We're winning

We're winning

You're losing

We're in the streets

You're at home beating your meat

We succeed

You fail

We overthrow Trump

Your cheque is in the mail

Other urls found in this thread:


This is silly.

You faggots don't even have jobs. Of course you're in the streets

omg i AM beating my meat. get out of my head!

>we're in the streets

You haven't been thrown out of your parents' house yet.

You don't seem to understand.
We don't even have to be in the streets for you to make fools of yourselves.
Now that it's a weekly thing, it's only a matter of time before you start killing each other because there's no nazis to punch.

>catching felonies and losing your right to vote

stay on the sidewalk kid

indymedia is dead , we have the adress of it`s webmaster , we hunt down niggers like you everyday .

Funny stuff, kiddies.

Nice spacing, Reddit

Not even a coherent rhyme scheme? Come on, if you're going to be the foot soldiers of the villains, at least present yourself with a little dignity. Is this sloppy work what Soros is paying you for?

I've seen my local chapter
small prepubescent kids, landwhales or fat chinese and white dudes
literally a non-threat, especially after seeing the 3% and SOO chapters here



A Fucking Leaf

>Your che(ck) is in the mail.
Lol at least I make money and have a job that allows me to support myself.

common man, you leftist are as stupid as the right wing, every single one of you arguments is a fallacy, i have never met an anti fascist that actually knows what he is talking about, they only repeat the propaganda,just like their opposition.

>replying to antifa bait
>a leaf no less
fuck you r*ddit, this board is absolute cancer now

>We overthrow Trump


Are antifa actually proud to be thugs and basically a militia for the grand capital ?

>overthrow trump
Yeah good look with attempting to overthrow the strongest military on the world with your matches and signs, kek


Britbong way to spell check.

Rhymes with Kek.

Suck it!

Race differences are real
Sex differences are real
There are only 2 genders
Capitalism basically works
Ethnocentrism is normal
Cosmopolitan elites are all childless
Progressive era is over

AntiCom on the prowl will hunt you down.

Shannon Mallory and Emilie Gillespie

>when you realize wars are fought culturally now, and we're on that cyber grind

the consequences have never been the same

fuck the crypto fascists


isn't Nazis are socialists and antifa are socialists?

Antifa imagine themselves the "real"socialists or communists. AntiCOM will wipe them all out....

antifa are socialists, social democrats, marxists, leninst, trotskyists, maoists, titoists, luxemburgists, some kind of anarchists etc.

you cannot wipe something so decentralized and generic out

>We're in the streets
>Your cheque is in the mail
Antifa confirmed jobless hobos who are jelly of our income.

gonna love killing your kind in the up cumming war

Your friend's whining here


How satisfying is it going to be to round up the commies and meticulously execute them with bullet to the back of their head.

I work in Downtown LA and I see these socialists everywhere. I imagine doing this every day as I see them


Your meter is complete garbage and you should kys for that reason alone

Good. Society needs to die. Please continue.

>antifa: "at this point, were not even trying"


Bragging about beating up a few people with your 4,000. If 4,000 republican's take off work or have to leave the golf club, it ain't gonna be pretty for you niggers and kikes.

>all this projection
How many Jews are there in canadastan?

Keep pushing the normies. Thanks bud.



>Your cheque is in the mail
Except you are the ones who are sent cheques by Soros.

You are not winning, it may feel like you are if you watch the msm because they all agree with you but the majority of white people think you are fags and would love to run you over when you are blocking traffic

Zack Samford and all his fuckboi wannabe puck buddies are all nigger loving faggots. I;m gonna find out where your shows are, and come there and fuck you up. Cunts!

Atifags beating up our lord Pepe as a propaganda poster? Are you antifa lefty fags really that retarded?

How have you overthrown Trump if he is still in office

lol antifa can't even see the writing on the wall

your days are numbered. do you really think you can get away with your anarchism?

Oh no... I'm so scared. Try something, pussy. I'm armed.