Brit/pol/ - The Secret Tripfag Discord Edition

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sup mum, how the fucks it going?

If you're experiencing homosexual feelings, please talk to a priest immediately.

Thank you.

Neck Nonces.

Are you LARPing or suggesting where he can find like minded people

A slightly edited version.

we should spread a rumour about eddie getting btfo by some poofter

I wasn't suggesting that people visit Catholic priests.

If I lose a significant amount of weight are my politics likely to change? I'll be going from obese (BMI of 32) to trim.

That explains a lot.

No problem.

Just visited America for the first time lads, here's what I learned:

>Southerners are proper sound
>Northern Yanks are proper cunts
>The American police are the same; northerners are cunts, southerners are sound.
>Cunts from the Bronx are sound (if they're white/guido)
>It's a bad idea to say cunt as a term of endearment, cuz Americans are touchy cunts.
>American McDonald's is shite compared to ours believe it or not.
>Their coca cola is shite as well, corn syrup in everything over there
>Their bread is shite, they actually put sugar in their bread
>That being said, 'soul food' is amazing as fuck.
>Firing a gun is an amazing feeling
>Americans are fat due to having to drive everywhere and anywhere to get your shopping done
>Their 'ghettos'/council housing is x2 better than most council flats here in the UK
>Most cunts have a huge house and at least 2 cars

tl;dr, Americans are rich as fuck.


It happens every time I am here, it's not just a rumour.

How do I get a diverse gf?

I thought you'd might say that. It wasn't what I wanted to hear when I went there, if it makes you feel better.

I'm gonna go to Eddie's flat and plant meth in his squash

>if other Nonces approve of my noncery then I win.
I would unironically curb stomp you, you fucking cunt.

yes we definitely (don't) have a discord

Why bother when he continually BTFOs himself and is a huge faggot nonce?

Fast food is shit, learn how to cook.

C of E needs a good purge of its clergy

>Competent was not an adjective often applied to Major’s administration. Nor, regrettably, was the word ‘decent’, particularly after the government’s behaviour over the Civil Rights (Disabled Persons) Bill. This backbench measure, sponsored by MPs from all parties, sought to ensure that access for the disabled was provided in places of employment, on public transport and in public buildings. But when the Bill came to the Commons in 1994, five Tory backbenchers submitted some eighty amendments between them, the clear intention of which was to wreck the proposed legislation by ensuring that the debate ran out of time.

>There were suspicions that the backbenchers were acting on government orders, a charge flatly denied by Nicholas Scott, the minister for disabled people, until it was demonstrated to be true; Scott’s department was indeed behind the drafting of the amendments, anxious to scupper the Bill but lacking the courage to admit the fact in public. Calls for Scott to resign came both from the Labour Party and from journalists, including the Independent’s Andrew Marr: ‘He blatantly misled the House of Commons but, more important than that, he was party to one of the shabbiest acts of parliamentary sabotage we have seen for years.’ Even Scott’s own daughter, Victoria, who worked with a campaigning group on the issue, joined in the calls: ‘Resignation would be the honourable thing to do.’ Scott was said to be ‘close to tears’ and to have offered to step down, but was persuaded not to do so; instead he was obliged to talk out the Bill himself, speaking for more than eighty minutes in the Commons as he outlined the government’s honest position that ‘it would cost too much money’. As he spoke, a demonstration by disabled people outside Parliament saw thirty or so campaigners abandon their wheelchairs and drag themselves painfully up the steps of the public entrance to the House, where their progress was blocked by police officers.

Fuck me, that's incompetent.

They're not rich, the cost of living is low, the housing is cheap as shit because a) there's so much land, and b) they have wooden houses that are cheao to build.

Why'd you not have a good night out drinking?

Filibustering is a standard tactic though

t. Butthurt tripfag
It was ok but I should stop drinking desu.

Alcohol is degeneracy

>nonce using Americanisms
I fucking hate you.

Give me an aesthetic wooden house with giant proportions over a pokey wee flat that's hoaching with neds/chavs any day, mate. No matter which way you cut it, they live better than us.

They really do move house

Ok they put sugar in the bread but holy fuck it lasts so much longer, I have to eat like at least two slices a day back at home just to finish it before it goes bad. Granted I'm a cheap fuck and I buy Tesco everyday value everything, but still, even the cheapest american bread lasts longer

Also I can definitely confirm the McDonald's thing


Do you know what would make me feel better? If you would cease being a homosexual.

If you don't stop telling them you'll be kicked out cunt, zip it.

Why? You're about to go to Uni, this is when you need to start getting used to it and knowing your limits.

I have been but I am slowly getting a feel for the gay scene, given I don't like the majority of it.

Eddie is right.

America is better because it's diverse

Filibustering is one thing. Getting someone else to do it on your behalf is another. Getting caught getting someone else to do it on your behalf and demonstrating that you're not only a liar, but a cowardly liar is quite another. Winding up having to do the embarrassing filibustering yourself so that you look like a cowardly lying bastard just tops it off.

It's the PR of the thing that matters, really.

Leave honk and potato-poster out of it though. You can neck the others.

I'd rather have a good loaf of Scottish plain bread or fuck, even Warbutons that only lasts 4 days than the shite they're selling as 'bread'. Besides, you can just shove it in the freezer to keep it fresh.

>Leave honk and potato-poster
Literally the worst two.

True. I bet he felt like a right cunt having to stand there himself...

>I should stop drinking desu.


Then stop being dogmatic and support research into finding the cause and eventually a cure.

i'm going to boil you

>pretending he has the ability to kick people

Gosh, y-you hate them even more than me? I had no idea you felt this way user-kun

How accurate is this?

>falling for my bait
>knowing my limits
kek I'm well aware I just choose not to follow them

wow agreeing with someone who is against anime noncery, fucking arse licker.

Dr Pavel, I'm queer. I'm gay. I'm homosexual. I'm a poof, I'm a poofter, I'm a ponce. I'm a bumboy, battyboy, backside artist, bugger. I'm bent. I am that arsebandit. I lift those shirts. I'm a faggot-ass, fudge-packing, shit-stabbing uphill gardener. I dine at the downstairs restaurant; I dance at the other end of the ballroom. I'm Moses and the parting of the red cheeks. I fuck and I’m fucked. I suck and I’m sucked. I rim them and wank them, and every single man's had the fucking time of his life.

>be gaylord tripfag
>cousin (15)
>exclaims "pecs"
>"That's nothing watch this"
>Get an erection right in front of her
>she holds it as we walk down the road
>later at dinner, jacks me off under the table
>cum on her leg

Bought your first pack of condoms yet, poofter?

Honk, are you a homosexual?

>merely pretending

>pretending to be retarded


Fuck off.

What did CIA mean by this?
bifag desu


I'm not defending you anymore.

Does anyone know what the pre-ww1 fertility rates in Britain were?

more to Brazil

It's never time to stop drinking. What are you having? I'll take a guess

Waitrose brand dry gin from the shell garage/little waitrose down the street?

I'm not drinking right now desu

Eddie seems incredibly unstable, getting so wound up by a bunch of summer posters.

Drink bleach.

>expecting everyone else to do things for you

Talk to a priest and stop being homosexual. It can't be that hard.

New fag, this is my normal operating stability.

>Modernism is a very complicated area that goes back to the middle of the 19th century. It’s a desire to go inside the mind and fantasize. It was despised for much of the late 19th century, early part of the 20th century, then became the major aesthetic discourse of liberal humanism. There’s a complication there, because both fascism and communism flirted with modernism. Most of them then turned against it, although the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian far Right regimes made use of moderate modernist tendencies.

>Modernism has always had a devilish side from the perspective of Left humanism, because a lot of the early modernists were fascists, were anti-humanists, and were radical Rightists like Ezra Pound, like Wyndham Lewis, like Marinetti, like Gaudier-Brzeska, like Céline and so on. That’s because there was an anti-democratic element to it, because of course modernism was a bohemian attack upon the sensibility of the majority. It loathes what ordinary people think about art, so it will destroy what they want and impose what intellectuals want. It’s a sort of vanguard hostility to the boring majority. Bomb the suburbs! That’s the sort of view of modernism.

>But that can tend to the Right as well as the Left in strange moments, because national cultures were still alive to the degree that there could be national modernisms. Expressionism was a largely Germanic form; futurism was an Italian form; surrealism was a French form. Surrealism was the only major modernist movement that linked formally with communism, through the radically state socialist ideas of its founder, André Breton.

What Eddie said.

Oh you mean in general then. Why do you wanna quit? Do you feel like you have problems controlling it?

Not without my favourite drinkin' buddy Eddie!

why do you hate me so much now... making me sad desu
Yes I always get fucked up desu

This is true. The best attitude to have is a devil may care one. Screeching about anonymongs all day looks bad and brings you down to their level. But that's their little game isn't it? Like Tom and Jerry.

Reminder that avatarfagging is against the rules.

I can tolerate your animeposting, but I can't tolerate your sinful lifestyle.


>Bryan Gould remembered Neil Kinnock telling him in 1992 not to stand against Smith, but to keep his powder dry: ‘He won’t last the course. It’s important that you’re there to pick up the pieces.’
Interesting. One has to wonder where we'd be if he'd seen off Blair. (Although in terms of internal politics, this was probably very unlikely. They'd already voted him off the NEC in favour of Blair and Brown.)

>"Can't be that hard"
t. Dickhead to whim science is an alien form of algebra.

I challenge literally every single one of you ITT to fight me.

Aw, I just make a rule of only drinking with friends/someone sober enough to stop me at a certain point.

But I guess you don't wanna tempt alcoholism like that, my dad was an alcoholic and it kinda fucked up my childhood, so yeah

if you feel like you're gonna fall into a bad dependency I suppose it's just best to try to stay away

Shoot yourself.

>le ebin fight me meme

Fucking hell. You, Pubes and Eddie are really going to beat this one into the ground aren't you?

I'd hoof your clems so far up your arse you'd be picking curlies out your teeth for a week, son

Did getting fucked by your dad turn you into a nonce?

Something we agree on at least...

>Trying this hard to be Eddie

You mean PreuBe, surely.

bring it sucka

>Sign up to Coral for their £50 'free' bonus (£1300 waging) scam with £10 deposit
>end up withdrawing £500 less than 1 hour later

should I stop now??

Gee Eddie, I wish I could tell you he raped me, but unfortunately he wasn't even home to do it, ran away up north and I didn't see him again till I was 12

Will you be my new dad? We can go watch football games together and play catch in the garden

I hope you die from alcohol poisoning.

Fuck this has become a gay thread.
Fuck all you cunts.

The best way to imitate PubicLice would be to fuck off, but that's not going to happen, is it?

This is what happens when you allow tripfaggotry to run rampant.

What did CIA mean by this?

yes triplords resulted in anime noncery being posted


: - )

why do you hate faggots so much user...
I-I said that already...

You're retarded.