Help me Sup Forums

I'm currently arguing with someone over why Empires were a good thing and not some form of national pride. Pretty sure he is at heart a commie scum but he hates Antifa so that's a plus.

I need help thinking of good answers as to why the Empires were a good thing. All European powers with former empire welcome.

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I do not think they were.

Whites should have either been on early aggression till the end game, or turtle all the way, half-assing is why we're losing at the moment.

british people need to atone for their past

Not the answer I'm looking for cunt

mad cause Poland-Lithuania commonwealth is irrelevant

They allowed the natives of the colonies to move to metropoly thus increasing its diversity level and reducing white racism.

Just say that they massively raised life expectancy, literacy, and quality of life for the people they governed.

I don't know whether this is true, but it seems likely to be true.

They're not a good thing except for the elite members of the Empire itself. They're not even good for the regular people of the Empire, look at the lives of your average Englishman during the height of the Empire, the London rookeries, being arrest for trivial crimes and then either deported to a undeveloped hellhole to pad out a new colony's numbers or enlisted in the army to get shot at by the French.

Not to mention the press ganging the Navy did to keep it's manpower slightly above critical levels because of how overstretched it was. English 'freemen' were treated worse than blacks in the deep South in many cases.

But the managing directors of the EIC got really rich though!

So I guess that's your argument, Empires are good if you're one of the nobles/lords of the Empire and can make off like a bandit from the all the delicious wealth squeezed out of the lower masses.

In addition, they fought against slavery, widow-burning, death cults, and internal conflict, which had made life unimaginably terrible for many. They will say that the British Empire had helped to engage in slavery, but you can admit that while still pointing out as a counterpoint that they helped to fight it.

Australia is the only one I know where the white population were mostly prisoners. Most of the other colonies were filled with people who were seeking high wages, plenty of land, a sense of adventure, religious fulfillment, etc.

From a WN perspective colonial empires are bad, due to miscegenation their existence inevitably causes.

From a Civic Nationalist point of view, colonial Empires might be considered a good thing due to the exercise of national power their creation entails.

Read a book and stop arguing from your fucking feelings. Try Nial Ferguson's Empire.

> Spread democracy and free trade around the world.
> Spread the rule of law and enlightenment ideals to the uncivilized savages.
> Brought untold scientific, technological and cultural advances to literal savages.

Most of the planet would still be in the Bronze age without European imperialism. It wasn't very fun for the people involved at the time, but it sure as shit benefits everyone today.

If you need someone else to supply evidence for something you already believe, you're a fucking moron.

mad cuz no empire

>half of some shitty tribe numbered in dozens is actually worse than deaths of millions of Europeans

Well the thing is most Empires became as they were just because of our drive to explore. When we finished exploring it just got expensive, especially after fighting two world wars. The British Empire for example had the goal set to try and be benevolent. But as we see that never always happened.

Empires are good in the idea that they would ultimately bring people together. For example Africa as a result has a shit ton of English and French speakers. Which obviously allows them to be more easily "integrated" if a world government formed with either language as the head.

The problem really is Empires never go far enough. They always end up with exploitation that just leaves everybody assblasted. Rather than trying to bring civilization (as they claimed) to ultimately set up a more united world.

If there was to be an Empire today, say maybe another Bong Empire, it'd have to be filled with Anglo cultured nations only.

If I was to give my honest view on Empires, I wish they stayed around a while longer, allowing better development of Africa and if they wanted independence it'd be better done than civil wars/famine simulator we have now.

Brought peoples closer together, made commerce, communication and the exchange of ideas and advances easier. Many former colonies have benefitted a lot in terms of technological development, infrastructure, education etc

Go fuck yourself.

pictures of africa before and after colonialism should do it.

Go back to school.

If whites had stayed in europe, europe would have a developed economy while other countries that weren't colonized would be less developed. And Europe wouldn't have developed as much as it did either because they wouldn't have benefited as much from trade.

For example millions of acres of productive u.s. farmland would still be lying fallow (instead of feeding people in the u.s. and elsewhere).

We aren't forced to learn about shitskin tribes in school Ahmed.

Not sure if you're implying they're worse off or better off.

even colonies under our meme empire were better than before colonization
for example slavery in Ethiopia was abolished under italian fascist rule
but you shouldn't really rely on Sup Forums for arguments WHILE yo are arguing

As an American with British Anglo blood, the empires rough technology and civilization to the third world. These empires introduced order and stability throughout the world, specifically the British, Russian, and Germanic empires were very helpful in spreading Christianity and eradicating savagery.

Eradicating savagery? My fuckin ass.

Empires are good because we civilize the savage.

As far as possible.

Organized and well disciplined savagery is just a more efficient form of it.

You're implying there was not an actual reduction in savagery and violent death, which I don't think is true.

Consolidated rule allows for stronger trade and more prosperity (i.e. Jobs).

Back then there was much more barriers to entry and empires fix that problem.

all the brits did in India was kill people and start shipping assloads of tea to england
colonialism and empires were retarded, only cucks think otherwise

>all the brits did in India was kill people and start shipping assloads of tea to england

If you're incapable of understanding that prettymuch everywhere England touched with it's Empire ended up better off, even if that was a byproduct of far more self-serving motives then I don't know what purpose this thread can serve.

You are not the man I want arguing the benefits of Empire and you're too daft to even be spoonfed without getting confused.

Just about everywhere the Empire touched ended up having a higher quality of life, but became more aware of how poor it was in the process. Slavery was ended and English values were spread across the world in place of bloody French, Spanish or German ones and it enabled a small island to stand against the European powerhouses that would likely have done far less good, intentionally or otherwise.

Even as a patriotic Brit I wouldn't argue that the British Empire was universally a good thing. After all, by definition, the point of having one is to bring wealth and power to the nation that amasses it.
Saying that, I detest people who see it as something to be ashamed of. Be indifferent or slightly-pro, yes. Ashamed? No.

In answer to your question, people view former colonies through the prism of contemporary, Ango-influenced nations. Modern Nigeria is not like the old Benin Empire, which practiced human sacrifice and slavery well into the 1890s. It is a better, safer, more advanced state. It owes that to Britain.