'I don't recognise my country anymore': British citizens leaving UK because of Brexit amid exodus of Europeans

More than 100,000Brits have already emigrated for a variety of reasons since the EU referendum

>British citizens devastated by theEU referendumresult areleaving the UK to seek a new life abroad as statistics reveal rising emigration.

>Following a report on theEuropean citizens fleeing Britainin what is being dubbed a “Brexodus”,The Independenthas been inundated with messages from Brits saying they are doing the same.

>Cliff James, 44, describes himself as a “Brexile” after upping sticks in October last year and travelling to countries including India, Nepal, Australia, France, Israel and parts of South America.

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Ironically the EU membership has actually made this country less similar to what to was before.

These people dont recognise Britain they only recognise the EU Britain.

Hence good riddence to these culrurally non-Britons.


The EU poofters won't be missed, now we've just gotta make the other undesirables leave.

> Is in favor of UK being flooded with immigrants
> Hurr Durr I don't recognize Britain anymore BECAUSE PEOPLE VOTED TO STOP THE IMMIGRANT TSUNAMI

Brexit happening and then the traitors leaving the country, couldn't be any better.

>The absolute state of British dentistry.

yeah lets see how that go's for ya travelling through wog countries crying about how bad it is in blighty.good fucking riddance hope you dont get murdered yo

>Sheree-lea Fox

What sort of dindu name is that?

The number sounds way to high.

I'm pretty sure they're moving out of Britain due to the Muslim horde and not because "their fellow brits are racists"

UK hasn't even left the European Union yet. The fuck are they talking about?

>“Overnight, it felt like the country had returned to the Dark Ages of ignorance and hatred… I thought about staying and trying to fight this tide, but it felt overwhelming.”

wtf is wrong with these people?

>those teeth

Probably includes many who realize what a dump the UK is and this is their last chance to live somewhere else before the door closes.

The number of people emigrating is probably around 100'000 each year anýway.
>Oh it's caused by the """things we dont like""" haha look the """things we dont like""" are bad!!!

Conquering the west without firing a shot.

It used to be around 300K a year. The flow of brits out has slowed by 2/3rds


this is called the brexit bonus

Well, obviously the number is going to be low if you just let your rotten teeth sit in your mouth your entire life and never get them fixed. All this graph proves is that Brits don't go to dentists.

It's actually amazing how you can convince an entire population to just commit mass societal suicide

>I don't understand statistics: the post

Brits are cucks. They prefer Indians and pakis to white Europeans. How retarded can you be. Hope to get out soon...

Lol England was declining well before the referndum is anything the ref result is a consequence of the decline

Kek... Briton hasn't been this btfo since the Saxons kicked the Romans out

white people, you need to move to u.k. now, all the trash is leaving. Make U.K great again

>and travelling to countries including India, Nepal, Australia, France, Israel and parts of South America
So did this faggot move or just take a vacation? Gtfo

The Romans left on their own

Holy shit your liberals are deporting themselves! So fucking lucky.

That white woman has been


All the marxists (wealth redistribution, white genocide supporters) should go to a marxist country, and stop forcing marxism on other people in their country of birth. I suggest to go to North Korea, it has communism, and no white people. They would love it there.

the usual amount is about 80,000, artificial figure inflation and suggestive title. fuck MSM.

Get to fuck, we don't need them

>1 Grandmother was bombed in her city as a kid by the jerries.
>1 Grandma's brother killed invading Europe WW2
>can trace family back here countless generations
>Through the years and generations, we've been rich, poor, and up and down like a bloody yo-yo
>I'm rich enough to eff off and live abroad

... but bollocks, I'm standing firm on this rain soaked,little shitty island; I love it so much it hurts.

Wew and they said Brexit wouldn't pay off.

its the age of social media and the multi-billion dollar entertainment industry that they grow up on. every fucking twat with access to a twitter account thinks their life is meant to be a grand story that has them beating some great evil and ending in some great celebration of how great they are. the funny part is most of these kooks dont have the stomach to fight past lunch time, as evidenced by all the running away to somewhere "better" or just blaming everybody else for their percieved slights. they all talk about fighting nazis and ending oppression, but if there was WW3 tomorrow to stop the next hitler, every single one of those cucks would be down the doctors office looking for any kind of excuse to get out of the draft so they can sit at home and armchair cheer the people with the balls to actually stand up for something.

tldr fuck liberal social media warriors

>flees a country due to religious intolerance
>the religious intolerance isn't directed towards him at all

shitlib mental processes are bizarre

>undesirables physically removing themselves

>rootless cosmopolitans
>'my' country

Sweden has 1 on average, not because they dont go to the dentist, they do, every year, but we have a culture of taking care of our teeth. Bad teeth is the brightest sign of low class in Sweden. But I also dont like the smiles of americans who have a set of fake teeth, there is no "personality" in it, i prefer a croocked tooth that is clean, over a set of teeth that all look the same.

>"100'000 brits"
Pols aren't fucking British and neither are other EU citizens.

People who could afford to uproot and move to a new country on the drop of a dime uprooted and move to another country.

Obviously the millions of voters who voted for Brexit because they are unable to just up and leave their country when things get to shit are BTFO'd.

>The dude can choose to marry a Danish beauty
>Chooses a UK slag

I think they will lose.

>invite millions of refugees
>ugh this place isn't what (((I))) remember
>move to a country that still has a large white majority
>invite millions of refugees

Hahaha... what a bunch of faggots - get em outta here!

Just goes to show that the ones who didn't want it aren't Patriots and they were likely voting against the best interest of their nation. Fuck em.

this user gets it

Influx of inbred Muslims murdering, raping, pillaging, etc?
I'd fight or leave too.

Congrats on funding a way to get bitchy eurofags to leave your nation.

Love u, dad

just admitt it's because of all the somalis
nobody is going to blame you

The worthless are leaving.
Why are Brits always so fucking lucky?