Really catalyzed my cashews

Really catalyzed my cashews

wtf i want to give the chinks money now

Hey guys its almost like propaganda isnt real

Sucks that they all hit the same place.


First the heretics are hit with water, next time its a volcanic eruption.

>100 year storm
who the fuck said that, cat 4s and 5s happen fairly often all things considered.

Now the amount of devastation Katrina caused from damaged levies was a much rarer event

Mfw people don't realize it's all really about aging infrastructure and cheap housing

Sandy was in fucking Jersey, does this guy not know how storms work?

Who called them 100yr storms?

Or, ya know, we don't have a deep enough data set to establish patterns of hurricanes.

the media lies! shocking!

From what I remember, the levees weren't designed to handle a storm that strong. Also, who thinks building a city under surrounding water levels is a good idea?

6 Million year storm...

Let's just ignore hurricane Andrew in 1992 because it didn't impact niggers as much I guess.

Should've hired us to engineer your levees.


My wife's son was at Sandy and it's despicable you virgins say she wasn't murdered by an autist just go to sleep already


that shit wasn't even remotely bad. yankees are so fucking gay.

we did after our fuck ups fell apart

They didn't, the ground sunk after it was built.

>who thinks building a city under surrounding water levels is a good idea?
That would be the French

Oi vey! We better start a carbon stock market goys! That will cure everything cha ching!

Nah. It was due to government corruption.

My parents lived in New Orleans a decade or so before Katrina, and everyone knew the levies would break in a decent size storm but the government wouldn't fix or reinforce them because they wanted to line their own pockets instead.

Everyone knew they were fucked but they voted in people because "at least they are honest about being corrupt."

Hey fuck off Sandy knocked down one of my sections of fence....I had to rehang took four screws...FOUR I TELL YOU!!!

If we weren't handing everything to welfare niggers and were actually focused on improving this Congo tier shithole maybe we could've updated the levees and the damage wouldn't have been as bad


>A 100 year flood doesn't mean what he thinks it means
Imagine broadcasting your stupidity this loudly.

There's a reason they call New Orleans the sinking city. They fucked up early on in n'arlans development but just decided to keep fucking building rather than move everyone out.