Gay Marriage in Australia

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I know most of you will probs think i'm trolling cause of flag but fuck i have to tell someone about this.

So i wanted to discuss gay marriage and the impact it will have on Australia.
I wanted to find out exactly how it would effect kids in particular with gays being able to raise them.
Now Before i start I will say that i am heavily against gay marriage because i simply believe that there is a reason we have raised families with a man and a woman since the dawning of time however i will discuss what i found in research.
So the first thing i looked for is that if kids grow up "normal".
I found a lot of statistics and studies that said they do and i found some that don't, i will admit there were more saying that they do rather than they don't HOWEVER, i found that in a lot of these "do" ones that it said that the kids were "Happier and Better" which straight away makes me believe that thats propaganda because if someone was to say that they grow up and turn our the same i could understand and believe that but for them to say they turn out BETTER i know is just a fabrication.
The studies that said they don't turn out the same were saying that the kids were more prone to mental illness and depression growing up and would get to a point where they would literally "wish they had a mum and dad".
So with that i found there was more studies saying that they do turn out fine but there were still a substantial amount that said they didn't.
The next thing i looked into was the correlation between homosexuality and paedophilia, now this was fucked up.
I found only 2 articles that said there is no correlation, one was from a lesbian and ex prostitute and the other was quoting studies done in the 90s, 80s, 70s even as old as the 40s so you could suggest he was going on some out of date data.
I then found about 10-12 articles and studies saying that homosexual males are 6 times, 12 times, 15 times and even 20 times more likely to be a paedophile than a heterosexual.

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm against it because divorce costs taxpayer money.

There was one study in particular that was interesting because the bloke said at the start that you shouldn't judge someone to be a paedophile based on their sexuality and sounded that he was for gays in the sense.
But that was the study that said they are up to 20 times more likley.
So i've come to conclusion that there seems to be a decent chance that the kids won't turn out right and there is a MASSIVE chance that they could be sexually abused.
So based on that i can't understand why people would still be fine for them raising children when these percentages are so high.
Even if it was homosexuals are 2 times more likely why would people want to take this risk with children?

If you really cared about raising children you'd poo-poo all this gay marriage shit and focus on the horrendous diets of children of single parents.

Why don't you link the statistics and research you made? It'll make it easier for everyone else to link your opinion on the matter (which you present) to actual facts and data.

Yeah thats true, but why would you want to just add to the amount of children being fucked over by allowing gay marriage?

>So i wanted to discuss gay marriage and the impact it will have on Australia.

I don't think it will pass and it's just an opinion poll anyway we aren't actually voting on it.

I think it's fairly well known many faggots are pedophiles which is why most countries won't let them adopt children. Despite all the pro faggot propaganda you see floating around these days any kid raised by two faggots would live a miserable life of sexual abuse and bullying. I've never known anyone raised by faggots growing up. But if I had I can imagine they'd get bashed every single day at school. The suicide statistics on children of faggot dads would be interesting to see.

Its just an opinion poll?
Even the outcome of it they will most likley listen to the side that wins though.
I think it will be tight but i think yes will win, even though i don't want that to happen.

you're right.

Wow, i've never seen someone be civil and just see someones elses point of view and agree with it.

>to actual facts and data.
Why don't you just link these "facts and data"
Majority of the ones i saw were probs flops cause i just googled them, i'm just saying about what i found from them all.

Gay marriage has no effort on kids as they can already adopt you dip shit

I thought about it for 2 seconds. The underlying cause doesn't matter as much as preventing child abuse. There's no point arguing when we're on the same side. There's no point whinging "wah wah muh diets" on my lonesome if we can both see the same degeneracy.

Yes but currently it's a privilege for them.
There is kids whos parents would have requested them to get sent to a hetero family.
If they are allowed marriage they will have the RIGHT to do it, and we will never be able to take that away from them.

>The underlying cause doesn't matter as much as preventing child abuse
That is exactly my point.

The full name is:
Australian Marriage Law Postal Survey
This "Survey" will likely to enable a free vote in parliament in comparison to vote along party's line.
Say if LNP's official position is against gay assfuck - decided by the secret ballot among party's parliamentary members (both houses), without survey, based on the convention of Westminster system, all LNP's MP must vote NO.
If this survey shows majority of public support gay assfuck shit eating, then although the LNP's official position is still NO, that position will no longer have a binding effect on how their parliamentary members vote - they can vote YES or NO as they wish.


When is the voting ?

fuck gayjew