Why are women so fucking stupid?
Why are women so fucking stupid?
Because you men are stupid. You're too busy fighting wars over the size of your dicks instead of enjoying life in peace like we women do.
>be woman
>get raped
>fighting wars over the size of your dicks instead of enjoying life in peace like we women do.
If you would stop being hypergamous whores and have kids like we want, no one would fight over their dicks. You are not blameless.
Disgraceful. You men have no respect for anything.
women are simple and naive beings who use emotions instead of reason
It's hard to respect the willfully incompetent when the only thing they aren't incompetent at is whining.
Emotionally and mentally stunted at 12 years old by our society and culture.
>be woman
>be woman
Just prove my point
all women hate each other
>men are like....soooo deep dude
>we think about like...WAR and stuff!
Spotted the homosexual virgin.
One of my favorite things to do is exaggerate sizes of stuff to women. For example, I'll tell them that something 6or so inches is actually a foot and a half, or something that is 5 lbs is actually 15, something 20 yards away is 100 so on and so on. I almost NEVER get questioned or called out. It's hilarious. They have no sense of scale
>only 1 picture of an actual war
Ameritard education as its finest.
Ok, so your point is that women are stupid and everyone knows this, but get over it and just fuck them, otherwise you're a homosexual.
Okay, fine.
This girl knows instinctually what you peasants will never understand - consoleshit is all the same
Or they are nonconfrontational and rather than argue about shit they dont care about accept or ignore errors
OP's mom loves to eat black cocks
No. My point is that you're a pretentious twat that has probably never even met a significant amount of women, let alone all of the women smarter than you. So all you can do is post some dumb generalizing image on the internet to try and make yourself feel better about your unremarkable intelligence.
There are just as many stupid men(read: this entire board) that spend most of their time fantasizing about anime, video games, and stupid fucking television shows and other dumb shit. Most everyone is like that. That you think men are some awesome freethinking supersex just makes you a retarded virgin that has never met a marginally intelligent woman(very likely because you aren't high quality enough to actually meet women in more intelligent fields).
So yeah, you're a pretentious faggot.
Okay, let's say all men disappear just like that.
Who's maintaining your sewers?
Who's maintaining your roads?
Who's paying for your subsidies?
Who's building your cars?
It is thanks to the efforts of men that women can live in peace. Remove men, and you remove the peace.
Then what? Women will take over responsibility?
Women have shown utter incompetence in the realm of responsibility.
Not a single team of women succeeds at anything but failure.
The only exceptions to that are their own children. Which you women no longer have.
And those of you who do, can't afford to be their mothers. Too expensive thanks to all those costs which women are enjoying for free, courtesy of men.
And what do we get for our hard labour?
>"lololo beta virgins lol you're so lame"
>"haha you have absolutely no respect for us you stupid mongs haha"
>"we don't owe you anything you filthy pervs"
So when we check out of society and take not a single woman with us, what are you going to do? Or rather, what are you already doing?
Pic related.
They blame all of their self-created problems, all of the cancer they spout from their own gob, all of society's costs which they themselves voted for AND CONTINUE TO VOTE FOR, on men.
Like I said.
It's hard to respect the willfully incompetent when the only thing they aren't incompetent at is whining.
Tits or gtfo
Oh shit, wrong board
they never had to think before the last 100 years. theyre not used to it yet
You're fuckin stupid
>You're too busy fighting wars over the size of your dicks
Remind me again which gender is the one who judges the opposite gender's appearance the most?
Honestly this. Glad to see I'm not alone here.
Spotted the woman
>implying I'm wrong
go out with a group of men to a bar and have some drinks, at first you'll talk about casual stuff like sports and shit but you'll soon realise that men will also talk about politics, world events, history, the future,...
go out with a group of women and 99% of the conversations will be gossip and topics related to personal relations between individuals
So you're literally comparing the intelligence of bar skanks and dadbod wastrels and saying dadbod wins because they tend to vocalize their rudimentary, insignificant opinions on world politics while drinking when women tend to discuss more vapid but practical things.
You're a fucking idiot. You're selectively forgetting every single dumb virgin on this board that OBSESSES over anime, anime girls, "cute girls being cute", video games, sports, "tfw no gf :(", and all sorts of other stupid shit. You're just trying to remember these "deep" things because you don't actually have any close female friends and have never had an extended conversation with them.
>you don't actually have any close female friends and have never had an extended conversation with them.
Wrong. You're a woman who's trying to save face for your traitorous feminism bullshit. Time to kys
This girl is clearly a retard but don't group us all in with that bs.
Fuck off nongaming whore
>assumes I'm white
>assumes I'm a woman
>be a babymaking machine bcuz race lol u don't matter just pop out babies
You're going to win a lot of women over with that, autismo. Maybe white women would be having more babies if you guys weren't such autistic basement dwelling retards demanding that they submit to your low quality virgin ass.
Maybe the problem isn't all white women but also low quality virgin males. Not even "maybe", it legitimately is a problem.
>retarded enough to own a console
>buys a game for the wrong one
tits or gtfo
I'm a guy. My long time girlfriend is a geologist and researcher. She is smarter than you, guaranteed. Smarter than most of this board, and more capable. All you have here is gullible faggots that believe insanely stupid shit because they want to, read some pretentious philosophy shit and try to pretend like they're an authority.
So yeah, it pisses me off to hear you dumb faggots talk about how "men are all better", because they aren't. Most of you are fucking retarded bottom feeders and anime loving virgins. That's why you come here, to anonymously declare your superiority since in real life you are such a pile of shit that you would be laughed into exile.
Time to do something better with my time.
Honestly, I think about a real family woman a lot. I have this continuous fantasy that when I'm an adult, although some consider me an adult at 18 but I'm talking about me with a business degree and a good job. I marry a beautiful woman and we're playing with our first born daughter in the snow inside a forest dragging her by a sled which I built. My wife then whispers to me and says that she's pregnant again which will become our first boy.
I also think about Htiler.
They aren't socially validated for being clever so they don't bother.
Post a pic of your female dick
Hell is for ever!
If men were already retarded walking sacks of flesh women are 2x times those qualities because they don't need to be or act like men, evolutionary speaking ofc. Everyone is different as paradoxical as it is
Kek, all this LARPing is hilarious. I can tell you will be lucky to flip burgers and knock up some meth-infested cunt.
Does it trigger you that "libtards" like me already have families, children of my own and 6 figure jobs? Sad to see kids like you ruin their lives by spending their formative years on Sup Forums. The shame your parents must feel is unfathomable.
How the fuck do you play a fucking console? It doesn't make any sense. It's just like saying "I'm about to play a computer".
That's a fucking major mistake coming from what I'm assuming is a native English speaker.
t. roastie
obligatory reading for everyone ITT
Poooor kitty.
We need to save him from this level of retardation.
You really need to stop trying to use anime as an attacking point on a website dedicated to anime in general across all of it's boards.
I also love when shills pull the "you're a virgin" card.
>implying I haven't had sex
>implying I don't routinely turn down one night stands because I don't care about sleeping with people
>implying "lol no vagina 4 u loooozer!!1" is an arguement
Get fucked, faggot.
If you actually managed to have a meaningful conversation with a women, you're either extremely lucky and found the exceptional intelligent women, or you are equally as much of a brainlet as a women. If you find yourself in a conversation with a women about politics or anything significant, and you are agreeing with her, you should just kys.
You're proving OP's point by shitting up this thread.
Can you post again.
English this time, not moronic.
>anime loving virgins
>shitting on anime
>shitting on virgins
Spotted the redditor.
Hi Jennifer
Games are for children dipshit.
an old friend of mine had a girlfriend/wife he always claimed was so much smarter than both of us because she got a fuckin masters degree in accounting. we are both software engineers of several years. she once claimed she didn't want to pick him up from my house instead of his because she was worried about getting lost, even though i lived like a mile away from him on a major street and she had GPS and a cell phone.
my friend was the ultimate beta, she wound up leaving him for someone else that she openly proclaimed to hate. all she was good at was lying in bed, getting fat, and talking shit about all his friends.
>he says while posting on a political board
Wow, no I don't bear any anger or triggering towards you. I almost feel bad for you. You're so brain washed and must have such a mundane and boring materialistic life.
>I can tell you will be lucky to flip burgers and knock up some meth-infested cunt
I'ts very unfortunate that you think so and you must be a very sad person to feel joy out of other people misfortunes, I wasn't really going to brag but I'm in the top 20% of students in my business school and won't quit.
I also work in labor during summer so if the impossible happens which is me dropping out I will work as a construction builder or painter.
I'm 18 and I've already found something to live and die for, my nation, family and western civilization. My meaning will only increase after starting my own family.
>implying women are peaceful
You never saw a woman in your life then.
>Likes geology so projecting.
>Saw an ugly nerd in his classroom "my waifu".
>Starts LARP of poor quality
All I'm saying is that men are retarded, useless walking sacks of flesh and women are an augmented expression of those qualities(more useless and retarded) because they're a lagging evolutionary phantom that doesn't require to be as man.
If man is weak the woman is weaker. If man is strong the woman is less strong. So in a sense everyone's at fault for modern women's downfall.
>many swedes come off as female
>life in peace like we women do.
EVERY fucking woman leader in the world was either mentally ill or a WHORE that caused a war or conflict
>see Trojan War
Basically, you say nothing that cannot be resumed in one simple sentence.
"Males lead in bad and good".
Quite a feat of retardation.
shaming attempts from shills is part and parcel of living on Sup Forums, you will get used to it.
keep on going for your dream and don't waver.
>is the source of all drama and chaos on the planet
>"lyke omg u guiz, women are so peaceful
>"If only women were leaders, there would no more conflicts." - some feminist
I'm pretty sure this is a slide thread. I don't go around talking about how shit men are, so I assume you guys don't do the same to us. Which means that this thread is simply here to make us attack each other instead of discussing things more important than identity politics.
>shes smarter than u guys cause accounting
wtf. Software engineers have higher IQ than accountants on average.