The Meme has gone too far /pol. Soon police will roam the streets shooting niggers with automatic assault rifles. Is this what you wanted you heartless bastards?
Race War
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What happened to being "Small Government Conservatives"
That went out the window when the communist filth came out in full force
Thousans of black masked traitors breaking the country happened
>the left memes that Trump is a fascist for 2 years straight
>riot, beat the shit out of random people, make asses of themselves on national television
>normies begin begging Trump to become a fascist to maintain law and order
>he does
Bravo, leftists
More you like you're all hypocrite faggots that never wanted a smaller government in the first place. You just wanted the freedom to oppress minorities. This is why I've always hated Libertarians, they can never be honest about their intentions.
>Soon police will roam the streets shooting niggers with automatic assault rifles.
if you add spics and liberals, he'd really fix most of our issues.
You're retarded. We are never going back to small government unless we get rid of parasites and overhaul/redpill our immigration policy and we are never going back to small government without cleansing ourselves of communists. No openly multicultural society will ever be able to have a small government because the demands of social upkeep are too large. Small government is the dream, but its a fragile and conditional dream. It can't be achieved with our current social nor ethnic/cultural makeup. We have gone well beyond the point of no return. We should have fought harder when they were weak. We should have seen through progressive lies. We didn't. The political mechanism is no longer a feasible route to small government. Even if we stopped the spread of foreign ideology right now, it would take 50 years of conservative unity and commitment to fully reverse course. This is the price we now have to pay.
Oppress minorities? If you're serious you're a lunatic.
We must restore peace and order to the American streets race war now.
Been saying this nonstop, the left will keep pushing until they create literal fascists and everyone will be fine with it simply because we will have Fucking order
>upholding the law is the same as oppressing minorities
The tolerant left folks. Maybe some 'minorities' actually want to not live in gang infested hellholes.
Sounds good to me
Gas yourself
The only reason police buy military gear is because it's cheaper than police gear since they can just buy it from the army. If you want police to stop buying military gear give them more funds.
What does it matter what the police have? The police are an arm of the government. The government controls the military. The only conflict would arise from what they do with the equipment, not that they have it.
How is this 'big government'? What is big government about 'police now have better guns and body armor' if they're not infringing on anyone's rights? Right when they do that I'll agree and say big government is getting in the way, but just saying 'THE GOVERNMENT HAS THINGS OH NO' isn't big government.
Militarization of the police is a fine step to fascism, I do not regret my vote for trump and wish to see more steps to becoming a fascist government with a nationalized economy. Libertarians will be fine and the constitution and our heritage will be preserved by introducing authoritarian combat against the totaltolitarian communists. God bless trump.
The "military gear" police departments buy from the military are armored trucks and other defensive items, not grenades and M16s.
This entire discussion was always a ruse of the Left to put police at higher risk.
>>automatic assault rifle
Quit larping /leftypol/
Sometimes the Big government is needed to kill the ones trying to install even bigger government.
This is a pandoras box. No one knows what will come out of this. I hope it includes death of niggers in millions.
We are're paranoid.
ball ammo... you do know that a black criminal is more likely to survive being shot by ball ammo than police hollow points?
>Implying 80% of the police wouldn't join in a washington elite raid
They will do it when they least expect it
Unfortunately, that's not what's going to happen. But I wouldn't mind if it did.
this board has really just gone off the deep end. it used to be about red pilling people on the truth about 9/11 and shit and now it's some retarded 3rd reich larper shit.
you do realize that all this shit goes over to somebody else in 3-7 years and that guy might be next Obama and that next Obama might use the military police state against you instead right? Such near sighted thinking, but what do you expect, racists are rarely intelligent
I just wanted to work and play video games.
This is fucking bullshit, why do the police get to have all the fun?
I Wanted to roam through the streets in an APC shooting niggers and spics....
I didn't even know they had a ban considering all the cops around here have bearcats and helicopters
Listen to Chris cantwells take on this on the radical agenda intro. Hot damn.
ITT statists.
Lol ok. Lets trust the gov to roll over these the police state once nuggers are gone right? Government will not relenquish power. Those who sacrifice freedom for safety.
Can't speak for any other anons, but I am a National Socialist. I do not support "small government", except in the short term as a means to destroy the power of the American ZOG.
Oppressing minorities is a bonus, yes.
Not 55gr 5.56 out of a 1:14 twist barrel.
Police are local. He should roll back hanging officials who order the police not to prevent riots or not to interfere with riots.
>1 post by this ID
someone post that picture about that dude who did 2 tours in the middle east pointing out that police had better gear than he did already to roam the streets
>Soon police will roam the streets shooting niggers with automatic assault rifles
fuck I hope so
No, youre more likely to die from ball ammo in a rifle caliber than hollowpoints in a pistol caliber
I should have bought Raytheon and General Dynamics as sooon as he won. Why was I so naive?
They already do around here.
>T. Jonny gammage
>meme flag
>welcome to Sup Forums faggot