Why are nazis so attractive to females?
Why are nazis so attractive to females?
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Muscleheads are less intelligent.
r'ing that cartoon with the fash-wave music and the neo-nazi guy
You know, the funny thing is that I was a fat sack when I went to university to do my arts degree and completely leftarded.
But around the age of 19/20 I became an absolute gym freak, got shredded and then I became a neocon who thought George W Bush was cool and I would argue in favor of the Iraq War just to piss off leftists. Must be something about that testosterone which makes you conservative.
Ah so you're a musclehead then?
this is what makes it so satisfying when you get labelled as a meathead and it turns out you're by far the smartest person in the room
Idk something about our ideology attracts the Chads.
>Why are nazis so attractive to females?
If that were true this board wouldn't be filled with daily anti-women threads.
Calves are entirely genetic
t. Calflet
Just cause a bitch wants some of that nazi D doesn't mean she stops being a bitch
Since I started bodybuilding I've grown a sense of independence and reliance upon myself that university tried its best to extinguish. I'm more libertarian than ever before, and I've grown to immensely hate the left. They revel in their ugliness. I love how people can look at me and instantly see my ideological stance. Weeds out the faggots
Hans "Dolph" Lundgren (born 3 November 1957)[2] is a Swedish actor, director, screenwriter, producer, and martial artist.
Lundgren received a degree in chemical engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in the early 1980s and a master's degree in chemical engineering from the University of Sydney in 1982. He holds the rank of 3rd dan black belt in Kyokushin karate and was European champion in 1980-81.
because the vaginaljew doesn't hold any power over the alpha male
asshole, what a scientific term that really is.
Dumb feminists science.
How can you justify the Iraq war? This is why I'm neither right or left but a conspiracy theorist ( as normies like to say).
Is that your excuse to be pathetic or in other words, antifa?
Sirin Kale got rejected by guys at the gym and is writing to vice as if it were blog post and gets paid to do it.
>Ethiopian leg day
My German calves are highly voluptuous.
chad nationalism?
get /fit/ and /misc/ on the board
Because leftist ideology is about trying to ensure equality by bringing everyone down to the same common denominator. It's an ideology which celebrates weakness and laziness because to criticize someone or to claim they have undesirable traits is seen is intolerance which, to a leftist, is social suicide. If everyone is equal then there's no desire to ever improve oneself. Rightest ideology acknowledges the differences between people and espouses everyone being responsible for their own selves and being the best version of themselves they can be. Because of this rightists are more likely to be in better shape as they want to mold themselves into someone worthy of being respected rather than simply demanding the respect and acceptance of others.
No wonder Arnold is a pussy now. He doesnt lift anymore. turned into a flabby.
You can't. But back in 2005 it was possible to sound persuasive about it using bad intelligence reports.
Btw peak male aesthetics is reached at 27. It's all downhill after that
Cheap shot from weak non-chad media.
got you pham youtu.be
>have dedication to something that can't be purchased
>Develop a character that's willing to work hard instead of getting "free" shit from the government
Not if you start going bald in your teens
Vice Reporters More Likely to be Ugly-Ass Cunts, Science + Everything Else Confirms
Does getting fit make you more independent or does being an individual make it more likely you want to improve yourself?
Is that a coincidence if he looks like the aryan ?
Females attracted to Nais? Is that why people here keep complaining that their wives and girlfriends keep leaving them for black lovers? Because they are just to attractive for them?
140 IQ here, working on my gains 8th week in a row so far.
nice fake news
pic related would kick the shit out you and also has confirmed 195 iq.
>Why are nazis so attractive to females?
Lots of women are repulsed by nazis and/or "gym bros"
They harp on about how you can't judge people by "superficial" shit like race, colour, religion (but only Islam,) but they're always the first to do the exact same thing whenever they feel like it.
It's almost like they're a bunch of retarded cunts who deserve to be exterminated because it's what natural selection would have done if we didn't have any technology.
>Must be something about that testosterone which makes you conservative.
Testosterone is known to boost self-confidence. One of the root causes of left-wing belief is the inability to believe in yourself succeeding.
If you have confidence in yourself and your own ability, a system that rewards initiative and merit is totally desirable, since you feel you'll naturally ascend to the upper levels of such a society.
Meanwhile, if you have contempt for yourself, you'll start to view any system of merit-based assignation of resources as fundamentally unfair, because you believe you will end up at the bottom of the hierarchy.
Not to say that's the only cause, obviously. Smart people, who are very aware and proud of their intelligence, are drawn to leftism too. Theirs is more a case of believing they know best how to organize society, and feeling entitled to do so on account of their superior intelligence (real or imagined).
the new cool thing is to be smart and juicy
if you dont care about your body are you really that smart? :^)
Yes, I can just picture some pointdexter scientist in a labcoat emerging from months of experiments, testing, and hypothesis and more experiments, wiping his brow, letting out a long sigh of relief then holding up his clipboard:
>"Yep these guys are definitely total assholes."
These are the same idiots who wonder why conservatives "reject science" when all their "scientists" and "experts" are just spouting whatever the narrative is this week that fits the liberal agenda.
>8 weeks
Is creatine worth it?
My gf likes to hear german in bed.
>can't be purchased
I suggest Blood Rush.
he also got a fulbright scholarship, the guy's basically a genius
the more testosteron you have the more alpha you are it makes sense why are people finding this now
, ... buuuump
I thought I was out of shape because I wasn't going to the gym, but it seems that I need to be more rightwing in order to get gains!
Left-wing men all turn out to be rapists. This might be because their increased exposure to hysterical women who fake a rape accusation against them is more likely. Or it might be that the only reason they're going along with this bullshit is in a misguided attempt to get laid. And so when all their faggot virtue signalling just gives them blue balls, they end up getting impatient.
>tfw this guy is more qualified to have a science based show compared to bill nye
Lifters know that their goals can only be reached with hard work and sacrifice, with long term planning for long term results.
Now tell me, wich kind of mentality is more akin to succeed in the gym, left wing or right wing?
almost the opposite. in fact not being fit or doing a sport are possibly the biggest signs of being a brainlet
Tfw to intelligent.
Removed for hate speech! The jewtube crackdown is real!
>journalist retard misinterprets study
>conflates healthy BMI population with gym bro population
>gym bros
Fit people are more likely to be right wing, yes. However, not all fit people go to gyms, not even half of all fit people routinely go to gyms.
I'd say most own their own weights/equipment.
Gyms are full of virtue signalling liberal faggots who also have homosexual tendencies.
They'll adopt any womans political leanings as long as it gets them pussy.
The autor of the article has never been to a gym and "gym bros" must be different in Australia than they are in the US for OP to have believed this.
If I could press a button to gas all gym bros, I would because only about 1/4 are right wing at best and they would throw all of their beliefs away in a heartbeat if it meant getting some sexual action.
>More lipstick than face
women love gym bros stop projecting
that's right MovieBob
>inb4 SMV meme graph
99% chance she got pumped and dumped by a /fit/ Trump voter.
Can someone post it?
There's the PJ O'Rourke quote that goes
>No one has ever had a fantasy about being tied to a bed and sexually ravished by someone dressed as a liberal.
Not really. You probably just skip leg day and it's a very dense muscle. Probably not even working out the inner calf muscles which make it pop out although doesn't have much utility. Weighted calf raises alone can get you some nice calves.
Exercise = neurogenesis = production of new brain cells
So, more brain cells makes you become a Nazi?
It's like it's the more intelligent choice or sumting.
Yeah, no. Being physically fit is good for your brain and helps you learn and react faster as well as makes you more sociable, and being social stimulates your brain and helps you learn too.
Gainless American brainlet.
Sounds pretty defensible if you're a Saudi or maybe even Kuwaiti, as an American it's a cuck position
Chad nationalism is real.
Why is Sup Forums always right?
Nigger that's him.
Yes if you're doing any sort of strength training. Even though you produce it endogenously, it's helpful to load more through your diet. The only time it's not advised is if you have poor kidney function, which is usually not a problem in young men anyway.
Had the same realization.
>tfw to intelligent to take care of your own body
195 IQ due to the weird shaped head.
the muzzies can rape this one.
>Can't get the D from chaD
>Call them all assholes
>Very scientific
work out more and find out.
this is like a beta nu-male writing an article about how fit blonde girls are so shallow and dumb
Muscleheads have more testosterone. You should be pretty retarded to think that a guy who goes to the gym one hour a day can't have time to read.
Stork-legged faggot, no quads, no hammies, no calves, no ass, can't plow the pussy properly without those.
And he was married to a black chick
Can comfirm, even though I had pretty decent sized calves for a manlet like me, they still grew 1.5 inches after about a year of doing good quality leg days.
And this is his daughter
True, look at blacks.
Thirsty commie jew(roastie) can't get any of the superior chad genes. So this is why they want to burn the coal.
most blacks i've seen in my country look like malnourished ethiopians, what are you even talking about?
You aren't. Centre liberal (non-SJW) are what they like. If you disagree you've never been around women in your life.
My high school class valedictorian, whom was bumped up as many grades as they allowed, hit the gym daily and was on all four of the varsity sport teams my school had. He was fucking meathead and I wouldn't have made it through a couple of AP classes if it weren't for him.
>Oh look, I'm going to stereotype people with Hollywood cliches rather than deriving my own opinion by communicating with them.
prepare to have your gains nationalised classcuck
No fucking shit
>not being both
heh, nice try kiddo
Anyone who is a leftie is only doing it to get laid. Imagine if that guy said he was for women's rights. All feminists would fight over his penis
>this is what fat slobs and low test twigs actually believe
The intelligent are more averse to coniditioning, when in many cases it's exactly what they need in their lives. Being above average in intelligence and physically miserable means a miserable life, consisting of wallowing in your own intellectual productions
It's because leftism is an ideology built around failure. It tries to penalize those who are more successful to "level the playing field".
Obviously you have no interest in that if you perform above the average.