are there people who feel like the pc culture needs a to be fought against?
Can we change the vote on same sex marriage?
Divorce costs the taxpayer. I am against anything that increases the rate of divorce
just a campaign of shit posting on such a short time till its due? November 7
Divorce is good for business. Divorce attorneys and court systems benefit from it.
There was no vote. It's an executive order. Trump can just overturn it with another executive order, and he probably will... second term.
explain to me why marriage, a religious institution has anything to do with the provisions of the state in a secular society?
there should be no marraige laws, it should be entirely religious and those churches that want to provide same sex couplings can do so at their discretion.
the state should provide civil partnership to whoever wants it
that true should attempt to reduce the cost on society, and if shit posting can do that im down
Those people already have more than enough benefits, we should pay them only when they earn it.
How can we fight against the PC culture if we don't have a basic moral foundation to our nation that is grounded in reality?
Australia is drowning in degeneracy because of our society's erroneous liberal principles which tell everyone to be a mindless hedonist and an agreeable mindless zombie with no deeper interests or values than football, reality tv and nightclubs?
The best vehicle of multiplying the human race and raising children to be virtuous men and woman is the family which is held together by marriage defined as a life long conjugal union between a man and a woman. Therefore, it is in the interest of the government to regulate and defend this institution.
i was just wondering if pol could help Australia out with this one? the state really only can issue civil bonds/partnerships the installment of laws that demand religious orders to support something they dont agree with is just wrong.
Absolutely and the Homosexual Marriage vote is the best time to protest and VOTE NO.
The Wests values are in decline, we wont have a society that values the institution of marriage, and thus love if this degradation of what love is, its not to say that gays and whatnot dont love it just that marriage is a union to have and raise children.
Don't trust gayjew
it was a supreme court decision, but maybe a magic executive order can do the job
Political correctness should never apply to the population at large. Only to the politicians and the language in the lawl in consistency with the 14th amendment.
I think the problem is that mainstream conservatives make their arguments while accepting the premise that homosexual behaviour is normal and acceptable because they're cucks.
Opposing samesex marriage makes a lot more sense if you begin from the basic starting point that homosexuality is immoral.
We need to make it acceptable again for people to defend the view that homosexual behaviour is immoral.
The problem is that people are in this mental straightjacket where they think that just being agreeable and accepting in general is moral, which is in fact a phoney fake morality which liberalism spreads.
We need to give people the language once again to classify homosexual behaviour in moral terms.
its true that pc culture is every where this issue is just the tip of the ice burg that the left are advancing in this wave of social engineering.
we do need to show the majority of people they can speak their minds and express their views, without being called a bigot or some shit like that, i get it all the time for criticizing the ideas of the Regressive's at uni
gay folk arent going to reproduce anyway
Won't gain much support since most people just care about feelings these days, if you make someone uncomfortable in this day and age you're basically Hitler.
This is why modern men and women in the west are so weak and soft, bullying and criticism moulds a persons character and shapes them into better people generally.
>ice burg
What the fuck is wrong with you
>ice burg
We don't even need to tolerate bullying. Just the idea of admonishing someone should be standard. When was the last time you heard someone use the word "admonish" in daily life? People have become robots spouting mindless nonsense, "that's hate", "Ooohh, stop being so judgemental!"
Gay here; I'm now against gay marriage purely because SJWs and trannies seem to support it.
Members of the Australian government and supporting agency's are advocating for the adoption of sharia law, despite the face that Islam has a major problem with the gays.
Well I agree, I was just using those terms broadly, I don't support harsh bullying of kids in school for no real reason, but if he is being all prissy and starts acting like a fag he should be criticised because it's abnormal.
You're right though, people just can't take any sort of criticism in any form
Thx for exposing him bae
I was the first person to ever voice chat him.
No, can you just let your fucking fags marry?
They keep fucking coming here to do it
Next thing you'll ask us to allow gay sheep marriage. FUCK OFF