Why Google / YouTube Censorship is worse than you think

I've seen a lot threads in the past two weeks about Jewgle and Jewtube banning, censoring, delisting, memory holing people, and deleting accounts. Everyone always says, "Just start a competing service /thread."

Why don't you try it, smart asses? You'll quickly find out that these are now controlled industries, and the control mechanism is LAWYERS. Just like big businesses (Amazon, Wal Mart) you need an ARMY of LAWYERS to make a functioning (profitable) business. If you make a competitor you WILL be sued. You WILL spend MILLIONS of dollars defending against lawsuits. And you can bet that (((they))) will shop around states and territories to find the one most favorable to the so called plaintiff.

We are now in late stage crony capitalism and it has just swallowed the last freedom in the internet. BIG businesses LOVE all these lawsuits. It makes sure that no small company can compete without an entire DIVISION of LAWYERS to fight off the (((ambulance chasers))).

Or you can just put your head up your ass while saying "Dur intertubses is free!". Ask Kimdotcom how free the internet is.


I'm waiting for the replies so I can refute them one by one, but meh...

One thing I noticed is people think that you can just move to a lax country and ignore the lawyers. First off (((they))) will find a way to erase you from the internet. Just like you can't watch certain video on Jewtube in certain countries. Soon it will be whole websites you can't see.

Also if you don't plan to live in that shit hole country you can bet you will be arrested, fined, or detained whenever you try to go anywhere.

Is hating corporate globalism communism?

>late stage capitalism

the fuck do lawyers have to do with capitalism?

go back to that idiotic subreddit

yes if you want to replace it with government globalism.

Yeah I agree basically. The 1st amendment is tremendously important, and it seems to me that 'free speech' and 'free communication' actually requires legislation and some degree of government intervention against corporate censorship. This is probably a bitter pill for libtards , but it honestly makes sense if you think about it. The govt regulates water supply so you're not poisoned, and electricity so you're not fried, and so on. It makes some sense to regulate media and platforms like search engines as though they were utilities so that corporate leaders can't massively manipulate the public.

It would require carefully constructed legislation and probably the nationalisation of the internet into a utility, though.

Tricky topic, OP. Do you have any thoughts?

>in a completely free market where only contracts matter we wont need lawyers

>The constitution means I can use privately owned platforms to spread my hate speech.

Oh sweetheart, thats not how this works at all.

Not even a smidge.

You see, you're no longer welcome. You'll just have to start your own hate speech Nazi sites to spill your garbage on to and even then, we'll go after your ads, hosters, ISPs. Your hate speech isn't safe anywhere.

Get fucked Nazis.

sure thing mr. central planner, anything else you wanna predict for the future?

fucking retard

How come Google was able to take over Yahoo as the dominant search engine then? How come Youtube came in and destroyed RealPlayer?

You don't know shit about capitalism. You're just complaining because you're a loser who doesn't have the talent to build anything.

The Constitution defines the powers of the federal government

>what does crony mean?

I think capitalism is great most of the time. But America and the west has not had real capitalism for a long time now. If I just start buying and selling stuff I will be arrested for not following one of THOUSANDS of laws, across dozens of jurisdictions. Read the stories about kids trying to run lemon aid stands. It would be easier just to be a drug dealer.

Once corporations gain control of government they invariably make it hard (with regulations) for any new business to challenge them. I hear people bitch about Jewgle, Jewtube, and Jewbook. But there is no competitor waiting in the wings, because no SMALL company can navigate the regulatory and litigation minefield that (((they))) have set up.

Free Market won't fix anything. We need to push regulations that treat Google and Facebook as public utilities and enforce the first ammendment on them.

Things like Jordan Peterson's and PJW's ban were quite obviously politically motivated, Cuckerberg needs to change his policies at gun point.

It's also why you don't here rock anymore. All these copy right claims have ruined rock. There's only so many ways you can play six strings on a guitar and people have been playing Rock for the last 50 years. There's no way to create a new guitar rythem that hasn't been played some where, some when already.

>Privately owned
Any company that sells stock is not privately owned, the CEO is merely the handler.

? There already are competitors to google/youtube.

I fully agree. Although you'd think the leftist who were complaining about corporate monopolies censoring public opinions and controlling the narrative for years would be alarmed by these recent events. Yet they all seem to celebrating the death of free speech. Most in the left are (((globalist corporate))) stooges, and the funny thing, they still believe they're against the Man, when they have become a tool for the establishment.

>person with political influence
>friends with people in government
>person who has access to government
>Like nepotism, or (((tribalism))) but for whoever bribes the most

Cronyism is the natural state of most 3rd world non-white shit holes. There's no merit or hard work, just who you know and who you are friends with.

There's no point in working hard for anything because a crony capitalism will just use his "connections" to either steal it or destroy you. That's why so many people come to the west, just so they can keep what they actually create (at least for now).

It would if civil courts didn't exist

What's funny is that the gentiles actually think we give a shit about their stupid "amendments". Fuck them, fuck jesus and fuck their amendments too LOL.

Maybe I didn't make that clear. When your fledgling company is attacked by lawsuits it might be a legitimate crime you are committing in SOME jurisdictions (like copyright violation), but is just a likely to be some civil suit bullshit.

In the COUNTER-Jihadist community they call them "SLAPP"s, "Strategic Lawsuits to Prevent Public Participation". In some districts if you sue someone and lose YOU have to pay THEIR legal fees. That's why "district" shopping is so important to (((them))). Even if you win they can make you spend $10 for every $1 they spend.

Everyone is talking about the few violent acts in Charlottesville but look closely at the LAWSUITS being brought against the "white supremacists". A lot of these will succeed just because the "white supremacists" don't have access to good lawyers. 20 Years BEFORE the internet the SPLC used this tactic to bankrupt the White Aryan Resistance (look it up). Scientology used this tactic to bankrupt the "Cult Awareness Network"

which is precisely why all civil lawyers need to be hanged. Fucking kikes

>I'm waiting for the replies so I can refute them one by one, but meh...

You sound like a sad piece of shit

Better than a "1 post by this ID". I never start a thread unless I intend to argue in it. It just seems like common courtesy to defend what you start.

OP literally explained what lawyers have to do with capitalism.

Final thought. A lot of people will say that big companies like Google MUST be "regulated" like utilities.

My point is that this is just exchanging one master for another. Only by removing the "barriers to entry" for startups can we have true freedom on the net, but the current net giants will fight tooth and nail to prevent any upstarts from gaining traction with regulation, litigation, or just buying them up.