Ran into some real racist people today, felt weird

So I'm driving through the U.S and stopped in the middle of nowhere, figured I'd chat with locals just for fun and get something to eat.

There were some real racist motherfuckers and I don't mean just like a "I'm not racist but..." or a racist joke. I mean like "I hate niggers. Fucking ruin everything"

I was talking about my life and one guy at the diner said "Well just thank god you weren't born a nigger HYUCK HYUCK HYUCK"

Now, I generally think most black people suck and avoid them but something just felt off about this, in fact, wrong and uncomfortable. I was polite about it and just went with the flow of the conversation.

I genuinely though they were about to start talking about lynching some niggers. Shit was weird.

Am I just indoctrinated or was it because they were hicks saying it?

I hate liberal leftist scum, I dislike most black people because they're way more likely to steal from you or be in a violent encounter with you, but I don't really think about them unless they're in my way. I don't have a burning hatred for them.

I just don't want to be around them, but that doesn't mean I want anything awful towards them.

niggers ruin everything

Racists are scum you should learn that. Sup Forums is anti-racist.

born and raised around them. some mean it and some dont. but dumb assholes like them are going to stay that way rayyyycist or not.
dont lump southerners in with actual trailer trash though.

At least they are honest and open about it.

i mean at least they aren't all cloak and dagger about hating niggers
you're the real problem
also sage

I know plenty of racist people, get used to it you fucking pussy. Did his words hurt you?

This. Praise KEK fellow pedes!

>Am I just indoctrinated
>or was it because they were hicks saying it?

Sup Forums says
>I hate niggers. Fucking ruin everything
>Well just thank god you weren't born a nigger
all the time.

Sup Forums doesn't say

Now you know.

Fuck off nigger lover.
Nobody gives a fuck about your homosexual opinions cunt.















nice blog btw

You have 38 seconds to prove them wrong.

Pro-tip:you can't

kill yourself you piece of shit. Being racist is fine and joking about is fucking fine too. Go back to fucking reddit.


I think about hatting niggers all day long!
When I see a nigger I think "FUKKKING APE!"

Started when I was in the army and had to live with niggers 24/7. Still hate hate hate hate them!

>I genuinely though they were about to start talking about lynching some niggers.
but they didn't and this should tell you something about yourself

What the fuck are you Americans so obsessed with a word invented by Far Left Jew Leon Trotsky?Racist racist racist blah blah blah

>shit that never happened
>obvious r3ddit is obvious
Take you fake stories back to whatever dung pile you crawled out from. This board is about politics, not your made up life. You're more likely to be so fat, you sweat from climbing out of the basement, than any of this being true.

Realistically, they're more than likely just extremely unintelligent and have no other humor to fall back on than being racist.
It felt wrong and uncomfortable because you're used to Sup Forums racism which is wrapped in layers of irony, autism, and self hatred which makes it genuinely a much higher level of comedy than common "hurr durr niggers LOL"

I wouldn't want them dead, just have their population growth suppressed, deport as many as justifiably possible, designate blm a terrorist group, and cut any special treatment to them.

when a horde of niggers burn down their neighborhood you must keep your mouth shut b/c there is a solitary nigger, in college, making a good grade


Go love niggers somewhere else.

Oh hey, I ran into a racist too:
>Go to car lot to get my car oil changed
>Old ass Filipino dude comes out, at least 70.
>"Car's ready, sorry about the wait. We have new fucking system here and it sucks."
>"Oh hey, np."
>"Fucking niggers in the front office can't pushb damn button or figure it out unless we throw banana at them. FUCK!"
>"Whoa, okay.. yeah that really sucks man, but happy I got my car."
>"Yeah, hopefully it doesn't smell like those retarded fucking niggers we have banging wrenches in the back."
>"Thanks, see ya later!"
>drive off laughing

Something about racist old people is funny as fuck

racists are the real racists, amirite?

Shut up racist fascist scum!

Being racist isn't ok.

>get triggered by poverty class bants

I swear some people just can't function

At least they are honest. I bet most of them would still take the time to help a nigga in a pinch, too.
Strong Christian values are good for something, at least.

old people are either the most cucked (because they suppress their true thoughts about other races) or they're the most openly racist because they just don't fucking care anymore

>Being racist is fine and joking about is fucking fine too
I agree. My post was specifically talking about the retarded trailer trash that never shut up. You have to live here to know what im talking about.

I hate reddit and anything I've ever posted on there got -20. I posted that Trump condemned both the extreme left and the extreme right and the motherfuckers downvoted it saying "false equivalency" and that Trump is a nazi. Fuck those faggots.

They were genuine people, I just didn't like the vibe at that time.
I mean I'm just some dude they just met, who knows what they talk about with their closest friends.
I agree with all of that minus the self hatred part.
True a scumbag invented it but in this case it applies. There's racist black motherfuckers too, and probably way more black racists at this point than anything.

>who knows what they talk about with their closest friends.
The exact same thing they talk about with their friends. You highly overestimate the secrecy of these folk.
No one is a stranger to these types.

The niggers they were raised around aren't the same as the ones you were raised around. These aren't saved by the bell nigs, they're animals. There's a reason they hate niggers so much. I was raised in the Deep South, moved to a small all white town in North Dakota as an adult, been here ten years. These folks don't hate niggers here, they just don't want them around. That's a position that people privileged enough to never live around niggers get to take. Don't look down on the rednecks. They're on the front lines.

>I mean I'm just some dude they just met, who knows what they talk about with their closest friends.
I suggested you look at your own prejudices and assumptions, and you continue to hypothesize about the mental affairs of others.

I can only reiterate my original suggestion that this entire experience tells us a lot about you.

>Being racist isn't ok.

Ironically its liberals that believe that niggers are so dumb and mentally inferior they need Affirmatve Action, inherently violent and need to end Broken Windows policing, just plain lazy and need eternal gibs.

True. I hate niggers because they're so much worse than whites rather than just hating them for having a dark skin.
So instead of a racist I'm just a normal race-realist.

>They were genuine people, I just didn't like the vibe at that time.
Yeah i know the vibe. You don't get the feeling that they give a shit about whites or their own people or anything. Its literally just i hate niggers mentality.

im gonna trust Sweden on this one.

Well thats good

No we believe they need affirmative action because if it weren't for it then white businesses would exclude blacks.

Those are actual redpilled people, you're just a loser white boy who spends too much time online.

>I don't care if naggers ruin some other people's lives as long as they don't ruin mine
How very progressive of you!!!

Bear in mind Mayweather just beat McGregor.

White trash are literally SEETHING rn


>I genuinely though they were about to start talking about lynching some niggers
But they didn't, did they?
That's more than you can say about feral apes chanting kill whitey and calling for dead cops

Those people just aren't afraid to say what they really feel. Some of it stems from ignorance though.

They could just as well forget about niggers and get on with their own life but really deep down, they hate themselves because they were taught they are better than blacks, but it hasn't materialized. So they feel like niggers themselves and so they have to hate on them to make themselves feel better.

They're focused on niggers. We're focused on genocidal jews using them as a weapon against the lower class to dissolve them away genetically.
Also this.

If you hate a blacks purely due to the color of their skin, that is unreasonable. If you hate them for the actions they generally do, and there is a proven track record of it, it isn't unreasonable.

McGregor was an anti Trump faggot though

>armchair psych 101
Or southerners just talk about niggers like everyone else talks about weather.
Their nogging is about as consistent as a force of nature, after all.

>If you hate a blacks purely due to the color of their skin, that is unreasonable.
Race is more than skin color

>admitting to posting on reddit

yeah take off that dixie flag. this user gets it

Most of these ppl would probably be Anti-Trump too cos he shook hands with an Arab once

I mean, was he wrong? Way to be a beta bitch. This is you now faggot.

Blacks only act bad if they're from poor areas with little education and no opportunity.

it's retarded to be so autistic about it but they aren't 100% in the wrong

I go on here once a week because it's one of the only places left on the whole internet where there's some semblance of free speech.

I've been spending way more time outside than inside, and I guess being from a big liberal city has never exposed me to this kind of shit until I start exploring the lesser known parts of America.
Nobody genuinely thought McGregor would beat Mayweather.. I mean that was his first professional boxing fight against a seasoned all time great. That's just ridiculous.

Now GGG, that is Gennady Gennadyevich m'fing Golovkin would destroy Floyd even in his prime.

They're probably stupid people who use blacks as the consistent Other to make their own lives seem less shit.

But truth be told black people are a plague.

It's not the low-imcome whites who love Trump the most.

Fair point. Replace color of skin with race.

I have many Arabic friends, black friends, trans friends, gay friends, and like Trump. Trumps a civic nationalist he supports all.

You have to go back

It's because you are a fag and probably get your clothes at Nordstrom. Did the little puss city boy get triggered?

I live in CO and so far that has not been my experience.
My quality of life drastically improved as soon as I cut niggers and spics out of it.

Youre indoctrinated
The fact you're anti-hick is a result of propaganda

Theres seriously nothing wrong with hicks or rednecks that isnt a problem in every other group, theyre pretty normal people with an accent that live kinda poor.

And if youre in the South, if its between blacks and your cute sister, who can blame em?

skin color isn't the same as race. that substitution isn't applicable.


are you sure they weren't just being ironic? some kind of inside joke?

like on Sup Forums

I thought he would larp as anti-Trump to just be in popular support of normies.

Racist people are brainlet garbage and should have nothing to do with Sup Forums

The American Civil War wasn't about slavery but you're a nigger-lover, OP.

Not sure what point your trying make here

Money and power respects money and power

You're a fag who probably lived your whole life in some lily-white place.

>who can blame em
all the brainwashed unempathetic

>using a plebbit term
fuck off shill

Not sure if you are a faggot or nigger. Fuck off faggot nigger. You get the rope too.

>When racism looses it's facade of sophistication a la Richard Spencer it becomes uncomfortable and repulsive

whoa! Really makes me think!

> Sup Forums
> Anti-racist


Everyone is racist. Some people are just dishonest about it.

Better that then a racist

I'm not saying it is the same. If you make the replacement, the statement simply becomes more generalized.

The point still stands: Judge people based on their actions.


>I hate reddit and anything I've ever posted on there got -20
boo hoo im a faggot and everything i post gets down voted because no one likes my ideas.
>hmm I'll go somewhere else without down voting and shit up their board by posting my trash there. I'm so great am right fellow magapedes

just like all other people? blacks are just more likely to be poor and have too little education.
There are very few black people here and they actually act like normal people, but that might just be because they have an education and are not piss poor, then again everyone has an education and nobody is so poor they have to steal.

Hicks aren't racist they're just historically red pilled. In the north black people are segregated to urban ghettos and white people live in nice areas and only see the top percentage of decent blacks that or blacks portrayed on the media. In the rural South blacks and whites live amoung each other and they have for generations. Blacks make up 30-50% of the population in most areas in the bible belt. Rednecks know how blacks are from being around them all the time. They don't buy the media portrayal, they know not to relax around Niggers and they don't give a shit about filtering themselves because they need to keep the Niggers in line. In the north they take advantage of whites' good faith and naevity.

Why did they shoot that poor innocent POC?

He didn't do anything. Fucking white people not respecting their culture.

Okay. Won't do the same for niggers, though.

Awww little puss mad blacks are surpassing him. Guess what, my people have suppassed your people in banking, finance, law, science. You worried we're replace you? Where, behind the counter at Wendys? Truth is we replaced you a LONG time go.

Well guess what, i think they are great people

They're both scum

Shitty part of Chicago actually, less white than anything, hence my dislike and avoidance of black people, but I don't randomly blurt out "HAHA FUCK NIGGERS xD" when it wasn't topical.

What are you, some sort of faggot or something? Jesus fucking Christ, man... Get it together.

Kek, while I agree with you I am afraid this just isn't how America works anymore.

Tennessee was the most racist state I ever worked in. The people would call black people niggers to their face and the black people didn't say shit back. I know Memphis is a chocolate city but this was in the east of the state. I find most racist people are scum of the earth and nothing I want to have anything to do with. At least you might be able to buy some pot off a hood nigger the best you will get off a racist white hick is a bad odor and mindless hate.

For different reasons though

>nigger thinks he is a jew
I'm actually amused

>Well guess what, i think they are great people
That's fine. Make your own decisions about your own life. Just don't force that choice on me and the rest of society.

>t. the words of a lily white liberal faggot whose probably never encountered a real nigger before just almost white black upper class blacks

I'm guessing you don't anything at all but complain on Sup Forums.

So you stopped in the middle of nowhere where people who are potentially ignorant (since you describe them as hicks) bond over their own identity via dumb bants about hating niggers when they probably live somewhere with a couple of black families at the most if at all.

Sounds to me like you're overreacting over people who are really harming nobody because their "racism" has literally no effect on the lives of black folks.