes and distorted realities presented by the media.
You know what? I'll make the thread again on the official BF1 forums as soon as i get back to work.
If any of you have a BF1 account you could pitch in, too.
The more threads, the better.
DICE's gonna shit their pants, they fear being called rasists more than they fear getting beheaded.
I'd like to help but i completely boycott games that push these narratives, so i haven't bought the game. Still, it's a project worth doing m8 and i'll support the thread whenever i see it
>niggers doing it
0/10 jew.
jews centuries old ritual of murdering children to drink their blood turns out to transfer youth.
why do they always shoehorn niggers into white media, but you never see like a black samurai, and you never see chinese people in medieval settings
Not exactly true, they've been shoe horning niggers into egyptian with the we wuz king bit.
the meltdown must have been a sight to behold, this is my favorite tactic to use on my liberal family members
This show is called internet :D
europeans also never invented the wheel you stupid fuck.
They imported it from Chetite empire
Through the eternal jew.
entertain us with your czechs are the center of the universe fables.
>blaming niggers for this
I am literally black and never once cared about any of this shit, its YOUR weak, beta, Jew mind virus infected white brothers and sister who keep on pushing for this
My grandfather didnt leave africa to see the west become the 3rd world shithole he left
fucking sort it out NOW
Europeans were never peasants/farmers. The wheel was invented in 9th century by the bogdanoffs and given to the europeans in exchange for the last unicorn alive.
I've taken to using a similar tactic against immigration using women
>Immigrants help our GDP and do jobs we wont!
>Yes but is not likey that at least even a single woman get raped by one of these 10,000+ immigrants who otherwise wouldnt have been here?
>Well yes but the number of people offset the risk of this small occurance
>So you're saying GDP growth is more important to you than the right of every single woman not to be raped? How misogynistic of you
>W-well I dont mean it that way, but what about all these people
>And you would put their well being above increasing the chances that even a single woman gets raped? You must really hate women to be this misogynistic.
>W well I'm a feminist female how can you say that?
>So you've internalized the globalist patriarchy that says downtrodden people are more important even if more than half are not women? Why do you internalize this misogyny? Why do this to yourself? Only an evil patriarchy could convince you that the well being of a million MEN could be important that protecting every single woman from rapes? Do you or do you not believe every single woman should be protected from rape at all costs?
>Well not at the cost of these peoples best chance for help??
>So misogynistic for you to think EVERY SINGLE WOMAN doesn't deserve protection from rape at ALL COSTS! Great to know you value low-cost labor economics more than womens right to bodily safety and sexual autonomy.
It can go on and on, its literally unbeatable
Sorry phoneposting at 4 am
they became part of america and so let's just raise them up so they breed less and perform better. the mercy option is often the most effective and practical. we've all been manipulated by a common enemy, all the races.
They don't. We do it for them.
give me a proof of a wheel being invented on European soil, smart fucks.
Will you stop crying about black people. Good lord it looks pathetic at this point. You know I don't think anyone actually hates black people on this site, I think you idiots actually admire them. You stay talking about them like they are your whole world. You realize if all white people just ignored them that they would fade into the background on their own?
Bf1 is pretty good, I especially like the new snowy map, feels balanced as do the classes. What are the issues you have with it?
Doesn't work that way, you're the one with the claim, burden of proof is on you.
> The first evidence of wheeled vehicles appears in the second half of the4th millennium BCE, near-simultaneously inMesopotamia(Sumerian civilization), the NorthernCaucasus(Maykop culture) andCentral Europe(Cucuteni-Trypillian culture), so the question of which culture originally invented the wheeled vehicle is still unsolved.
> The earliest well-dated depiction of a wheeled vehicle (here a wagon — four wheels, two axles) is on theBronocice pot, a c. 3500 – 3350 BCE clay pot excavated in aFunnelbeaker culturesettlement in southern Poland.[5]
>The oldest securely dated real wheel-axle combination, that fromStare Gmajnenear Ljubljana in Slovenia (Ljubljana Marshes Wooden Wheel) is now dated in 2σ-limits to 3340–3030 BCE, the axle to 3360–3045 BCE.[6]
>Two types of early Neolithic European wheel and axle are known; acircumalpinetype of wagon construction (the wheel and axle rotate together, as in Ljubljana Marshes Wheel), and that of theBaden culturein Hungary (axle does not rotate). They both are dated to c. 3200–3000 BCE.[7]
>The wheel was barely used, with the exception of Ethiopia and Somalia, inSub-Saharan Africawell into the 19th century but this changed with the arrival of the Europeans.
That works too :D
large portion of the buyers are them.
>European soil
>today's Iraqis
>European soil
>today's Jews
>In the context of the Kurgan hypothesis, the culture is seen as non-Indo-European, representing a culture of Neolithic origin, as opposed to the Indo-European-language-speaking peoples (see Yamna culture)
Admit it, the only thing whitey can do is let black bulls pour into his country and make gay marriage legal
BF1 would be the worst Battlefield, but Hardline exists.
I'm getting bored after 20 minutes of playing.
I cant even say what exactly makes the game so shitty, its just...... shitty.
Music is the worst, for sure.
Its not even music, its more like a choir whining, shrieking something.
Call of Duty WW2 is coming out soon. Featuring black nazi men/woman.
I honestly don't know if they just wanna push diversity or if they really want to portrait blacks as evil nazis.
You can pick your gender and race though. I'm playing as a qt white nazi girl myself.
lol yeah man, did you see the official explanation they gave on youtube?
>we are allowing custimisable characters (black, white), because social options and looking like yourself in real life is more important to us than historical accuracy.
maybe they should implement nazi furries or something too, so social!!
Get off the internet Micelin
> I'm playing as a qt white nazi girl myself.
you're actually playing this turd of a game?
come on, man.....
I was kidding, I'm not gonna buy it. I hope next year is gonna be World at War 2 though. Treyarch kept the first game historically accurate although the soviet campaign was cancerous propaganda. But what do you want, it's call of duty.
>How does yew do this?
they dont jews do
>northern caucasus
>central Europe
You cant read can you
no niggers, jews. you know this user, why do you need to ask? its always the jews pushing this shit. its so ubiquitous that when its not a jew its a genuine surprise.
Portraying blacks as nazis is a way to legitimize the uncle Tom narrative.
Soon every black guy from the right will be, unironically, called a nazi.
EA told them to
BF1 is actually a pretty good game.
>How do niggers do this?
they AREN'T. It's whites trying to prove something about nogs that never happened so they hold off TRUTH one more day.
Why dont you fucking write a complaint to EA like the rest of us do instead of complaining on pol. My complaint to them was about the amount of bugs in bf1 and the fact that they focused more on character diversity rather than. the fucking quality of the game
(((they))) love nigger dicks
and niggers love tight boi pussies that make diamonds
Daily reminder: this is exactly the type of repetitive spamming that led to ((Jesus)) being worshipped in the west. There's a 50/50 chance that 1500 years from now, whites will be ostracized if they fail to worship in one or the other of two competing cults, one which fetishizes Grichka, and the one which fetishizes Igor. They will literally be the Christ and Marx of the 36th century.
1. It's a fucking video game.
2. It's not even "just another video game", but a new instalment in the CoD franchise, which is known for the unrealistic bullshit that gets put in these games
3. The only reason it's set in WWII is because money. Advanced Warfare (I think that's what the latest CoD is called) didn't sell very well while BF1 did, and sure as hell the kikes in Activision/Blizzard noticed where the money is to be made
4. I am pretty sure the customisation option is only in multiplayer, single player campaign should be a bit more realistic
Oh and since we are on this topic as well, about the Nazi flags being replaced, the main reason is again money. CoD is an esports game and Activision had to make some changes for the game to be allowed to be broadcasted in countries like Germany, where Nazi symbols are either banned by law or really frowned upon.
>is contributing to the destruction of western society
>expects whities to sort it out for him
>is a nigger
Checks out
>it's a fucking video game
stop faggot
99% of people don't know shit about history and if you put blacks everywhere in the games that are about HISTORY then the younger generations will automatically assume that it's how it's been and everyone soon will think that half of the soldiers in both world wars were fucking niggers
Jews love them.