Illegal hate thread


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She says it like she only just realised this. Did she think the USA would be happy to have her leeching off them?

you act and breed like insects so what did you expect?

If you do not like how ICE treats you..

>Actually caring what a felon thinks about my opinion.
Not even once. Have fun in Mexico.

This thread is legal...?

why wouldn't it be?

I hate how these people believe they are owed the right to stay here, like they want special treatment. Its bullshit that they can come on a visa and overstay their entire lives and think there is nothing wrong with this. I have got no problem with mexicans, but man fuck illegals. I don't want my kids growing up around these people, the way their own parents treat them is like a piece of shit. They want others to baby sit for their kids, and how do they accomplish this? Allot their kids to roam the courtyard at all hours of the night yelling and screaming while their mothers are no where to be found. They just make terrible parents. Are they the main problem? No, I don't they are, I think capitalism as we know it now is an even bigger problem, and is causing this shit to occur.

I hate these people, what the fuck goes in their head that they think its okay to go to country ilegally AND HAVE CHILDREN. Mistakes have consequences, but this is a women we're talking about.

>I hate how these people believe they are owed the right to stay here, like they want special treatment. Its bullshit that they can come on a ship and overstay their entire lives and think there is nothing wrong with this. I have got no problem with aztecs, but man fuck illegals. I don't want my kids growing up around these people, the way their own parents treat them is like a piece of shit. They want others to baby sit for their kids, and how do they accomplish this? Allot their kids to roam the courtyard at all hours of the night yelling and screaming while their mothers are no where to be found. They just make terrible parents. Are they the main problem? No, I don't they are, I think capitalism as we know it now is an even bigger problem, and is causing this shit to occur.

>the pilgrims crossed any sort of national border
>they violated any sort of immigration law
>they leeched off any sort of welfare program established and funded by natives

wew lad that false analogy is something else

Well go get in your time machine, go back to Plymouth Rock and tell them to GTFO then, or have them fill out paperwork to apply for Temporary Religious Refugee status until the Iroquois League can review their application for citizenship.
Stupid motherfucker.

Oh come on man, we live in todays world, they have got nothing to do with illegals. I hate this comparison. The illegals who are coming now are doing it for the $$$, not for some religious freedom. I guess Its fine if you live in luxury away from it in places like Rancho Palos Verdes, but for people living in ordinary cities we have to wade through the shit on our sidewalks because of these people. They don't see this city or country as home, they see it as a dumping around for some other place. No thank you. Keep the illegals way.

Hispanics are honestly the worse than niggers. They manage to act even more entitled than niggers.

OP says it's illegal

To be fair, I don't care if most American citizens live or die.

but i-i don't hate them user i just want them to obey the law, immigration as well as criminal, and i want them not to use welfare that is needed by are fellow black citizens





lol some of these are great!

>They did it for religious freedom and not to get their hands in those sweet new world goods.

You don't even have to kill the locals they die by themselves.

There is a reason why becoming a citizen is a long process, but we allow people entrance into this country, give them drivers licences, jobs when they don't deserve it. Even in the case of DACA, don't believe they are all angels who follow the law, if you go on their forums on leddit, you will see countless people admitting to crimes they have done, and how it had little to no affect on them obtaining access to this country. Fucking ridiculous. Their own country wouldn't allow this to happen, but USA is supposed to? Be happy you are even next to the United States, otherwise you would be another Bolivia.

>immigration only enriches a nation, just look at the Powhatan Confederation today

Some of them i cant even watch. The logic.. It just fucking kills me. Some of the compilations are of just hispanic officers arresting illegals.

Mexico has such a rich and vibrant heritage and culture, why doesn't she want to go back?

The problem it's culture clash, don't pretend that it has something to do with the law.

What government?
Nomadic tribes dont have government or own land

The difference is you want the goods, and then you want to eat your cake too. You bitch and moan for the lack of opportunities in your own country, and then you come to someone elses illegally, and when the country you broke the law to get into tries to enforce the laws in the books, you cry racism and discrimination. You cannot have it both ways. This is the reason why spic countries are in such shit disarray because there are no rule of laws, why? Because your own people allowed it to happen, and now you wanna do it here too, sometimes without even realizing it, no thank you. We are not going to have another Mexico in the United States, there are standards here, and bringing people who don't want that is a bad idea. Your own people take advantage of you by paying your legal fees for their cheap labor here in the states.

The process in becoming a legal citizen isn't even hard. It just takes forever. If a person is illegal, it takes much longer because now you have to deal with the legal issues of how and why the person is in the US in the first place.

The easiest way to get over this is to have a legal citizen represent the illegal. The thing is, illegals come in drove, and their connections are probably with other illegals.

Feels fucking good. My family came here legally, paid our taxes and never used Welfare in anyway. Feels good noting being a societal burden.


While it's true that the vast majority of illegals are coming here for economic reasons, lot are fleeing the violence in their countries. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are shit-tier countries. If you lived there and were dirty poor like 100% of the illegals, you'd run for the border too.
But as for the entitlement that a lot of these folks express, that you can't blame them for. That's what Americans have done, particularly whites. Giving them jobs, driver licenses, welfare, free schooling, free medical, the notion that they are special.......all those come courtesy of whites.
Just look at California. They're about to declare their entire state a sanctuary. Do not blame these immigrants for the craziness that's infected the whole country. Blame yourselves for voting in all the politicians making this possible.

Why doesn't all of South America come and live here? We have plenty of room. Europe has invited all of Africa, so it's only right.

>While it's true that the vast majority of illegals are coming here for economic reasons, lot are fleeing the violence in their countries. Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador are shit-tier countries. If you lived there and were dirty poor like 100% of the illegals, you'd run for the border too.

They do the same shit when they come here. We're not obligated to burden ourselves with shitty people and their shitty cultures.

We don't owe them anything.

thats what happens when youre a criminal

you get treated as such

Ok for some weird reason you think I'm mexican even when my flag it's right here and I live literally on the other side of the flat earth.

That happens because the ultimate goal of this particular witch hunt it's to get rid of amerindians and it has always been.

Just pick your tiki torch and stop pretending that you don't like the fruits of cheap labor.

blame the natives that sold their land for shiney beads

>Mass immigration basically genocided native population
Hey, let's do it again!

You'll be surprised what euros did for shiny things.

This it's the native population we aren't invading scandinavia.

My parents were illegal, they came in through work visa. They spoke perfect english, my father was in IT and my mother is a therapist. This is so vivid in my memory cause of all of these spics. We submitted our form in October of 1998 and they became naturalised citizens literally april first of 1999. Meanwhile my parents were RESTRICTED to not doing anything illegal or be detained etc (like parole), and because their visa expired and the new one was not renewed. They opted to become full us citizens. And while you are applying for citizenship within the u.s. YOU ARE WITHHELD FROM DEPORTATION (unless you do something illegal) like when the fucking cop asks you for id. You give him your expired shit, he checks it, knowing its expired (you could be a felon) and sees you have a 3-30h yadda form filed. Thats about it.. You get a ticket if you did a nono and it counts towards your citizenship. All these shitspics getting deported HAVENT FUCKING EVEN APPLIED FOR CITIZENSHIP FOR EXEMPTION


Big if true.
This thread should go back.

It's conquerors i see. Do you imply those spics are conquerors? Then why do burgers treat them so nicely instead of mowing them down with machine guns like you would do to invading army?

You need to go back

#1 I don't buy cheap shit, ever. The thing with spics in general is that they have LARGE extended families and when one of their family members does not have his or her papers in order, they all defend it tooth and nail. It's retarded and it happens across all of them, from mexicans, to guatamalans to el salvadorans. Again, fuck cheap labor, it will lead to the collapse of society. The idiots that want cheap labor believe in infinity growth, which means it doesn't matter if your family settled here 50 or 60 years ago, they will make your surroundings shit just to make a buck. The saddest part of this is that its the mexicans who are taking advantage of their own people, you think they pay for their legals fees to help them? haha they do it for profit only.

One thing you faggots need to understand is that the powers that be hate white people, why do they hate white people? Not because of their skin color, miho, but because white people have standards. They want a good paying job, they want a big house, with good healthy food, the lobbyists don't want that, so they use these illegals to make that happen. You are telling someone from California that he is wrong about illegals, you need to just shut the fuck up about it already, you really have got zero clue on what life is outside your own spic world.

Have something to say?

Hold on a sec ALT+F4. Your response is not worth a damn, but thanks for reading.


Pilgrims weren't conquerors m8, they almost died on their own, but the good nature of the amerindians saved them, they repayed with thief and murder.

legitimate conquest =/= being an ungrateful leeching spic

fuck off pedro, you can't into analogies

Bet im whiter than you

Kindness? What a bullshit. Siberian asians and american natives that descend from them is one of most cruel, violent and sadistic kinds of human. Their utter disregard for human life seen in central and south america even today, and even intermixing with european people hadnt made them much better.

>they leeched off any sort of welfare program established and funded by natives

The pilgrims were taught how to farm New World crops by natives, used fields cleared by natives. They robbed native graves and storehouses to survive at first.

>the pilgrims crossed any sort of national border

You seriously think that Native American nations didn't have territory?

False: Bees are a welcome sight in America.


>being an ungrateful leech

No doubt about it.

We have the same issue with labor, easy to deport haitians work for lees money than native chileans, so the capitals import them.

But I don't see you fighting those capitals, just the easy to deport people, wich makes their life a lot easier, because they have their boogeyman to stop illegals from complaining, and to prevent more people with citizenship that would have proper access to labor laws.

Wait what?, they are nice as hell and just dance cumbia all day, for some reason you have your facts crossed or you think we have anywhere near russia crime stats.

I mean, modern Natives have have been massively enriched by European technology.

no they weren't and no they didn't. Infact the pilgrims taught the natives how to farm. That's why there was a thanksgiving, after learning good farming techniques they had so much food they couldn't eat it all and to show thanks, gave it to the pilgrims.

Here's your history lesson and your (You)

They really don't give a fuck either. They are doing better by living off the grid.

>OMG, my pwecious wittle heathen twibes!

Change your flag, faggot.

It is what happens when "you" play identity politics (they are a group and are culpable for the actions of others in the group) while shitting out kids as cheap labour
> "They treat us like insects, they don't care if we live or die"
Is the mantra of baby shitters.

People of your political persuasion should be pushing for sovereignty more than simply being a "legitimate" fixture of American hipster culture.
You need political organization and education of the young to do things like reject the likes of Hollywood or MTV implying that they own you.
Then again the "fascist" there is just a Richard Spencer poser. When are you guys going to get serious and start looking into the legal frameworks and genuine political organizing, people organizing?
Rallies are lame.

>Her nipples are hard for him
>He shows his dominance by pointing his finger telling her to go back, cause she cant afford him

The AIRCRAFT is taking me far away
Far away from the memories
Of the people who DON'T care if I live or dieā€¦

Where she gave birth should be held accountable and bankrupted! Traffic cop should be given a medal! I don't understand people who come to a country and then decide they can rape and pillage without getting proper paperwork but try being a Gringo in Shitskinland and they'll LYNCH-MOB you over calling them a stupid-shit-monkey..


>russia crime stats
Funny thing that solid part of them come from people who have eurasian/uralic/siberian admixture and thus genetically somewhat close to amerindians.
But that's not the point. You constantly talk about european colonists fucking natives over despite being welcomed. What we can learn from it? You DO NOT welcome any sort of aliens to you land, you remove them in most effective way possible. Or fate of american natives waits you for sure, this is what history teaches us.

I looked up OP's story and it turns out that this woman has 4 kids but didn't have her shit together enough to have either car insurance or a driver's license at the time of her traffic stop. These are the kind of people that will make up out society in the future thanks to our lax enforcement of immigration laws.

So you guys are saying they will kill us?
Like a white genocide?
Breeding us out?


>Painesville Mom
>not from Painesville
>hiding there illegally
The headline never reads "ICE reunited another family to their home country."

But leftists here ARE happy to have brown people leech off them.

>get pregnant
>get pregnant
>get pregnant
>repeat until your ovaries die and you are collecting thousands a month in free money
Insects indeed.

nice looking titts! I'd abuse the fuck out of them and cum all over her face

Its worse, in mexico we have to sift through the poor and shitty just to get to work. Middle class died.. All of the bums on the street are the ones hitching rides, whats fucked up is how they use women (bajas) to get across, essentially men from the us, fuck the women or a chosen women in the family or group and sneak them over illegally. These arent pretty women either, these are the squanchy faced fatties

Its fucking just like this.

>you remove them in most effective way possible.

Don't worry we know, defeating the iberians wasn't easy but the results of doing so speak for themselves.

You just need to go back, I heard that europe has no problems accepting inmigrants and they just love burgers.


We already killed the Indian enemy.
We already won.
We took the land.

You killed some indians, not all of them, live and learn.


We subjugated the mongrels.
If they rise up again maybe we will fight again.

Actually it's you the mongrel threatening to rise.

Fresh OC

Why is the Conquistador wearing a weird lizard armor?

Natives aren't even making a fuss about Trump. They don't want you spics coming north either.

It's concept art for an animated movie.

Trump hasn't done anything yet.

>you help refugees
>they destroy you and occupy your country

let that be a lesson to us all

What do we have to do to get ICE to check her papers?

Okay and?
You guys gotta stop drinking mouthwash and huffing car exhaust before you guys matter.

They matter to us, you know, the rest of the continent.

an illegal keeps giving me 4 stars on uber. Next time I get him what should I do

Postin in illegal bread

Since you're an Uber driver I guess you can trade stories about what it's like being a foreign parasite in the United States.

Fuck you and the rest of the continent. Everything North and South of the US can fucking burn.

You sound jelly of our freedoms.

she has pierced nipples

They're shit. She's a thot.

Of Chile? Seriously?

>Dis 4 all yall motherfuckas voting 4 trump n shieeeet breaking up families n shieeeeet


Anyone got any more videos of spics getting deported in front of their family/friends?

Wasn't she also driving without a license?

Also, P-Ville.