>not a single Christian thread

Sup Forums is a Christian board, atheist BTFOOOO

Other urls found in this thread:





stop larping will you, nobody is interested anymore


Why do you get so invested in a board that's satire?

Bump Lets Make Sup Forums Christian Again

Sup Forums has always been Christian.

>believing in a god
>pic related
>god made man in his image
>degenerates everywhere
Your god is fucking shit

Emo teens like you snap out of it eventually don't give up, it's your single moms fault bro, she let he internet raise you.

shut up makhmood & your taquia go back to your ISIS safe space

I think we should stick to christian values but actually believing in a god in just stupid.


>being a christcuck

The existence of a monotheistic God/Creator is self-evident. How else all of this exist?

Good goy.

Monotheism is retarded.

Donkey fucker

Look how that turned out in Sweden

Are you fucking retarded you fucking christfag?


>lives in india
>implies that sweden is a bad country

be an hero faggot

Whate are you an Assholeaethist or a parasaticpagen ?

Grow up user.

There is no other valid theory when you explore the science. This universe shouldnt exist. Matter, subaomic particles exist why? This xyzt space we navigate shouldn't exist. Humans and all life on earth shouldn't exist, yet here we are with a consciousness and free will. It is self-evident to anyone older than 15.

They're just pretending. It's like these jews that hate muslims and commies, they of course hate them because they are gentiles but they also see them as useful idiots or pawns on their chessboard

And this proves the existence of the christian god how?



I don't know see what's pretend about any of that.

shut the fuck up you covard can't even show your flag
> india is a developing country the standard of living & the crime rate has reduced over the past 10 years so has the mortality rate. In the state of karela the infant mortality rate is the same as that of U.S.A .India will rise as a strong nation because people have a will to survive
> compare to sweden where people have no will to survive the crime rate has risen . They have no morals


I'm arguing for the self-evident nature of our creation. I know this is difficult for your teen brain to process, but this first step is crucial to your future.

If your Christian faggot God exists he's a massive fuck up then. Also,

are you Christian?

Pol is about politic and world news that why there is not Christian thread because there is no point and the board isn't your you are just a visitors and users


>fuck up

So the crucifix is a 'symbol of Saturn' because it can fold into a cube, and a cube is like a hexagon with lines drawn on it?


God loves you son, accept Christ before it's too late.

>The universe is inherently chaotic
>Free will is idiotic and invalidate the entire religion
>the human body if created and not evolved is so poorly designed the Supreme Kike would've been given a "you tried" star, at best


>fucking emo teen
>raised by a single mom
>your teen brain
I'm starting to think you're projecting.



Muslims will never become Christian, and when they do it's taqiyya. The only righteous course of action is to expedite them to hell.


Why is Christianity the "truth"?
>inb4 hurr durr cus it is
pls no arguments like that, Im honestly curious why you believe in christianity.

the old and new testaments predicted the future with almost perfect accuracy.

I'd like to see those prophecies

fuck off kike worshipers

your god is a filthy kike that got raped by aids niggers


>Sup Forums is a Christian board
>checks catalog
>thinks about christian values

just gtfo and never come back you fucking troll.

I accept the Christ but I don't follow Christianity

You live in a world of entrnal doubt you are lost I guess

you're not an Israeli, are you user?
show me your real flag kike

>still a godless heathen
>we evolved from monkeys
>surprised no one has any sense of right or wrong
atheists are little worms, practically animals, definitely not human.

>the messiah would be nailed to wood
>he would come to earth but denied by his own
>the son of god mentioned throughout the old testament
>exact date predicted
>the 2nd temple would be destroyed
>the jews would be scattered across all lands without their own homeland

In general, people choose to.
It's also quite difficult to explain the origins of the New Testament without any actual miracles. Was it all a strange conspiracy? Why did they come up with it? Especially since many Christians were prosecuted.

you worship a kike and you call me a kike? lmao

the mental gymnastics that Sup Forumscucks go through to rationalize the fact that they worship a kike are amazing

>the messiah would be nailed to wood

I have one question. Why were the Jews/Israelites/whatever the "chosen people" who had the covenant with God? Why didn't God extend the covenant or whatever to all peoples until the New Testament?

I don't think they worship Him for His race.


>we evolved from monkeys
>surprised no one has any sense of right or wrong
I'm not, that's exactly why degeneracy is so rampant, we're just apes.


Here's what Christ really looked like.

on the other hand picrelated
how do i consolidate these feels

>the messiah would be nailed to wood
>he would come to earth but denied by his own
>the son of god mentioned throughout the old testament
>exact date predicted
>the 2nd temple would be destroyed
>the jews would be scattered across all lands without their own homeland
There's a theory that christianity was created by the Flavian dynasty and there's very good edvidence for it.
All of the stuff listed had already happened by the time the verses of the new testament had been collected and gathered into the bible.
>the messiah would be nailed to wood
There is no actual proof that Jesus was ever nailed to wood nor even existed so I honestly believe that statement doesn't really hold any solid ground.
Forgot to mention it was Titus who was part of the Flavian dynasty which destroyed the holy temple and created the jewish diaspora by selling them into slavery.

I'm not Christian, but yeah show me your real flag, I'm actually curious if you're a jew or not.

You can't. If you're a Christian you're a coalburner of the soul.

Because of the jewish heresy and the jews broke the covenant so God cursed them until they return back to him but they continued following thier sick talmud instead of God teachings

These kikes (like the french teen) and saracen must be converted.
Glad to hear user, stay safe. I know a few indian Christians who've missionary there. Its dangerous to openly share your faith.

By abandoning the foreign semetic shit forced on your ancestors, obviously.

But why were the Jews specifically given the covenant in the first place? Why not all of humanity?

>using a hoax image
you can't be this stup..

oh wait, you literally worship a kike zombie which his father invented the universe after having butt sex with a ghost, you are obviously dumb enough to believe anything

Hermes Thrice

Christianity is Platoism for the masses.

>worshipping a kike on a pike
The ultimate bluepill

>no critique of christianity as a religion or what it stands for
>only critique for christianity is character assassination
>israeli filenames
Yep, definetly a jew

What is it with these vaporwave conservative pics?

To set up a unique system of government and worship that would be capable of predicting and recognizing the Messiah.

Atheists are politically correct weak subhumans who destroyed modern society's morals.
Most of them were influenced by Reddit.

If the Greek spelling of Nero Caesar (Neron Kaisar) is transliterated into Hebrew (nrwn qsr), the numerical equivalent is 666

Little Caesar Pizza (The Masonic Secret/Answer to Cicada3301) voat.co/v/pizzagate/1984923 (comment by Jacob Rothschild)

Home Alone Little Nero Pizza youtube.com/watch?v=GcOsVzSOqoQ

Note the sign says “No Fiddling”

“Little Nero Fiddled, while Rome Burned"

Little Caesar eats Pizza with a fork... s3-media1.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/cECAjSc3uVSqmT_qs5f5JQ/ls.jpg

2011 Pizzagate Origin Palin, Trump discuss 'potential candidates' over pizza in New York edition.cnn.com/2011/POLITICS/06/01/palin.trump/index.html

Pizzagate 2011: Donald Trump Explains Why He Ate Pizza With A Fork! carbonated.tv/entertainment/pizzagate-2011-donald-trump-explains-why-he-ate-pizza-with-a-fork

Little Caesar Caesarion Son of Caesar and Cleoptra (ISIS) “Chosen by Ptah” Ptah God of Architects and Craftsmen

Known as Isa in Islam. Muhammed, is a French Corruption of Baphomet some speculate...

Tekton has been mistranslated from Hebrew as carpenter, it actually means Architect.

In The Matrix… Neo meets The Architect.

“Besta Pizza” In Hebrew the number of the beast is 666 In Greek the number of the beast is 616

Pegasus Museum has “616” Kids imgur.com/a/3NFxA

The Cover Of “Behold a Pale Horse” by William Milton Cooper images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51CQ2E5x4yL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg

Illuminati Playing Card Death Mask s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/98/5d/b8/985db824856d4d1d8050a212ac87ce6d.jpg

Illuminati Playing Card Death Unmasked s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/bb/67/84/bb6784c4fc1fde74db16de08f28f42e2.jpg

The books of the NT were finished by 95 AD; 26 of them were finished by 69 AD.

So, no.

that could just as well have been a semite actually, and chances are, he probably was one

Det är f a s h w a v e
stor skillnad

Archive please
>edition cnn com/2011/POLITICS/06/01/palin.trump/index.html

>wait a minute, you don't worship my jewish god that I learned from this jewish book written by jews? jew shill!!

ahahaha, dumb kike worshiper

Jacques De Molay is lauded as The Second Messiah because he was of the grail bloodline and a very noble man. We shall return to him in just a moment.

Now we have learned Little Caesar is in fact the biblical Jesus and escaped to India and became Buddha and also according to Thomas Aquinas as an avatar of The Peacock Angel, we have learned The Jews didn't killed Jesus and in fact Israel is one of the only places where followers of The Peacock Angel are not persecuted as Devil Worshippers. Another faith there holding high position in society is The Druze, let’s look at who they follow

The Druze faith incorporates elements of Islam's Ismailism, Judaism, Christianity, Gnosticism, Neoplatonism, Pythagoreanism, Hinduism

The Druze faith is a monotheistic and Abrahamic religion based on the teachings of high Islamicfigures like Hamza ibn-'Ali Ibn Ahmad, Al-Hakim bi Amr Allah and global philosophers like Plato, Aristotle, Socrates.

Hold on! Plato?

That brings us back to Little Caesar!

Socrates taught Plato… Who taught Aristotle, who was the teacher of Alexander The Great.

Now Alexander The Great, was a relative of Cleopatra… Who we know was the mother of Little Caesar.

He carried a specific quirk in his Pax6 Transcriptor (genetic coder for Eyes and Pineal Gland) which resulted in Heterochromia Iridium (otherwise known as, different coloured eyes)

Jesus was a Semite, yes. A Hebrew. Tribe of Judah. Through both parents.

This same very unique genetic quirk, is also responsible for the development of ocular coloboma, the mark that many of the elite carry… Such as our friend Jacob Rothschild (mentioned above) and also… Madeleine McCann.

The Cleopatra Line is a B Bloodline. Caesar is an A Bloodline

Ramasses is thought to have B Blood… He is also a relative of The Rothschilds.

In the film Alien Ark Of The Covenant… There is a poem inscribed on a statue entitled Ozymandias

The poem is about Ramasses…

The House Of David… Is The Tree Of Knowledge.

Which brings us back to Jacques De Molay, who was crucified in a Doorway for worshipping a Cat and The Messiah…

It wasn’t the Jews who crucified The Messiah… It was The Roman Catholic Church vid.me/3RKtS

Go LARP elsewhere Mohammad.

So he probably looked more like a middle easterner not a nordic man in a third reich propaganda poster

>Sup Forums
>Christian board





Jesus was Aryan Jew aka son of Cleopatra and Ceasar (B- + A- blood)

Absolutely. Short hair, olive complexion, beard, the works. Nothing special to see.

Nothing that would draw people to him through his looks.

LARP elsewhere, Achmed.

Full damage control

Short hair, beard, olive complexion, nothing to draw people to him visually.

Checks out.