All of you "men" that are against acknowledging that transwomen are women are just insecure about your fragile masculinity. I bet deep down many of you want to smash your feeble masculinity once and for all and live as pretty girls x
All of you "men" that are against acknowledging that transwomen are women are just insecure about your fragile...
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how can a man have beautiful smooth skin like that?
is that pic you OP?
my dream
It has nothing to do with masculinity my dude. It's plain biology: you have a dick? Man! You have a cunt? Woman!!!
Most trannies who take care of themselves have skin like that
Believe me, hormones alone don't do that at all. They help only a little. Never that much.
You have to care for your skin /a lot/
t. tranny
Also, tell us more.
$5 moisturiser will get you the same effects. Their bigger issue is that shaved hair comes back twice as tough to remove over time.
I've had sex with trannies m8. If they are passable, I even taken them on public dates. It's still gay as shit, though, and their illusion runs against the clock.
Im confident "trans"men and women are so fucking insecure they need drama in their life
who else would realize they are a woman or man at 20+ years old, its so fucking stupid i dont know what to say
Youre not a woman, get triggered faggot.
>t. tranny
I'm really starting to think that those who claim that Sup Forums is full of self-hating shitskins and trannies are right.
How about this.
People are free to like whatever the fuck they want.
If you like transwomen? Fine.
If you prefer natural born women? Fine.
If you straight up like men and like cock? Fine.
Let's stop judging each other.
Live and let live.
But user how can boi pussy be gay? It's got pussy in the name.
You have a dick? Man! You have a cunt? Married man!!!
fuck off
show some proof the digits have spoken
Also white South Brazilians and Argues.
did you feel gay and degenerate after you sucked them off?
Some people clearly don't like being reminded of who they are inside. Do you feel manly, telling me to fuck off and running to another thread where nobody will hurt your feelings?
what the fuck is wrong with your dick, dude?
An important part of transition is getting your hair removed permanently, most often through laser hair removal for darker thicker hairs
And electrolysis for the thinner blonder ones.
Better a tranny than a shitskin
I don't have enough money to get the skincare products and hair removal sessions, sadly.
I'm not a hairy shit, I use an epilator pretty much everywhere (most of the time)
i don't like woundpucci. feminine penis shouldn't be cut off. boipucci is good enough
zing. nobody can argue with this one. the fall of western civilization is due to it
correct pronouns please bigot
dude is genderneutral tho
>Let the fags do their thing
>GRIDS ensues
>Remove rights amidst wild increase in pedophilia and other degeneracy
>Fag war now
post boipucci
just reminding everyone that it's not gay if her penis is locked in chastity.
putting fins on a dog doesn't make that dog a fish
Nigga it's gay
Are you at least passable or do you look like a disgusting hairy faggot?
I have the stomach flu right now and things that come with it, boipucci is probably hurting a lot from wiping, so not looking nice
Nope, just not in favor of rejecting reality. These people are suffering from severe delusions. They need help. Pushing them to embrace their delusion is no better than telling a schizophrenic that their hallucinations are real, and society should not be in the business of using mentally deranged people as political props.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
That ultra emasculation is super hot, as I think about what the Jew has reduced the white man to. Will you continue to tumble down, white man?
OP is a faggot kys.
I'm at least passable.
Plenty of people go 'maam' without knowing me.
I do have facial feminization surgeries coming up very soon (sept 11 and in november) that'll make me entirely passable
No Y chromosome = no male
You can "Identify/Assign" yourself whatever you want but in the end your still not male., your just a wannabe.
>that shaved hair comes back twice as tough to remove over time.
>It has nothing to do with masculinity my dude. It's plain biology: you have a dick? Man! You have a cunt? Woman!!!
The simple truth
All trannies like me know about our chromosomes. It's not like you can actually look at a tranny and see her chromosomes.
Hormone Replacement Therapy.
Let me get real sciency here you disgusting waste of human flesh.
Y chromosone? YOU'RE A FUCKING MAN!
mods do your fucking job
Can confirm it's bullshit.
>muh pedofile muh pedofile and gay men! look at all the gay men raping boys. didn't all your male friends get raped? pedofile! pedofiles!
more jamals, pedro, and mudslimes rape little white kids daily than"""""""""""gay""""""""" pedofiles do yearly.
none of you trash actually give a fuck about kids. if you did then you wouldn't allow a bunch of spics and niggers to take over the country and murder, abuse, and commit genocide against them.
As well if you have a Y chromosome your a male. You can dress yourself up however you like and "Identify/Assign" yourself as something else, but in the end your male, and just a wannabe something else.
So long as they keep all homosexual crap off TV out of schools and off the News I am ok with this.
>It's not like you can actually look at a tranny and see her chromosomes.
You can actually see the male features
I'm against self-harm.
Where did you find the glasses that let you see people's chromosomes?
Nobody needs to know your chromosomes unless you have something like cancer
the dick makes it better tbqh
In most trannies no
>no significant other
>still locks dick up
why op? thats fuckin sad.
When I look at a tranny I see a sad pathetic mutilated man. kys
Kill yourself.
No they aren't. Do you not understand how hormones and genetics work?
I love when straight men fuck my little boy pussy. As long as you're thing, have feminine features any guy will fuck you. It's okay to do it on the DL and let those primal urges out on wanting to fuck everything
You're literally retarded because you can't see our 'mutilation' unless we're naked
And even then you can't see the difference from a born woman
All males wish to be females. It is what creates the drive for achievement, competition, and misogyny. We do those things to fill the emptiness inside of not being female. It was the lying jew (((Freud))) who created the meme of Penis Envy. The reality is the opposite.
Most are not "passable", and even the ones that are, like theryn Meyer, you can still see it if you pay attention.
Trust me, my country's MSM Pushes that shit on us since the 80's.
Most /are/ actually so passable you don't even notice them because you think they're biologically females
I know about trans people. I am trans. I know more perfectly passing trannies than ugly nonpassing ones
Trust me, I'm trans, I know more about ths than you
Holy shit a dickless faggot , kill yourself faggot ! Just do it !!
Tranny, CD, or just a smooth twink boi?
Being completely hairless, young, and wearing eye makeup is usually good enough for me to put my dick in their mouth.
Maybe your idea of passing is different from his. Post pics to prove your point.
>I know more about ths than you
Check my flag
The only ones who can compete against my shit hole in degeneracy is Sweden.
You can't hide big ol thick manly hands, your Adam's apple and all the rest.