I hope the Texas hurricane spares all the cute, nice Latinas.
I hope the Texas hurricane spares all the cute, nice Latinas
I think it would be so hot to have all 5 of those girls bouncing on my cock
Me in the middle.
>have all 5 of those girls
Canadians have really levelled up their shitposting.
yes no yes no no
Underrated post
>a group of brown qts will never bully and beat you till you cum and cry in pain.
Why even live? ;_;
Compliment the latinas all you want, texan. They are still never going to fuck you.
That guy's life is suffering. Waking up in a cold sweat late at night in a regular basis.
I guarantee it.
Poor whitey is getting outbreed
Whitey will never know what is it to have a numerous family
This ugly bitch again.
I agree: he probably is subjected to those girls constantly dressing in the cutest clothing ever, but he can't even flirt with them cause they are all related to him in some way.
They are clearly of Spanish decent.
Also, cute girls usually hang out with other cute girls.
Imagine the "sleepovers" with scantily clad cute teenagers running around the house giggling but all you have left is your overweight hag of a wife.
>gee daddy I know that Anita had her sleepover yesterday and Lucia is having her's tomorrow so you HAVE to let me have mine today!
>We reeeeeally have to get together to figure out the outfits we will wear for the dance competition next Saturday and iron out the last details of our routine!
>We could really appreciate if you and mom played the audience tonight and gave us your honest opinion. Carmen was saying it looked too slutty...
He probably jerked his hands to a stump by now.
Dangit leaf
God damn
These girls are actually from south texas so they will be spared.
Thank God
Super rare fpbp maplenigger
i thought she was sieg heiling
could've backed that up with a picture of nice cute latinas
When you scream I poppi, and it is.
Reminder that this bitch fucked some gang member, had his kid and he left her ass.
Now she is a degenerate single mother.
>people worship this cunt