Is it true that God hates us when we elect Republicans? Why does he keep going this?

Is it true that God hates us when we elect Republicans? Why does he keep going this?

What Republican did we elect in 2005?

Who cares what some dumb welfare recipient nigger thinks?

Bush got re-elected in '04, inaugurated in '05. I guess he's trying to draw a parallel to Trump (elected in 16, inaugurated in 17).

Hard to argue with science like thay

>silly republitards think their "god" is real xDDddDdD
>omg the lord has punished us for electing republican bigots ;(((((

god better stay out of our way if he knows whats good for him

God just wants us to feed his stupid ass migrants because he's too lazy to do it himself.
Going to have to storm harder than that, faggot.

Although blacks vote Democrat, they're overwhelmingly very religious. The same is true for mexicans and puerto ricans.

Just look at that face. Mouthbreathing subhuman negroid

niggers were a mistake.
ooga booga bix nood booga crackaz ooga boo ooga kangz

Oh, I didn't see a nigger tweeted this

Russian fake sanctions by NWO neocons, Afghanistan, rampant corruption in govt tolerated by most people, Syria missile strikes, Texas hypocrisy. Lots of good reasons.

Yep that is why Africa is so beautiful and prosperous. They never have to deal with those evil republicans.


>vote Republican
>hurricane comes
>1000s of nigger drowned
wtf, i love voting republican now

>implying this isn't punishment for abortion
God needs blood sacrifices in exchange for sin. Basically, when blood is drawn blood needs to be spilled to correct it. Roe v Wade is the reason why God will take lives like this.

whats with these people who preach the holiness of boys being filled with estrogen until they become putrid androgynous gremlins telling us god is on their side? something weird's going on here fellas.. i don't like it

Republicans stand for the establishment and elites who control banks. Not that they Democrats could do anything to banks.

asked by people who make fun of republicans for believing in god.

I'm a nobody - An American speck of dust the world will not miss when I'm gone. But it's strange the way these events in my life line up with these hurricanes.

>reach Christ Consciousness before obtaining wisdom to not fall for Devil's tricks
>stare at sun in telescope, threaten then president Bush on Joe Rogan's forum, get interviewed by secret service, blame saturn, end up getting help
>find younger 18yo gf to make wife but a few months in start suspecting she's cheating
>heart gets sinking feeling and hurricane Katrina forms same day
>ff to 2017
>sell car, fly to EU, find job but run out of money before income starts coming in
>end up sleeping on bench once can't afford $12 hostel any more and not even father will provide small loan until income comes in
>heart breaks again and hurricane Harvey forms same day

What did Mother Nature and Father God mean by this? Cause and Effect yet to understand?

No, gods just testing republicans. Bush failed, Trump passed

Actually they are slave ghosts..

No wonder Hitler fucked your Grandparents over you fucking faggot

>ignoring Hurricane Andrew hitting while Clinton was in office

Conveniently leaving out Sandy i see

>god punish us with ....
>be germanon
>get triggered when blackburger can't even english

seriously, why are so many burgers incapable of writing a straight english sentence?

If a random germanon who would like to come to the us can do it, everyone who is already there shoul be able to

>also republican take ...



Yes, a celestial intergalactic being is concerned with the administration of your current state.

I was born in the U.S.

I'm sure God loooves the degeneracy and godlessness from the left, so ofc he hates republicans.


The niggers who voted Democrat take by far the worst of the hurricanes tho
>nigger logic

It's cancerous Houston that is getting hit so I think God is rewarding us instead.

Why does no one remember Sandy?

t. NJfag

>pol goes to war with God

Holy shit... give me a heads up when that happens. Gotta make sure I have enough pop corn to watch that.

Another ghetto myth.

I fixed it for the nigger..... Its actually plural.....
Republicans take offices.....

We run this shit now...

House,Senate,Presidency,Supreme Court,Funding RNC is killin the DNC, RNC won all special elections since Trump was elected.......

Can you make that "L" thing on your forehead for me?


>What is hurricane sandy?


God loves republicans, niggers can't swim.

you would think after cracking the 3rd man's head open they will figure out that there is no such thing but no.

>things that makes you go hmmm
is this another form of "really makes you think"?

Of course, God is for women priests, LGBT sex, and all the other degeneracy promoted by democrats.

We need to signal boost this now.

>very religious

I think you mean superstitious.

>reach Christ Consciousness
>threaten then president Bush on Joe Rogan's forum, get interviewed by secret service, blame saturn
haha. fucking kill yourself you singularity of cringe.

Actually they are the ghost of the slave ship captains, trying to wipe away the mistake they have left on their descendants by killing all the niggers.

> 8 years under kang nigger
> still didn't fix climate change
> somehow it's republicans fault

didn't an enormous hurricane flood New York City while Obama was in office?

why can't liberals go a single day without posting fake news?

ahhh poor snowflake.......

Wonder what happens when we keep up this winning? When Trump wins 2020....Look out lol!!!

Lets see now...... we now run the House, The senate,The Presidency, the Supreme Court, Funding for next election. Won every special election since Trumps been elected.

also PS.....Obama lost over 1000 seats to Republicans over 8 years dipshit. where was the hurricanes then?

Didn't houston and nola go blue?