>tfw racist have control over history
when will we teach the truth in our classrooms?? And why are Chr*stians so racist when they're god is black??
Tfw racist have control over history
Haha it's funny cos u brainlet cucks will be thrown in jail despite you're larping about the day of the rope and shit.even your god is black you useless pathetic beta males!
lmao alt-right poltard are so buttfrustrated they don't know how to respond!
LMAO looks at this loosers Sup Forums having a breakdown!
LMAO poltard eternally btfo can't even respond to me in seriousness!
This is the saddest thread ever.
>4 replies to yourself.
Stop acting like a leaf.
Things need to be washed alright.
In rivers of blood.
That's how you poison the water supply you retard.
Have you ever heard of a cross or spike?
I am a sad person
but not as sade as white nationalists!
why are white cucks feeding black delusions?
You won't make them civilized and intelligent by treating them like children.
You gotta wage war against them, brutalize them the same way the whites have been.
Whites built the foundation of their civilizations on stone, high above sea level and the ,ulticultural cucks are going to move to a civilization built on sand on the shore.
The tide will come in and sweep it all away.
Propaganda like this is going to plunge the world in 5000 years of darkness.
God is no race, I don't understand your point of trying to divide Christians and the alt-right. You failed today and you will fail tomorrow.
shit like this on a children's TV show is the most infuriating and backwards thing I've ever seen.
Pisses me off.
You can't fix the world if you make yourself ignorant to its problems.
You can't "fix" blacks and make them civilized if you don't recognize that there is something wrong with them and they simply are not compatible with western civilization without heavy editing and selective breeding.
Blacks aren't an asiatic "Atlas" race. You can't build a civilization around blacks. You can't make a ton of them into a self-sufficient civilization without beating the savage out of them the same way asiatic people did to themselves.
The black can't hold the worlds on its back in the same way a White Man or a China Man can.
This is why I enjoy reading old books. You can scrub the 12th edition of a history textbook, you can diversify TV and movies, and the internet's subject to alterations, but nobody can track down every last copy of a book and falsify the record. History is history whether it is PC, racist, or objectively right or wrong. Tearing down statues and recreating it won't help.
Is this another quality BBC product?
>this is what non-whites actually believe
Why are they so damn insecure? Constantly inserting themselves into white history and white culture.
nice shitpost
the multiple replies to yourself were a bit much, though
I rate this bait 2/10
This is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Seek help.
Dear god can't they just let that show die.
Time for another emu war.
Holy shit. The subtitles are real. Not too surprising considering it's Dr Who though.
Here's a quote from the show's head writer, Steven Moffat.
“And we’ve kind of got to tell a lie: we’ll go back into history and there will be black people where, historically, there wouldn’t have been, and we won’t dwell on that. We’ll say, ‘To hell with it, this is the imaginary, better version of the world. By believing in it, we’ll summon it forth.’ And, outside of the fiction, it’s about anyone feeling that they can be involved in this industry as an actor, a director, a writer… It’s hugely important, and it’s not good when we fail on that. We must do better.”
Doctor Jew strikes again!
sage, because OP's a faggot
>his is why I enjoy reading old books.
I have an old history book of my province from the late 1800's, and it's full of justifications for BTFOing the French and Indians. It's a glimpse into the British Canada that's essentially dead now, depressing yet at the same time fascinating.
The prophet Muhammad was fucking one of his wifes but he could not finish, his mind was elsewhere, that young jewish boy he captured that day and his sexuality.
Allah will not forgive me, but that jewish boy was so sexy, then the prophet Muhammad went to the jail and looked in the eye to that jewish boy and as he was holding him with one hand he couldn't be any hornier, Allah will not forgive me, and so he did the only thing he could, he slaughter that jew with his knife.
Finally with his mind in peace he went back to his bed and with his mind in peace he finally could finish.
Allahu Akbar
London in a nutshell.
>HURR we're only 40% native so the rest of the UK must be! and before the last 20 years!
Spam thread
Please sage, report and move on
Cuckiest quote I've read in a while
I missed australian shitposting.
For like a year it felt all we were going to get was fucking leafs forever.