Manchild Societal Apocalypse

What do we do about the manchild neckbeard pandemic?

I try very hard to keep euthanasia off the table but our watering hole of ideas is almost dry.

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This is why Barneyfags need to be put into gas chambers

I hate them

We make a documentary the emphasizes both red and iron pills and show normies what happens if they become a fatass mlp lover.

>Iron pills

I hate them

>What do we do about the manchild neckbeard pandemic?

You expect this hotbed of Gamergate manchildren to be able to diagnose themselves???


positive eugenics

Something like this

I want to punch that loser so hard in his fucking fat pussy face. What a useless piece of shit. That thing does not deserve to breathe.

War. Bloody, violent urban warfare in every American city and town. That's All that can help.
Or cut off all benefits to every person capable of being a walg Mart greeter or bag boy.

Probably right

Make masculine traits and fatherhood great again!

Being raised by single mothers is what is fucking us over

I really do hate them

>What do we do about the manchild neckbeard pandemic?

manditory military service is a step in the right direction.
no gibz for NEETS is another good one.

>disliking pony
Reddit detected. April Fools was the best day this board had in years, go fuck yourself. Those brave brave horse fuckers protected us from you.

I'm not from reddit you Faggot, stop defending these manchild ogres.

Show us your flag, Redditor.

Neckbeards free up the available women

I'll show you my dick how bout that?

Once all of them join the alt-right, we can euthanize them and the movement at the same time.

>Those brave brave horse fuckers protected us from you.
>brave brave horse fuckers
>horse fuckers
The CIA?


I'm a manchild as well but with that girly shit you just make it worse

I would honestly get these fucks here.
Not only would they stop being cucks they'd be taught social skills and become excellent leaders.

I thought you guys were about freedom of speech
How are bronies directly harming you?


^this is the post of a faggot

Today's bullies are obviously falling down on the job. We'd have tormented that into suicide by 15 in my day.
Time to open a practical bullying academy.

>being this new

If anything the "bullying" aka shaming these tards got only exacerbated their pony fetish.

What these motherfuckers need is a competent father figure (not many exist today, certainly not under my standards) - I bet if anything most bronies were raised by a single mother or where the mother had the most influence.

Let boys go out explore the world instead of putting them in front of a TV.
That would probably solve 90% of the manchild-problem.

they just need to be abandoned in middle of the forest, away from internet and parents protection then they just die or survive to become some respectable man


They're degenerate beings

let it continue because its going to kill israel when there isnt enough labor to defend their shithole state.

>be brown pill
>will literally need a walking stick due to a disease

What is this fucking dota bullshit. Lose some weight fatty

I cant even

how is this even related

>watched barnie when I was 5

I hated sesame street even when I was that age

It has to appeal to the target audience. Make it like K-On! but about a weightlifting team and their coach is also an ultra-nationalist who teaches them the importance of racial purity and not trusting the Jews.

I literally hate them

They've always been there. The internet just gives a more powerful voice to those idiots. Back in tne 90°s they'd be featured in some CBS "quirky" programming during the summer when no one watched. Not the fuck anymore.

India will be the worlds greatest superpower in a few years, mark my words.

You can't even objectively quantify "manchild."
How do you expect to draft policy if you can't even do this?

UTR showed that Sup Forums is full of its own form of "manchild," flippant atrocity advocates.

They look not as ugly in fursuits

fucking hang them

I hate them

I really do

A better society.

I fucking hate them

I hate them

Looks like he's been gorging on the carbs.

We need a final solution to the neck beard question.

>What do we do about the manchild neckbeard pandemic?
In other words, what to do about 80% of Sup Forums?