New uber CEO is anti trump

Was this the plan all along?

Uber drivers are fucking retarded. They basically donate a multi-thousand dollar vehicle to a corporation for the opportunity to make much less than minimum wage. Like who even is that dumb?

What if he pretended to be anti Trump so they would hire him? Just look at that google memo guy that got fired.

> Get turned down by all the women you offer the position to.
> Respond by hiring a man to stone them

Wrong image reee

Just so you know, based Kendrick was Jewish

He still owns Uber just stepped down because he fucked everyone in the company and fat feminazis got jelly

They dont keep like 70% of the $30 i pay them?

I never understood how Uber became so successful

>can easily be replaced by lyft or the bus

I drove uber and yeah thats the cut. It isn't bad when you consider that you set your own hours or if you're just out running errands its an easy 20$ if you turn on your app.

It's not like half their drivers arent already muslims handing out pamphlets and trying to convert people.

Publisher of New York Times

Persian... figures.

Uber is the greatest invention of all time. I got the most pussy and drugs of my life when driving thru the Miami and LA nightclub scene. I also made almost 500 a day Ubering round the clock in NYC for a month when I badly needed money

They don't have access to minimum wage.
Have you ever heard of labour market and outsiders?

I hope Uber dies in the short run.

I Wish Dinesh D'Sousa would fuck off

Wow suddenly I don't want to use Uber anymore

all, pay by your car.

aside from who cares? + people dont want to deal with uber's drama. lyft is better anyway

>Used Uber 3 times for work
>nigger drivers every time
>deleted the app and got a car rental instead.

Fuck Uber

That has to be one of the suggest self depictions I have seen in a while.

>Democrats in the 21st century are the same as the southern democrats.

Why does the alt right believe this?

too bad for you.
He's gonna stick around beating your head in with actual history until the day he dies.


Taxi companies were such utter shit and so far behind that anything was a better option. I hate Uber but I hate the local cab companies even more.

>t. Urban poltard

Fucking based!


Taxis are driven by mudslimes and pajeets, they're rude and fucking stinky mootherfuckers. Why the fuck would i want to use their services whenever i'm in a murican city.

Well it's time to take a Lyft.